The Bad Teammates Vent Thread

Everyone has bad teammates from time to time that test even those with monk-like patience (jk those people don’t even play games). And everyone knows that flaming your team is just going to make them worse.

That’s why, starting now, you can let that frustration fester inside of you… and then bring it here! For all to share in the MISERABLE IDIOCY of our anonymous teammates who throw away our last hopes for success. “What do you mean we could have ended”

Until the magic day when every community is filled with competent, respectful people, we’ve got to learn to shotcall proactively instead of flame reactively, or we will continue feeling powerless, miserable and resentful etc, and bringing down our fellow man when we could raise them up… But it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t feel the way you feel. What matters is how you integrate that feeling into what you do, how you see the world.

Good luck friends. SHARE YOUR HATE

and make way for some love and acceptance!

One of my first-ever ranked games back in the day on BHB, our team was getting stomped and I was filling as Malfurion. By level 20-something, we had top lane pushed up to their keep, but every other enemy structure, gates and all, was still standing. We had not yet even turned in once. However, by some miracle, we won a teamfight with a TEAM WIPE so our team RUSHED to toplane, tore down the keep and started hammering core. However, what did our Anub’arak and Jaina do? They went and turned in some coins, and then Jaina hearthed to clear waves that would eventually, maybe reach out bot keep. All without Jaina (most of our damage) or Anub’arak, we got through an entire Keep, core shield, and got the core down to 75% before we just had to run because we couldn’t safely finish before the enemies respawned and would lose for sure if we left. “you’re an idiot if you think we could have ended. look how many structures they have left, we had nowhere near enough time” says Anub’arak

Unfortunately, I died minutes later when a brain aneurysm ruptured. My spirit would go on to haunt Anub’arak for his entire life, until the immensity of my undead rage manifested an entirely new corporeal form, which types the message you see before you now. Whether I am alive or dead, I don’t know… but I do know that YOU SHOULD #@%$ING HIT THE CORE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaok it’s important guys


just a game, move on and hope they are in the opposite side so you can b step like crazy

that’s the healthier way to do it

not everyone has arrived to or preserved such clarity in their journey towards a more compassionate existence.


Had a team last night, were 4 of them ignored chests in BHB, so the other team could without a fight, take both. I tried to get one of them, but no use, as 3 people from the other team, were taking it. They then get to turn in all 10 coins without any of my team reacting on it, while i am left to def bot lane vs Sylvanas and a huge pack of mercs and minions as Imperius. And what are my team doing you think. They had only taken down wall and both towers at top fort and then went to midlane, afk laning again, as they did right in the start of the game. I told them, they could continue the afk play, they all 4 were doing, but it would be without me. Then i left the game, and they properly lost it too 100 %.

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So we’re in draft and this guy, who is last pick goes “I can fill”.

So I asked him, what would you prefer to play? And he says DPS.

Ok some light banter and rest of the team drafts Johanna, Leoric, Falstad, and Alexstrasza (I think?) , so now he can pick a DPS and everyone is all like, look at that man! You can play DPS, the role you said you prefer!

So who does he pick? Tassadar. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Then today I’m in draft, I see that we drafted a Varian when it’s my pick so I ask him “you going DPS or Tank?” No reply.
“Hello??” Nothing.
Okay, so I pick Rexxar and draft continues.

We get in game and Varian goes “Well, I guess I have to go taunt because FoxBlade picked Rexxar…”

So I said “I asked you in draft if you were going dps or tank and you didn’t answer so…”

He retorts
“Well I was getting coffee so I couldn’t respond”


I’m going to tell this last story too, doesn’t quite fit here but screw it, I’m telling it anyway because it was hilarious.

So in game, playing alterac pass. We won the team fight and secured the objective and I anchor in a bush (playing Diablo). Hanzo had escaped our wrath but I was like, I bet he tries to come around to this bush to poke at us…

Sure enough he does, face checks it, I smash him into the wall and slam him into my teammates who blow him up instantly.

So enemy team respawns and I sit in my bush and type in “Lets see if any of them are dumb enough to face check again”

Sure enough, Hanzo comes in to the bush leading the charge with Blaze, so I smash him into the wall again, slam him again into my teammates and we blow him up again, literally within 40 seconds of the lasttime he was blown up. :rofl:


Yeah those are the worst for me when I’m drafting, the guys that are completely distracted and don’t bother responding at all – high time when the came rolls around they start ranting about the decisions made despite the fact that feedback was asked repeatedly but because they were busy stuffing their face or making coffee for the entire duration they missed out. Really don’t go AFK during draft, even after you pick, more often than not input will be asked. But fortunately, I’ve yet to encounter guys like this in Asia server since I switched years back.

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Culture is hugely part of it. American culture seems to orient itself strongly around covering one’s @$$ instead of actually building strong relationships. In Asia I think they actually try to be disciplined, good people. That’s the vibe I’ve gotten from everyone I’ve known in my life who is American, Asian, or both.

“Your pick is ridiculous and now I have to adjust my adjustable hero because of it”
“I gave you the opportunity to do what you want and you were unresponsive”
“Yeah well, I wasn’t paying attention, so I’m still asserting that you’ve still made a fault”

kind of makes you want to wash your eyes out with acid

Yeah, sometimes you get to see that phenomenon where people move their heroes around the map and hit things, and yet, do nothing at the same time. When one is afk-playing a game, you know, you just click buttons in the sort of general pattern that you usually do, entirely on auto-pilot… I think a lot of these people typically respond to pings/shotcalling but sometimes are kind of lulled into inaction and will be resentful if you try to SHOCK them to wake them up with a flurry of pings/some all-caps message directed to them or a snide remark, and then you’re stuck because now they’re actively out to get you or something, to make you pay for insulting them

My best luck with people who are SUPER AFK and not responding to shotacalling or pings and kind of meandering about as you say… is funny. Sometimes it just takes you being on their screen for them to follow you, so if you group with them, do what they do for like 15 seconds (it’s called “solidarity” :slight_smile: lmao), and THEN go and ping what you want, you can start to shotcall and they’ll start to listen just because your hero is on their screen and they can connect what you’re saying with what they see you doing… It’s some reptile-brain-level $#!@ but it honestly works lmao. Most of the time.


Bad teammates that I see (at least one of these) in about every other QM game on average…

SUICIDAL CHASERS - There’s oftentimes someone who wants to just get as many kills as possible and will dive into 1v5’s or chase someone halfway across the map into enemy territory trying to get a kill.

THE EARLY gg, we lose KID - The kiddie that complains at the first death or lost objective. Usually it’s their own death from doing something stupid and blaming others for their death. Half the time we win the game anyways while he whines and pouts the whole time.

LATE GAME STAGGERERS (WON’T WAIT FOR TEAM) - It’s late game and you lost a team fight and are down a man or two. You’re in good shape and winning the game. You and your teammates even say “just stay alive, defend, don’t stagger, wait for the team, etc”… yet there’s always that one guy that is always out of position with zero map awareness and keeps getting picked off and keeps dying right before/as your full team is coming back and now you’re down a man for another minute. This is oftentimes what causes you to lose winnable games. Stealing defeat from the jaws of victory.


I had this terrible Sylvanas in a HL ranked game a while back while climbing to Masters. I was Diamond… something at the time.

(Infernal Shrines map)
The sylvanas was just clueless and weird. I saw Nova going top from mid, so I ping dangerous and say “Nova coming top”. Then Sylvanas dies and blames us, asking “Why weren’t you coming?!”

On the first objective, the enemy captured Fallen Shaman mercs. I asked Sylvanas to go clear it.
She didn’t.

This objective fight turned really long and I asked Sylvanas to clear it multiple times.
I was playing Chromie who has dreadful waveclear compared to a sylvanas.
We lost our entire fort AND the entire keep to the one fallen shaman merc… Because Sylvanas didn’t feel like going to clear it…

We somehow make it to endgame-ish and bottom objective spawns.
The 4 of us went bot, but because we couldn’t see a single enemy and since Sylvanas was just top lane, so were we being cautious.

Sylvanas then gets ganked by their entire team and Sylvanas then angrily starts going “Why aren’t you doing the objective?!?”

Amazes me how a guy like that managed to get to Diamond.

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I had a valeera in a game yesterday who refused to help out the team in any way on BHB. Would sneak around collecting coins, and only when she had 10+ would she dive into the enemy team 1v5 and then throw a fit in chat that we weren’t playing as a team, despite it being late game and due was the only one not with us.

Similar thing happened on infernal shrines, except it was a leoric who kept insisting on face tanking fort towers top lane, and screaming about not pushing as a group, when we were all snagging a keep for the lane the objective was going to push. He never used his E to escape. Would spend his entire time as a ghost flaming in chat, instead of draining enemies for a faster respawn and scouting around.

now this is more of a #toxicplayers one but it hurt to the core ( get it XD)
i was playing with a thrall on sky temple. and i was already on a losing streak, so i was quite angry cause we were losing to them anyways. i was playing ragnaros ( an underrated hero in my opinion) and that thrall would just tell each and every one of us that he will report us when we died. telling poor tracer ( 3RD RePoRwt, 4TH ReP0rT) yet was soooo bad in his own terms i was in a state of shock.


  2. at LEAST 8 deaths, propably 12 at the end of a 15 min. match

  3. least dmg ( less than OUR HEALER, which was a lifesaver btw shoutout to auriel :3)

  4. least xp
    AND SO ON i cant even remember how many things he did it was a while back.

and btw, he was calling us noobs whilst his lvl was 50 and we all are obviously above him. i asked him and he said ( I HaZ An lVl 3000 AkAuNt ZaT W aZ DeeLeTd) yea and i just chuckled. i actually had fun with this match cause of the stupidity that came out of his mouth XDD

yea he was all 3. WOMBO COMBO XD


Had a game yesterday with a Leoric that died 6x by level 5, and 15x by level 13. He ended the game with 18 deaths.

He just dove into 1v5’s all game… usually pushed waaaaay to far forward and into their towers or back-line. About a handful of his deaths were from the towers and minions.

When he had 6 deaths by level 5, he was blaming everyone for not diving in with him. There were no healers in the game and he was 3v3 middle with Chromie and Nova. He kept diving into their towers against Imperius, Li-Ming and Zul’jin.

What made it worse was we had a Butcher D/C from the start. The rest of our team (excluding Leoric) did really well. We were getting beat early and mid-game, but we got a team kill because the other team was playing extremely reckless around level 14 and then they started staggering. We almost turned it around and actually got 2 of their keeps down, but having a Butcher-bot and suicidal Leoric was just too much to overcome.

I know this is a vent thread, but we need to remember that rule number one of HotS is to never do something alone. If you wanna do boss but the team won’t follow you, don’t do it. If you wanna push core but the team won’t follow you, don’t do it. Your entire team has to make that decision, because when you split up priorities like that, when you need to be together, you’ll just end up staggering deaths.
But I understand the complaint with this event right here. You won a fight, you have the opportunity, you could’ve won but instead 2 teammates began using an objective that would only attack the forts.


One of my recent bad teammate experiences happened in Unranked Draft, where we drafted a perfectly normal team for Dragon Shire, I was Malthael for the offlane, we got a Garrosh for tank, Ana to synergize with me, Fenix to prevent the enemy from picking him so I wouldn’t be countered, and one random who took Kael’Thas as the secondary nano target and waveclear for the team (at least that’s how I saw him at first, he ended up doing barely any waveclear and the nano stuff comes later).

Anyways, we get into the match, and the 4 man moves up the middle lane while I head up top to get early soak, so I told the team to be careful. Garrosh flips a cocky Malfurion and we get first blood, but then the barrage of Anub’Arak stuns and Greymane diving our team right after led to them getting a triple kill on Garrosh, Ana and KT. KT says “gg Malthael afking top”. So 1, I told him that I would be soaking top early to get an early lead and 2, he took the trait talent at 1 so he didn’t even need to head mid for stacks, and probably shouldn’t’ve since there was a KTZ trying to stack up.

So we go on further into the match, and get level 10 before anyone has won the objective. I take my Last Rites as per usual, Ana takes Nano, and KT takes Pyro because that’s the kind of person he is. I rotate down after obliterating the enemy offlane (Sylvanus) in a surprise attack, and I dive into the enemy right as KT dies and with Nano boost, get a triple kill. KT starts flaming Ana for not nanoing him, despite the fact that he’s taken a trait build (even at level 7), and he was in a horrible position so receiving Nano would’ve been a waste.

We get objective, take down a fort, then it expires and we proceed to lose two fights in a row (both of which KT fed into, which started those losing fights). Enemy team get’s DK, and KT just says “GG AFK” and then dcs. We won the game after that difficult defense against DK; Honestly I just hate it when there’s players like this who think they have the right to dictate what their teammates are doing, despite the fact that they can’t play for !@#$, and then just quit the moment they lose objective.


The only pressing circumstance was that if we didn’t win in that moment, we would almost certainly lose. Every teamfight except the one we won was a landslide victory for the opponent and we only had our bot keep left with both our non-top lanes pushed in pretty far. Shortly following our retreat from their core, they trailed us back to our core and won the game as we lost the 5v5 teamfight to defend. So… it was our only window, basically. Unless we won that teamfight on our core (which was super unlikely based on previous teamfights), or somehow held them off of our core for long enough to… somehow be able to afford having someone to get camps? Without getting ganked or us losing core. Basically impossible without ending on core when we had the chance.


True, it might’ve been your only chance, I wasn’t there so I can’t fact check you, but at the same time, pushing into a Keep and Core with only 3 people, missing a lot of damage from Jaina, could’ve just sealed your likely fate. Also, where did you win the fight that led to this debacle? Did you win a fight at the objective, then walk all the way top to finish off both a keep and a core? Because if so, even with a 5 man, I don’t think you would’ve had enough time as half of the enemies respawn time would’ve been spent on walking up to the top lane

It’s just C-Y-A culture. They don’t actually know what they’re doing but they are super committed to making sure people think they’re in the right… It’s comparable to weak people who assume that because they are too weak to commit any harm that they are good people. Well, this is just one example of a weak person who is demonstrating their true colors when they get to wave their flag anonymously. They think they get to get away with not taking responsibility for their actions… Perhaps they won’t get punished in a video game, but if they try pulling stunts like that in life, it will either cost them or the people around them if it is not successfully addressed :frowning:

And also related, Malthael is an insanely good nano target… Even with a KT there, Malthael is a great target. I’d argue a better one since his abilities make more sense to be spammed than KT (unless he took Energy Roil which he didn’t, and even then… they’ve gotta let themselves be stunned) AND he gets the sustain

Yep, terrible leadership in action. At that point he’s not playing HotS to play the game, he’s playing HotS to see how it feels to get a rise out of people and experience the thrill of his own power. Awesome, kid. Too bad he wasn’t too embarrassed to open his mouth about his “main account” when after getting to player level 9001 he still can’t properly analyze what’s happening in a game, or even a minimap :confused:

Sometimes when you’re smurfing and you think you see the right play, sometimes you forgot that part of the game is making the play with your team. So then you blame your team like an idiot. I’ve done that before, it’s a great way to signal your terrible map awareness to your team, and is best remedied by a quick backpedal and ownership of the mistake. Sometimes it’s just to deflect criticism because they know they messed up, but think they might be able to swing other people into believing it was their fault instead, which completely protects them from criticism. If people can learn to cultivate strong relationships and high competence, we wouldn’t have to worry about covering our @$$es so much. Wouldn’t that be the world we wanted to live in instead of being super fake? People should ask themselves if they’d like to be honest and fulfilled or fake and resentful. Pretty black-and-white question when you put it that way. You just have to be able to own up to your shortcomings. I don’t see why that’s so hard in a farting video game man

We would. It was won precisely on the end of the dock on their upper-left side of the central turn-in part of the map, across from the entrance to their bruisers. So it was near objective, but: objective does nothing to win the game and the clock is ticking so even if we DO lose, we lose if we don’t try. And 2nd, and this is really the more powerful point: We were able to get to the top keep within about 20 seconds, meaning we had 40 seconds of siege time. That’s 40 seconds of Jaina. In 40 seconds, Jaina could probably take a core reasonable close to half health just by herself. Adding on anubarak, AND the fact that if we are all there, we can afford to suicide for the core instead of retreating, which also wasted a bunch of time. Like 100%, we could have won right there. I think it’s a mathematically sound statement. The fact that just 3, including a healer, were able to push through the keep AND as much of the core as we did, AND we retreated, if we had 2 other heroes there the entire time and suicided for the core it was over for sure

i’ve never heard of someone asking for physical presence to help with being ganked before. just blame for people not pushing or not rotating or not calling missing targets out. “Nova’s coming. I’m coming! I WILL PUT MY BODY BETWIXT THEE MY LIEGE” honestly sounds like a silver player. You deal with nova by soaking safely. Or if your hero can just kill her you do that. Not demand a bodyguard at all times (or dont be alone trying to SOLO, SYLV: silver confirmed)


Oh yea, then definitely you would’ve won with the 5 man.

Edit: Actually winning a fight anywhere but the bot lane or bottom bruisers would’ve probably given you a big enough window for a win, I take back my earlier response. I was in the mindset that you would have to walk past the mid lane gates up to the top point of the top lane to access the top keep, I forgot that there was a large area between the mid fort and keep that wasn’t guarded by either that you could go through to access the top keep.


Last paragraph - The current STATE of teamwork in MOBAs.

To be honest, all those different random players you can get matched with spice this game experience up. Even when those players act in negative way, the drama can be entertaining.
We could just play with AI vs AI, having a very linear game experience --> boring for many people. There are a lot of single player games and also competitive ones (like SC2). One part that makes MOBA’s fun is the interaction with other players (the only thing i like about League of Legends is that i can chat with the enemy team - starting flame wars). It’s also possible to organize yourself a real premade team so you don’t have to deal with random players.