The Official Unofficial Off Topic Thread

watch this anime. This anime have hype in fighting scenes. I loved it

This is me when I play Dragon Age Origins for 20+ time.

I watched Friendship is Magic during university times when I had nothing to do. It definitely is cute and uplifting and probably the closest thing you could get to something kawaii in the western world (and that’s coming from me, a non Anime watcher). In the later seasons, some adult jokes are thrown in, but usually incredibly tame. They threw in some pandering, but fortunately dropped it after one season. I watched until season 4; always wanted to continue, but didn’t find the time.
But please don’t sperg out over it. Just watch it for what it is and don’t make it the center of your universe and part of your identity. Those handful of hardcore fans is the reason why they will be extra careful with these kind of shows in the future.

If you want some related quality music, check prince whateverer.


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If you can recommend a good anime to me, then i’m listening. I would like to watch a few good one on the next weeks. I’m making a list alredy.

As mentioned, I don’t watch Anime. I heard that one punch man is good and I would be open to it.

My dad started watching Attack on Titans.

So far he’s one season in.

I never saw him watch anime before, any suggestions? He might like to watch something else too.

yeah it’s a basic one. If you watch anime, then you probably watched it. Not the best, but deffinetly not bad. I was prefer mob psycho.

I can’t. That anime is too uniq.
My dad really-really liked Yu yu hakuso.
I think it’s a great anime, but unfortunatly old and the drawning not so good as attack on titans have.

My Hero Academia maybe.

Your father is cool. My would kill me if he finds out I watch anime.

Only anime I liked was the last airbender
But thats officially a cartoon

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Yep, and you can’t find so easily good anime like airbender.

INB4 someone mentions Jojo.

Everybody knows jojo alredy… Everyone like it. This is like saying who needs piddza. Nobody says no.

i don’t, you don’t speak to me, sorry.

You don’t know it? Oh, then you must watch it.

I never said I don’t know it, I do, I don’t like it.

ah, you are that guy. I know every community have a guy who say i don’t like this and try to being uniq and famous by it.
If you really think this, then you lie to yourself. Wich much worse like lying to other people.

You should try to watch it again.

What are you talking about lol I never liked it, it didn’t click with me like you all, I am sorry that you for the first time found somoene who didn’t like Jojo Bizzare Adventures.

Why don’t you have avatar today?

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IDK I just want to.

Today you act differently

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