Thanks for a GG - Deposit your joy here!

No Ana, I’ve never had the pleasure of playing with Shadowmere.

Me and Shadow have had some moments in Storm League let me tell you
I still remember the night where these interactions occured

Melke: SInce when do you play a decent hanzo?
Shadow: I don’t know first storm league game

Next game
Shadow: Since when do you play Artanis
Melke: I don’t know

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it’s just an amazing feeling, someone tried solo ulting you
and then after you survive you go “NO U” and end up solo ulting them and killing them hehe

Did that just now Kharazhim tried 7 Fist my arthas but I got away just barely, he tries cahsing me and dosne’t realize what he’s dealing with, turn around after popping Army and I end that confrotnation with more health then I started it with hehe. I watched his panic and got the evil grin of a true evil dude.

When you win againts a 0-9 score LILI that were GM#20 in HL and master 2000 in SL then you start to question if there are even any good GM/masters left in this game.

This is the 2 time i win vs a high GM player that does not show a single dime that he belong in that league.

When you play vs GM you expect to see some GM skills but that was not the case this time too. The way he played he could much less be an ordinary gold player.

And when i watch GM league when Fan plays it just confirms that GM players dont even play much better then gold players.

But nonederless it was fun ending the game with more healing done then him and died 0 times.


So this is pretty neat, tonight in SL, I went up against the head coach for Oxygen’s CCL team!

One of the people on our team whispered him after the match, and it really was him. My friend jokingly said, “Thank goodness you didn’t have Madara with you.” He replied, “Prismat is scarier!”


Khaldor stated just yesterday, that the SL is far away from being professional and good E-sport. And can’t get compared to the former HGC or the CCL nowadays.

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My guess is, being picked for an e-sport team has 60% to do with your skill and 40% to do with your personal connections. There are indeed plenty of people who are very high skilled but they just don’t know the right people.

Or they just don’t want to give in the whole struggle to train several hours a day and want to keep it casual.

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Heheh thats also true. I keep forgetting the teams here are different than in fighting games. Some pros there barely even practice, but take decent placements.

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It’s so cool to play against people who practically play for a living (or at least as a side job).

Even if I lose it’s usually a replay to be studied so I can learn how they think and play.


To be fair, he is a coach and not one of the direct competitors, so his game play was good, but nothing exceptional. This was a Plat game, and we won fairly easily as our Garrosh was going beast mode. Their Mei couldn’t get anything done between him wrecking their back line if Mei played aggressively, and my speed boost making it such that it was really easy to avoid all her abilities.

It wasn’t a stomp, probably about a 25 minute match, but some of that was due to us having a really bad team fight where we split for no good reason.

I had this interaction with QA:

It really brightened my month, after not having help at work (not my superiors fault, due to people unable to function overnight quiting) (and hence having played like, 20 games this month so far?), and having some “car trouble”.
as in car theft :frowning:


I am sure Melke will appreciate this one.

My friends like to tease me when I do this at the beginning of a match, “No one is ever there, why do you always do that?”

Because every now and then, someone will be there. Of course, one of these days, their entire team will be there and I will die horribly, but it will still be worth it!


Had a particularly awful week. Couldn’t win anything regardless of what i did. Some games had feeders and a i had a few bots, but I was also not playing well. In one game the smurf on our team told me that i was an awful player and that he coudn’t wait to face me so that he could show me how bad I am.

Finally today I managed to win 2 solo que games with deckard/brightwing. Got told I was in fact a great healer in 2 of them. Win 3/5 total. Then the next game that smurf shows up on enemy team. We end up choosing to go with a chogal comp and I play ana. smurf goes for sylvanas and starts diving me with mind control. Game goes back and forth for twenty minutes, but once i get nanoboost upgrade its gg. We end up winning and I get mvp as ana. Smurf was only able to kill me once with sylvanas. Chogal called me an excellent healer and friended me afterwards.


I remember during the early years of HOTS, people were more complimentary in chat toward everyone on their team. It’s rather a nice thing when it happens now, especially if that respect is mutual. The odd thing is when a team never talks and after you win, you get at least four votes on the MVP screen. This is nice of course and I’m not asking for in game validation, though I think being supportive of both good plays and mistakes in games can bolster team spirit.

I suppose being that’s it’s online and some people having bad experiences with chat, this might be why it happens less often now. I remember many times I’d give a compliment to a player, only for them to think I was being sarcastic! This is where voice chat usually shines, usually you can hear sincerity and context in verbal communication. This is why I reluctantly use emoji’s, at least it can provide some emotional context that might not come thorough in text.

TLDR - Emoji’s not so bad. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Glad I didn’t just dream this up. It truly was more of an amusement park back then rather than a mental asylum, in terms of friendly people vs. flaming nutjobs.

Probably because a large number of the general public were trying out the game.
Which just proves most people aren’t awful, even if a large portion of current HotS players are.

I’m surprised when I meet positive people these days, even a “gl hf” person.


This is a sad, but a very apt way to describe how things are now.

Ohh, my TL3 is back, bring on the Brightwing emojis and more likes to give out!

*Off to do my happy dance.


Minky, here is a present for you. Think of it as a gift or a keepsake, not a hint, not an expectation, and definitely not an obligation. I know too much about social anxiety, and I don’t want you to feel any pressure or stress about this, so if you do nothing but treasure it privately, I am perfectly fine with it. I will not be offended, hurt, or insulted if nothing comes of it, as I understand how crappy it can feel to think that you have let someone down because reaching out to a relative stranger is, quite simply, terrifying.

Pipi#9724 (Discord)

If you want to accept but preserve complete anonymity, feel free to use a fake account with a fake email and a fake avatar (:stuck_out_tongue:). But if you ever want to send me Hanzo fanart discreetly, that will find me.

And like I said, if you do nothing at all, that will not change my opinion of you and your character in the slightest. I want you to feel good about my sharing this, not unhappy in any way at all.

And if any of you other crazy people add me, be warned, my language is a bit more, er, colorful when I am not trying to preserve TL3. :wink:


And this happens on a Friday night when you are playing with friends, and in the mood to meme.



And of course, undead.

Fun fact: Beetle build Anub can easily solo the Sentinel on Hanamura.


seeing Alexstrasza, visually confused. :astonished:

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