Thanks for a GG - Deposit your joy here!

Now you can reveal those Hots arts i find on the internet :smiley:

I will join you. Then i hope i will get mine back some day.



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She has an undead skin from the Fall of King’s Crest event. It is formally called “Spectral Wyrm” and with it, she is referred to as the “Aspect of Undeath”.


ah yes, the skin I refuse to acknowledge :smirk:


I love it. That’s straight from FPS game playbooks. You throw a grenade to a very popular path the enemy is likely to take within the first seconds of the game.

So what if it doesn’t work most of the time, the few times it does is worth it for the entertainment value.


I use her red Dark Queen skin, the tail of the DQ form on the Spectral Wyrm skin bothers me. But since we were running themed comps, it was worth it for the skinergy. Our other option was to run Stukov, but the person healing that match likes playing Alex more.

Exactly! It was funny, because we ended up on Tomb again last night, with almost the same group of people (the Alarak in the clip was a random solo queuer who ended up with our 4 stack). The enemy team had a Zeratul who did the exact same thing at the start of the match, but I was playing Lucio. My friends were yelling at me over Discord, “You should have played Art!”


I’ll be happy I can post pictures for people again. I’m not sure how long it takes to get but TL3, it seems it took me a bit longer than 3 months.


Hoku, I wanted to send you a private message about another similar post you made awhile back. I have a response, but I’m not sure if it’s better shared here or if I just DM you. Thank you for your offer, I’m just thinking, I’m not being rude. Often it takes me time to put my thoughts into words.

I also touch type very fast, but my accuracy is very terrible! This is why my posts are so often edited. :blush:

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I found out Harb like to eat chilli since he like to flame ult all to dead as Diablo.

Was a pleasure to play those games with you, Cath, Helldog and some others.


Keep at it, I hope you get it back. I just randomly post every few days while alt+tabbed in que, waiting for a match. So I’m basically a forum potato that barely posts once a day or less (not very active). And I found out yesterday I can post pics.

So practically anyone can get it. Though I do read a lot of posts while waiting a game to start so that could play into it.

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I got it back yesterday, but it took over 3 months, probably because I don’t make many threads, I mostly just reply. I’m happy, I can post Brightwing emoji’s and give more likes now.

I post when it’s slow at work or queuing for Storm League. I think ranked queue is what brought me here in the first place. I’m not sure why Froggy doesn’t have TL3, he posts far more than I do.


Take all the time you need, years if that’s what makes you comfortable. Like I said, I completely understand and often need to think things through before responding. You aren’t rude at all, and I never take someone’s silence that way. In fact, I can’t even imagine you being rude! :slight_smile:

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I’ve had some super fun games (solo queue) as Tyrande in QM the past week. I’ve only lost 2 out of about 12 matches. I’m not sure why I’ve been on such a Tryande kick, I had forgotten how much I enjoy playing her as I usually don’t draft her in ranked. Umm, looking at my posts above it seems I’ve been only a Tyrande kick for the last month!

Well, that’s really all to say, other than I wanted to thank the Fenix/Mei/Sonya/Imperius team on BOE, we were against a team that had a bit of dive, good immortal race, but a bit beefy. I took Trueshot aura and unlike many random teams, every time I used it my team would utilize it and almost always secure a kill. I was quite pleased to out heal the enemy Andiun by more than double.

Thank to those who contributed to my Tyrande thread. I get anxious making any threads, let alone one about specific heroes woes. Other than Brightwing, Tyrande is probably my favorite healer, so I was motivated. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I am calling her this from now on. Even if it was unintentional, it is hilarious.


! lol! Well that’s a super typo, I’m not even gonna edit that it’s too funny. That’s what I get for not reading it through before posting. Oh well, I’m a try hard Tryande player! :star_struck:

I once played with someone who would always type Tracker in chat instead of Tracer. It wasn’t deliberate, but funny.

*This is the second thread in the last 2 minutes I’ve been teased in! I must admit to being a bit tired.


I forgot to say in my few posts above. I wish I could play Mei as well as the player on my team. She did some amazing setups. The most epic play she made was getting a 4 man in her Avalanche and pushing them back into the wall (this was at the Immortal objective) they get stunned, then stunned a second time by the immortal and dead.


Today I played in QM as I often do, I was leveling my Abathur to 25.
When the game started, I recognized the name of someone I had played with at some point. I asked if it was indeed him, and it was, with a 4 stack in vocal (on Discord).

I was on the phone so I didn’t join, but I had some fun finding a team of people I already knew as teammates for 1 game :smiley:
After that I joined their team for 1 more game and we won again :wink:


At least Harb (Tychus) carried.


I am a healer main but…


Nice but ouch! I never want to vs your Greymane! :star_struck: