The Bad Teammates Vent Thread

Which one of you did it? Which one of you killed my dog? You don’t know the meaning of the word ‘[teammate].’ [Teammates] like each other, speak to each other, care if anybody lives or dies, but none of you do. But I couldn’t imagine any of you bein’ so low that you’d kill a little helpless, friendly dog - the only thing in the whole [Nexus] who liked anybody. Did ya kill him because he liked ya? Just because he liked ya

it’s great when you have manhood-measuring contests online where no one is held accountable for anything. You get these drawn-out flame wars where making an argument is as simple as ignoring your opponent and talking through them, where your ability to shout past them is amplified only by the number of times you repeat yourself. it’s like a contest, whoever wastes the most time gets the last word and wins

what an exciting exchange. whoever emerges victorious will receive a half-second of recognition from me the next time I am taking a dump, if I don’t forget. The honor is mine

I thought i recognized this from Of Mice And Men but it’s actually a movie I can’t remember if I’ve seen before

point being we should be leaders to our teammates. if you flame your team you’re literally trying to lose glhf


im quoting rear window :smiley:

i’ll just have to watch it again to see if I’ve seen it before. Because the entire quote sounds very familiar

it may have been standard viewing material in some middle/highschool class

its a pretty wuotable movie as is, but gettignsome jimmy stewart stutters is icing on the cake.

-> psst blizz, lets get a raynornskin voiced by a jimmy stewart impertionist. Guys done enough westers for plenty of parallel references :wink:

It is one of the Alfred Hitchcock classics. Excellent movie.

It looks like they did an oopsie. :sunglasses:

Literally 80%-90% of my games have terrible teammates. “lets boss when the other team is all up”. “Lets not get boss when we have picks, because we got curse so that means we get this fort instead, that the boss would get anyways”. “lets dive towers”. “Lets take this pointless team-fight while our base is being pushed in the other lanes, despite pings”. “lets draft picks that we dont even know what they counter or what counters them”. “lets chase while our base is destroyed”. “I will solo dive, because it is an objective”. “I will get this camp while the other teams Aba caps objective that I just left 2 seconds ago to get a camp”. "lets ignore the camp next to us in order to rejoin team at objective, even though there isn’t enough time to get to the objective before we cap it, and the camp is a freebie and being called out and pinged. “lets not turn in for objective, instead we will tele after winning the team fight, and not acknowledge the ping spam.”

All those situations happened at least once so far this season to me, and I have played less than 20 matches. Not so surprisingly, I lost most of them too. I even lost the match where I had 7 of the teams 14 kills, no deaths, top siege damage, hero damage, and xp gained in game I didnt even get an MVP, although nobody else had anything close to my stats in anything but kills. The match wasnt close either, we never got a fort. I sure stretched the game time out though. I lost another game where I had almost 50% of the other team’s total hero damage. That’s right I did almost half as much damage as the entire team I lost to.

Boy do I love this crappy ranking system that assumes my skill level based on my win/losses, and not on my actual skill level.

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:rofl: don’t be jealous because you can’t

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