The Official Unofficial Off Topic Thread

I love pixel art and pixel stuff and you have my fullest support.

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I did some spells today, having a hard time to find something for “Fear” I am this close to finish the voice pack >.<

Just some context for the spells if anyone confused what each spell does specifically:

Ordered via the video:

Scroll of Need: Gives an item specifically depending on the players situation, in the vid the player had no Gold therefore they got a coupon to buy one item for free.

Enchant Weapon Scroll: Gives the current weapon held a Titanium (2 damage), an Obsidian (1 - 3 damage) or a Glass (4 damage, fragile) enchantment, enchantment is randomly selected.

Riches Scroll: Current Coin Multiplier (from 1 to 3) x 50 = Gold

Shield, Fireball, Freeze Scrolls: Self explanatory.

Quake Scroll: Damage all non flying enemies by 1, destroy tiles up to 20 radius, which causes almost all enemies in the floor to become aggressive.

Fear Scroll: All current aggressive enemies move away from the player, including mini bosses and bosses.

Giantism Scroll: Doubles the damage dealt, halves the damage taken.

Transmute Scroll: Transforms all items on floor to a random weapon selected from the item pool, some certain item always transform to something very specific.

Okay, i found this youtube video while i tried to find out why do you watch youtubers. Anyone have this kind of humor? no? no? okay…


Oh please, I have place for stuff like this, but they are unsafe to post on this forum :slight_smile:

Anyways, I fixed some voices today for the Hot Stuff and added a Samuro Bestiary Art for his character selection screen, pretty cool.

I make no money out of this by the way, Carbot is awesome, it was either this image or Samuro’s official HotS art.

Also this will be my last update until Wednesday, probably.


do you mean memehell? send me wich one i’m interested
if you need link for that, then do not do here.

Samisha i have a very good meme idea. It’s more a like making video. A scene from anime and/or from movies and similar stuff, but i would like to remake it through a program.

Do you know any video maker program? I can add subtitle to them, but that’s not enough for the joke. I must to make voice changes at a few scene and at a few scene i have to instert picture too.

and you still didn’t response on the picture what i sent you… It’s okay to share it in the meme topic?

A free video program is not something I know off but you can look up “Free Video Editor Program” or something like that.

In the mean time I use Vegas 15 to edit all my videos.

I am not sure what image you speak off btw.

It’s dosen’t have to be free program

I mean scene. I change a little the scene. You know like with photshop.

Well if you really want so spend a lot of money like I did, go ahead…

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does it looks like this?

i sent the picture on battle net chat. I wrote on you. I think you need a battle net app to see it.

Yes, that’s how it looks like.

I don’t have installed on my laptop though during college times.

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Okay, thanks. I try to collect my thoughts about it.

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I am currently playing Super Metroid, it’s my first time ever. I played Fusion, Prime, Prime 2 earlier and some others just for a few moments. I heard enough times that Super is one of greatest games ever, but I never had a chance to play it before.
And now that I am in it, I have to say that it truly is a masterpiece. The atmosphere is spot on. The music is on point. Gameplay feels fluid enough for beginners and I can imagine that there is enough room for experts to shine. The absolute non-linearity encourages exploring.

I love it. Just as Ocarina of Time blew people away, I can see how Super Metroid achieved the same one console generation earlier.


Can’t play HotS newest patch until tommorow so to waste my time I am destroying my fingers.

I don’t feel them anymore.

There’s a lot of old games I would love to tryb but I have no idea where to start.

OW skins look great

Playing Dnd on saterday

I have a old wooden mug I love

I wish they would bring something more to the table instead of skins every seasonal event.

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Same . Or include ashe for junkenstein.
But they let me down when they promised better summer games and we just had a new stadium for lucioball

Exciting new content.

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The meme where a guy has a idea and gets trown trough the window. Thats how I feel

Great skins! Awesome balance changes! New content?

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I got my Nintendo Switch online. Unfortunately, you have to pay Nintendo for online services, but when you are enrolled, you get to play around 30 NES and 20 SNES titles without further payments. It’s incredibly convenient and I am streaming now my first playthrough, my friends like it.
Other than that, there is always the emulator option. You just need to decide that you want to play a game now and do it. And maybe stop modding a rhythmic dungeon crawler for a moment.

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