Thanks for a GG - Deposit your joy here!

You can also chat through Discord without joining any servers or communities. I chat directly with Harbinger all the time, even though we do not share any servers in common.

I only belong to one Discord server that has any relation to the forum, or HotS, and that one is pretty small with only a few familiar names, such as Karabars and Sami.

Most of the servers I belong to are either friends just being weird at each other, and then the “official” Discord for my WoW guild.


If I didn’’t like a bit of attention I woldn’t have mentioned my birthday on the forums :slight_smile:thank you Trips

Also nice on playing with your Significant Other, I’m actually enoying playing Trauma Center New Blood with my brother, so far so good on that fornt but something tells me we’re gonna get our butts’ kicked once we get to Our first interaction with Cheir


Oh my god I need to pop in that game on my dusty old wii and play that damn thing already!!


Thanks to all who answered my questions. Other Discourse platforms allow you to send private messages. Strangely enough when I was replying to someone a few times in a row here, a message popped up suggesting I invite someone else to the discussion or message the person privately. That’s why I thought there might be a solution.

It is for Hoku, nothing big at all, she wrote something in this thread to me and it couldn’t really reply to it here.

If it is pictures of Hanzo, I will give you a link to my personal Discord I use only to upload pictures to post places. :wink:

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Okay, that genuinely made me laugh out loud! :heart_eyes:


After 2 really bad games (20 deaths between my frontline in one) i said i wanted 2 easy ones. Next games were two stomps and one of them against a bunch of smurfs.

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Happy birthday Melke! :partying_face:

I may have to switch to being a Lucio main. The sole SL win I had today was on him, and even snagged an MVP for my effort. The enemy Garrosh was clearly getting tired of being booped into our Arthas’ death zone.

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Enemy first bans Qhira

Melke: oh no, oh no What ever will I do, I obviously can’t play anything else

Smashes the enemy team as Muradin scores MVP with team agreeing on games judgement.

For c ontext this was after an utter smash where I’m sure the only reason the game didn’t give me MVP was a single death and Ragnaros being the Stat “Lady of the Night” that he is got MVP istead so I’m fiarly sure it was the same team lol.

Oh also

Thank you Ironymus


This is more for Hoku, look, two Artanis players, and neither took PoA!


I probably would have taken AO instead of Reactive Parry, although it isn’t a terrible talent since they are facing another Artanis.

More protoss!

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yeah, I went to check to see if they took PoA, and did a double take when I saw reactive parry.

I ventured back into SL and the first game, well, it’s for the Salt Mines! I did have three wins after that. The most fun one was on Tomb of the Spider Queen. The team kept changing their mind in draft about what to pick, I said I’d fill whatever role so I was last. Apparently I was to be tank and I noticed my best tanks gone/banned, but Diablo was there, why not?

This is just short, I mostly would like to thank the Valla and Kara players. Our other two teammates (I can’t even remember the heroes they played) were sort of just wandering about. We three moved as a very nasty gank squad. It was one of those dream Diablo games where you don’t die, you stomp, charge, flip, slam, move on to the next victim.

It was great to have a few good games after that first false start and thanks to both Kara and Valla players for boosting my confidence. I hadn’t played Diablo in SL for at least a month, so I was feeling a bit uneasy.

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What? There is a single person on my friends list quing rn. How did we not get in the same game

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This was yesterday and I’m on US. I don’t know if you’re EU or US?

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Oh I play on both but mostly NA.

Eu is for drunk games, quing with bronze friends, or both.

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SL continues to be brutal on me, I am somewhere below 40% win rate this season, but even solo queuing is a weird sort of fun at this point. I am not fussed about my rank or win rate, other than it affecting which friends I can queue with, so I just kind of go with the flow of whatever it is my team seems to be doing. It would be nice to claw my way back to Plat, but if it happens, it happens. If not, it just means I have goals for next season!

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I had a rather interesting moment just now that I really think might be worth sending to WTF moments or something

So Stitches Hooks our auriel
I use Q on Artanis to get ready to swap him back so he can’t get too far away with her in gorge, I do it to soon and he gets me instead of auriel
Auriel stuns him so the same result applies and then we kill them al
it was hilarious
“I offer myself as tribute!”

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That’s been the only way I have managed to find any success with SL this season. If my team doesn’t want to draft a healer or Tank? I’ll draft a healer or tank, or most likely Uther! If they want to deathball anywhere, try to help them. Really anything that is wrong, just go along with it.

Well not all the time, I’m exaggerating. I definitely try to double soak and make up for the inevitable exp loss in games like this, I will try to discourage the attempted taking of a boss when I know the enemy is not just alive, but I’ve revealed them in an adjacent bush!

I’ve had some great games though this season, that have felt competitive on both sides, but mostly they have been very mismatched stomps win or loss.