The Bad Teammates Vent Thread

That’s funny I remember you because you were heavy, and god awful.

I was climbing to master, just remember some very painful games, and there you were missing skills shots and 1 tricking a hero that you were flat out awful with.

Im glad I carried you out of plat so you feel like you are worth something. It must be nice to have false confidence.

And it was like this, awh crap its RasTrashGhul again, where I will have to double his dmg to have a chance to win.

rofl, you are nowhere near master
how were you carrying me out of plat while I’m higher than you? how’s that even made any sense?
go ahead, hotslogs me like you did to other people

LOL, why would I need to Hotslog you? That isn’t even 100% accurate.

I have played with you before, in many games, I’ve seen your Hanzo, Ive carried it in many games. You aren’t good.

You just wasted my time. Thanks but no thanks, you weren’t the banner, and you were the weakest link on the team.

Heck one time i was in party and every play we made we mocked how bad you are and how you haven’t earned anything in the win. Your Arrow ult, missed everytime, it was embarrassing, and all we could do is laugh at you.

I recognize your name, because of how bad you were. That’s not a good thing, there is a group of us 3 players that make fun of you. You really belong in plat, till you can learn to land skill shots, and learn to macro better. You are a boosted monkey.

isn’t 100% accurate but yet you love to point it out to other people :rofl:
get good huh? isn’t that what you said to other?
how’s your hotslogs compared to mine? :rofl:
the only time I played with plat ppl because I was the banner. Why would you put someone with higher MMR in low plat and not the banner? Maybe you need to read bliz’s content about it
so, you’re telling me you never missed an arrow across the map with hanzo?
fun fact: I’m not in plat :joy:

Correct I have pointed it out to other people that I have not the pleasure of playing with. I have played with you in multiple games climbing to master. My experience playing with you sucked. Just like my experience with you on the forums, where you are a clueless boosted monkey.

You didn’t ban anything, it was either myself or one of my friends that was the banner. You had little to do with the games, besides make us Laugh at your poor play and lack of follow up.

Its okay because we carried you, must have been nice. I should ask you to send payment for boosting you.

But I am sure, you will play enough games, and you will find yourself back to Plat in no time.

Fun Fact, you will be. :slight_smile:

In the few of the games, I did play with you I noticed in the early stages that you were higher, Diamond than me yet I was the banner.

It made me laugh.

your logic is failing there.
you never climb, you stuck in plat :rofl:
i’m not sure what you’re smoking but I’ve never fall down to plat
what i did was passing through plat
your 3 man plat que sure was embarrassing, considering only netting 50% win rate compared to my solo que with 60% win rate :rofl:

Boosted monkey can’t read, we were both in Diamond when I played with you, in multiple games before reaching master.

:smile: Forehead :clap:

what I am stating is you will be in Plat soon, because you aren’t good enough to carry. Thus knocking you out of diamond in SL. I’ve witnessed your awful game play.

It wasn’t fun to play with you, because you aren’t good. I’m sorry the truth hurts.

Maybe understand that I am not plat, I was Diamond on a smurf. That’s were I teamed up with your boosted butt.


LOL 60% win rate. Trash son.

I was 80% last season. Im sure, some of your wins came from me carrying you in my backpack. Can I send you my doctor bills? my back hurts!

I also remember playing with you. Boy did you suck bad, and was it comical.


Pay that man’s hospital bills.

that’s your last season. you got 50% :rofl:

switching to other account? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I actually have an issue with people who are incompetent and worst than me by a big margin. This should never happen if the Matchmaker was working correctly.

One would expect that in plat+, you understand how to play, but there is always that one idiot who has no clue how to do basic things like stutter-step or how to position or what builds work…

Still getting carried?? :smile::laughing: :laughing::laughing::laughing:


why would i need to get carried?
i was GM in HL and last season was my 1st time playing in TL and they seeded me in gold where i passed :potato: like you :joy:

Because you are bad?? :thinking:

Child please last season, the same season nobody good played HL? And all games where in TL. You placed GOLD :laughing:

My gawd you are trash.

:potato: No wonder you play Naz

no, last season i didn’t play HL
if you read, then you would know that I played TL last season
of course i placed gold after 10 placement considering I’ve never play in TL
it was 9-1 in placement
and yet, the same player passed through you while you stuck with your 3 buddies in plat :rofl:

You were GM, last season :laughing:

With the MMR of (MMR: 2643)

Nice try troll. You are joke. Your hanzo is pathetic, and your most played hero Naz shows you are nothing but a JOKE and a :potato:

:laughing: HAHAHAHA! Nice try :potato:

click on match history, then hero league pretty sure it showed 3526 and that’s the last time I played in HL
you are the joke, like your hotslogs:joy:
here you go