Thanks for a GG - Deposit your joy here!

I actually haven’t had an unreasonable number of stomps, just unlucky throws in some matches, and a quite a few we could have won, and just didn’t for a number of reasons. Of course I have been in stomps, mostly on the losing end, but I don’t feel like the percentage of those is really any different than other seasons.

And the games that are good, are really really good, which is what keeps me from just giving up on SL completely.


I don’t know if I really have or not. I know I have had games that are just wonky, very uneven skill levels within players on my own team and the enemy.

That first SL game I lost this week was where someone took Jaina after a player already had Chromie locked. Someone on the team tried to explain to the Jaina player why we needed sustained damage. The Jaina player who was Diamond 5, didn’t know the difference between burst and sustain…

I’m not sure what happened there, if maybe they were drunk someone playing their account? Although they were by far the best in rank on our team, they died 12 times as “bruiser” Jaina and contributed the least damage, siege, exp. I guess we all have bad days.

I had a Plat 1 Artanis (don’t even get me started…) who was yelling at me because I last picked Ming when we had an Azmo. “Double mage is garbage, you needed to pick an AA hero!” I tried to explain that the AA heroes left that I felt comfortable playing in SL were all sustained damage, and we needed burst or nothing would die. We lost, mostly because the Azmo was terrible, they didn’t finish any quest, even though we hit level 23, had less hero damage than our BW, and didn’t understand how his stacking worked as they kept using Q on a full health minion wave. >.<


Oh don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t saying double mage can never work, of course it can. I was just surprised that the Diamond 5 didn’t know the difference between burst and sustain and then played Jaina like the hero was Genji.

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Mine was more of a case of someone else not understanding the need for burst and sustain!

Right off the bat on towers of doom we lose both seige camps and our entire wall bot lane. Zuljin dies a handful of times. I get salty and ask him if its his first zuljin game (i knew he had over 250 games with him but i was annoyed).

“Sorry guys im not playing well”

I quickly apologized to him and we turned game around. Now im in diamond 3!


Guess someone found out what your main was and respect banned it.


Can confirm, have watched a zul’jin do the same spinning around trying to hit me while I’m attached to him
Edit: yes this is old I realized that after the fact, appanrelty that’s just where the computer takes me when I randomly click one of the HOTS forums that comes up in my suggestion when I put GG in my search bar lol

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Even though SL has been rough this season, every now and then I get that match where everything just goes so perfectly, it makes all the eyeroll matches worth it. Our team put together a great draft with perfect balance for the map (Hanamura), rotated intelligently, understood how the map worked so knew what the priorities were, and rarely got caught out. We had a duo on our team, and I was solo queuing because, Saturday night, what’s the worst that can happen?

We were JoJo (me), D Va, Jimmy, KT, and Rehgod. The D Va was doing most of the shot calling through pings. The enemy picked Diablo, Tyrande (I think they were a duo as they had the combos down), Ming, Nova (?!), and their last pick was … wait for it … remember, I picked JoJo before the second ban phase … The Butcher.

Needless to say, it was a 15 minute match, the Butcher ended up with 92 meat, the Nova had a tough time flanking as I was anchoring the front line while our D Va could zip around disrupting and intercepting things, and Tyrande has a hard time healing when she is getting blinded on a regular basis.

Oh, and this happened.

The comment from the KT is why I tank. That is the highest compliment a person can give to their tank, in my opinion.

Edit: Someone uploaded that match to Heroes Profile. The Diablo and Tyrande were a duo, as was the Butcher/Nova. I don’t think they were trolling, just picking noobstomp heroes because of the whole Saturday night thing. They weren’t inting, just not being effective because of our draft.


Don’t mind me, I just want the wave.


Was just in an ARAM game where I did VERY well as Tassadar. Although we ultimately lost due to poor play whenever we got to the enemy core, it was a pretty fun game and I could really feel my micro-play starting to return to me after months of not playing very often. Decided to check the enemy team afterwards, only to discover that two of them were ranked GM top 60. Although I highly doubt they were giving it all they had (it is ARAM AND the weekend after all), it gave me a bit of a confidence boost that my skills are slowly returning.


OMG. I just got one. a 40-0 game on Towers of doom.



I’m playing Kel’Thuzad since a few days quite regularly and brought it to Level 8.
Today I had a blast match on BHB against Cho’Gall, Samuro, Stukov and Gul’dan


I cannot play that hero to save my life. Keep missing my combos.


So here’s a question

Is it awful of me to get a thrill and an evil grin out of last picking the hardest counter to ones main when someone on the enemy team picked them

cus I did that and it was fun
also Sidenote
Tychus players please don’t think because you have percent damage you can just face tank a Bruiser Build Arthas, it will not work I promise.


The combos are tough to hit and you need a lot of practice. I’ve played vs AI until I had the opinion to hit the combos quite reliable. Afterwards I plunged myself in the deep water called QM and just gave it a try.
I’m pretty happy with my current success:


Fell bad for the enemy team they got a duo que team that left the game after first lost object. No team should be forced to lose with rage quitters.


Battlefield of Eternity

I play Artanis
Enemy sends Alarak into the lane
The superior Protoss won


I really want to visit Blizzcon someday when society’s back to normal. I feel like Ariel right now, so trapped in my house. Also, looking forward to any good news about HOTS and WC 3 Reforged coming up in Blizzcon :d


To be honest, I wanted to post this on WC III Reforged forums about Blizzcon, but I can’t post links there. -.-

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And you play with him and not me? :triumph: