The Bad Teammates Vent Thread

Oh this wasn’t a smurf. She had less siege and hero damage than myself playing Auriel.

Also, I know people talk about greymane syndrome a lot, but why doesn’t anyone ever say the same about leoric? It’s like they think their death is meaningless, despite counting for 100% hero exp.

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This thread summarizes why I should stay in vs A.I forever.


I think sometimes when you meet someone acting bad, or rather weird, it’s because they are in a funny state where they shouldn’t play, but do, while processing something earlier, or have an agenda.

Earlier this week I had a fairly awkward experience. Lost 3 matches in a row getting trolled hard, eventually facing a demotion match. My internal demon said, start the next day looking at the red circle is a no-no, nor do I have the strength to try and get trolled again, 4th time in a row. Hence, the match must be lost and no emotional attachment should be formed. So I was just fiddling around, helping the team occasionally, having some really spectacular plays (low ranks are really easy), but still, you know, failing.

Silver and bad MM luck does that to many people.

if you’re as good as you think, pick assassin or tank and climb out
you can carry your team solo in bronze/silver/gold

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Nah, I’m not that good. There are just matches where everyone walks into literally every single mage skillshot.

Even more Off

Especially not that good since I’ve passed into the lingering spirit phase. Think I’ll quit once I reach bronze or something (getting there). Couldn’t process that while my hotslogs mmr is the same as during Gold 3 days, my in-game rank has sunk to Silver 3. Also not getting a PvP mount ever, being a HL pleb instead of TL bronze 5+0.

Took me quite a bit to quit WoW as well, but did 3 years ago and counting. So it will happen. I just stayed too long. I used to be positive and encouraging others but in the end of the day, it is just a big shiny threadmill. The shiny part, games with Jaina or Li-Ming keep me back yet.

I guess it shows how the game fails to actually engage players. My favorite heroes have been deleted, reworked, or heavily nerfed. They have winrates between 33-44% around my rank, sitting at the bottom of the food chain. I would have to show solid plat skills to maintain my current silver rank, to maintain 50% winrate with those inferior heroes.

I just kept this post for myself and the miniscule chance someone who cares reads it. I am not a snowflake, but I’m not alone and it’s all about generic incompetence or negligence in hero design and balance.

Try using someone who can solo camp or double soak i.e. Sonya, Azmo, Jaina…etc. Taking camp before the obj will help you a lot. The enemies are likely to ignore the camp or doing 4v5 for the obj.
There is a big macro skill difference between rank while the difference in micro skill is smaller. Many sliver players only know how to do team-fight.

Anyone that picks block talents.


Because they do always do it when the enemy team has Tracer, Genji, Tassadar, Tychus or some other high attack speed or multi-hit auto. Removing the block stacks in a fraction of a second rendering it a dead talent.

This has been a problem of mine for years at high Diamond to Mid Masters level. You’d think they would know better. /rant



Teammates are the worst, I get playing for a late game, but come on, I want to win fights now. I don’t want to just stall till 20 then lets win the game.

Please stop the FIRST PICK NAZ. Really isn’t a good hero. Yes at level 20 its amazing once the quest is complete but until then you are just trolling.

Oh and people that pick AMZO, please stop. It’s great I guess for low MMR comps, but this hero is so troll. Another :potato: that needs to stack to be effective.

I’d rather have ZUL JIN. Because majority of the time Zul Jin players actually show up to objecties and aren’t afk top lane acting like they are some kind of 1 v 5 machine.

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Zul’jin player reporting in. Team fight? I’m already way ahead of you bud, need my stacks you see. :smiley:

Azmodan is pretty scary does not need too many stacks to get rolling. Big thing is his bulk. Mage levels of damage, tank levels of bulk, split push trait. I’ll be banning that on any 3 lane map thank you or trying to pick it for my team.

Naz is an odd case. A good Nazeebo player is scary. Zombie Walls that just catch enemy players all the time, drops the walls if he traps an ally. Rare breed though.

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I rather have the amzo on the other team. It’s a free gank hero, that is always easy to body block, and shut down. Just wait till its in the middle of the lane and its dead.

I hate those players who stay in a prolonged fight over NOTHING. We could take our camp, invade their camp, take their wall, soak wave or doing obj…etc. We have so~~~ many better alternatives choice to snowball game into our favour but they just want to risk for that one pointless kill.
Too many bad players only understand to fight or lane but not both.
edit: typo :sweat:


I hare when I using chromie/KTZ and I got teammate diablo that dunno how to cooperate or understand chromie/ktz skill. There are some diablo act like “auto script” they always knock someone first then put them on back no matter what situation nor what area he facing and not care about teammate hit shot. If just 1 or 2 time, that is ok, it is accident but whole match 90% of aimshot that already show out hit area at there and he still knock enemy away or put them to his back.

Good diablo will see first before act and not always do that combo in 1 shot. Bad diablo always do the same thing in 1 shot (Knock->put back or put back then knock). This especially make me hot when I use KTZ chain someone to cube then the ulti already sound out at there and he still knock enemy away from it.

I would 1st pick NAZ when I’m the one banning while 4 :potato: like you showing assassin
The reason AZMO can’t work is because the one playing AZMO is horrible

This is amazing, already a classic
Old but gold.


I can deal with ‘bad players’. The problem is that their matchmaker is a steaming pile of *@#$. You cannot have any expectation of quality of match. It isn’t not even close to random distribution of teams. When you repeatedly see 2 + 3 stacks all with higher rank that anyone on your team. When you are paired with the same people that have thrown 3 games in a row being afk, just walking to a camp and back to core, etcetcetc, the ONLY expectation you can have is that your experience will be repeatedly marred.

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True story, they really need to something about it

I’ve played many games with you :potato: boy, and have to say you are quite heavy to play with.

and… Your Hanzo is very poor and forces me to bang my head against my keyboard.

Pre level 10 your team would have a large disadvantage however at 10 , with force wall your team as enough cc to keep any renforcement out and pick them off one at a time as much as you want specialy if your team gets to level 20 at that point its just game over for them…

He didnt picked force wall did he… ?

He did, however, before that teammates decided to fight 4v4 bot lane pre 10, die multiple times and lose the wall and 3/4 damage on the fort. This isn’t to say that I wasn’t at fault, I definitely could have played better.

I (Falstad) should have switched lanes with Tassadar and fought in the 4 man instead, but since no one said anything and because I was not paying much attention to anything outside my lane, I am partially at fault for allowing the enemy team to snowball and bully my teammates.

We were also playing on warhead junction and they were able to take their advantages in kills and early game advantage to secure more nukes than us which allowed them to snowball even more.

Anyway, the game itself there were several reasons why we lost. The reason I posted about it here was because the guy made a stink about wanting to play DPS and we accommodate him only for him to pick Tassadar, a support.

There’s nothing wrong with Tassadar of course, but we definitely would have drafted differently had we known he was going to pick Tassadar. At least I would have picked a DPS hero with a lot more dps output like Kel’thuzad, Gul’dan, Raynor, Cassia, Lunara, or something, mainly because the composition we did end up with was difficult to pull off successfully already and more so since we lacked communication.

Pretty sure we’d also have picked another DPS instead of Leoric as well and maybe grabbed Stitches or Diablo instead of Johanna.

:joy: i just played hanzo last season and most of my wins came from hanzo
:potato: like you are not worth remembering :rofl:
i bet i was the one banning while you were the low tier plat :joy: