Whats the strangest thing a lower ranked player has told you?^^

This is very common in QM because the match maker considers Varian a tank. Basically in QM if your team doesn’t have an actual tank you are forced to take Taunt or your team is at a disadvantage.

That being said its not reportable. I personally don’t want to play Taunt Varian ever. If I’m playing him it’s because I wanted to play twin blades. If I wanted to Taunt i would have played garrosh.


If this is on Battlefield of Eternity - he has a small point. It’s not Valla’s main objective, securing the objective is.

Was doing placements on Storm League. Our team had a Medivh and I was playing Hanzo. Enemy team had Maiev, Ming, Anub and BW. They were diving me all the time to try and kill me, and you know, it’s pretty hard to escape from that much CC, unless I stayed so far back that I wouldn’t be able to do much damage.

Anyway, I asked the Medivh to shield and portal me out, then I could arrow and we counter engage. He said I was “a noob for thinking shields are for the backline, shields are exclusively for the tank only”. Yeah we lost hard lmao.


Silver Lining: At least he didn’t think it was for Medivh only.


“Sorry man, I can only self cast it”



seems like i got a fan, he even post in forum

This was ages ago in qm, but… Blackhearts bay:

I say: “We should cover the 3 lanes to get exp, at this point when they get 10 we’d be like 7”

Tracer: “holy jesus man. In this map, you can brawl in middle becouse the objective returns us all the exp.”

Also, no objective, nor camps, nor rotations, just afk all in a lane pushing nothing. Of course blame the support lol.

Needless to say how that ended.


I miss this forum treat!


Then let’s revive it.

Playing on Mines.
Enemy team consisted of Stukov, prerework Chromie, Artanis, Johanna, and Sonya.
Our team was Kelthuzad(failureman), Varian(me), Fenix, ETC, Auriel.

Basic strategy is simple enough, ETC and Varian cluster them, Kelly nukes them, Fenix does his best.

Kelly has a different plan. Kelly keeps demanding Varian and Fenix dive Chromie while he tries to outsnipe her. Kelly refuses to actually engage the tanks or combo, just keeps trying to trade shots with Chromie

Issue: Chromie not a moron. Chromie stands on her time trap. Chromie has Stukov standing between them and the tanks are playing purely defensively. So any dive is doomed to near immediate peel and erasure.

The rest of the team figures this out after the first attempt, Kelly does not. Kelly spends the entire game ranting on how terrible everyone else is and how we NEED TO DIVE AND STOP FIGHTING THE TANKS.

A list of the complaints:

Varian didn’t take Colossus smash
(after diving proved suicidal).

Varian took Shattering Throw.

ETC took Mosh Pit.

Auriel didn’t take Resurrection.

We took/defended against mercs rather than solely focus on skulls early game(late game we could do neither.)

Fenix didn’t take Planet Cracker.

We ran down and killed the tanks rather than let them go and chase the(already bailed) Chromie.

We didn’t protect him enough.(Chromie shot him to pieces regularly, occasionally kidnapped by Artanis).

We avoided team fights to soak.(After we got spanked a few times.)

He was a great Kel player and how DARE we tell him how to play. I don’t think he even finished his quest.


Player, 10 seconds into draft: “Medivh not happening bro”
Me: “Why not?”
Player: “43% win rate”
Me: “I’m 56% this season”
Player: “Need to be at least 52% all time”

I end up picking last as Tyrael, he picks Zuljin. He ends the game with 3 kills, 13 deaths, and barely more hero damage than me. We lose a very close game.

When I ask him about his Zuljin winrate during the game he says “My ping is 500 bro, not my fault”.

Players like that guy are the reason I only play QM now.


Ofcourse ! How DARE you insult him. He clearly has enough on his plate already!

Dont get discouraged! I get you, but if players like that are on your elo, you can carry them :muscle:

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Haha thanks :grin:

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You need to tank and stun the ennemy team, Artanis!


i had a premade group of 3 players last night get utterly crushed against an enemy team of plats/diamonds (the skill gap was obvious). They immediately blame comp when we start losing and even after I tell them it was skill and that we’d need to strategize+play better, they had a meltdown. one of them starts typing how he’s totally Diamond 2 and was ranked master several times previously (again, consider he’s getting destroyed by plats and diamonds on the enemy team) and refuses to admit that he and his friends just aren’t very good.

They continue playing terribly and end the game convinced that we lost like 35-10 because of “comp”


“You are bad, you’ve never played Illidan, Illidan is high DPS hero”

:thinking: My 4,000 Illidan games say you can’t do DPS if you can’t stay in the fight for longer than 2 seconds and you have no ranged abilities to poke with.


“Gazlowe is bad. Just destroy his turrets” Some people don’t even realise how stupid they are…


“We have a Nova/Illidan, we’re gonna lose”

doesn’t lose


just had a group of 2 bronze/silver mages in my QM game. they built horrible (literally avoiding building anything that would give them damage outside of KT’s convection), kept frontlining and were unable to kill anything. so they blamed the rest of the team. when I told them that they built horribly and were playing bad, thus giving them the inability to get kills, they had meltdowns. They literally could not fathom that they were doing something wrong.

All they could say was “WOW YOU DON’T HAVE TO BUILD META TO DO WELL LOLE!” (which wasn’t anyone’s point,. our point was that they didn’t build damage AT ALL and thus weren’t able to secure kills).


I randomly played alongside a very popular streamer on battlefield of eternity. She went in 1v5 and died during objective instead of waiting for us all to get there. Since we were on our way and thus split, we decide on coms to grab the camps next to us while we wait for her to respawn, so we “lose less.” All she saw was her teammates at a camp while she was dead (because she never looked at her map when she ran in, in the first place). She spent the next two matches online still complaining about how we lost because “omg my teammates wre at camps while im out there dying on objective@!”


Artanis can be pretty durable in the face of having no other option as a tank ready.

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