Thanks for a GG - Deposit your joy here!

So, I bought the HotS anc SC mask sets from the official shop, as I’m an “essential” worker (actually essential tbh) and for 2-6 hours a day I do interact with people, so I need a mask.

I gotta say, the one mask of both that coworkers and even some people I have to deal with have complimented is the HotS emoji mask.

No one knows what it is of, but they love the look of all the characters on the mask!

(Also no one knows what the Starcraft masks are, I think one person of several hundred/over a thousand had recognized any of the masks as a video game).

Also the masks not being ear loops is terrific!

That being said, there is a downside:


Have they heard of HOTS? I’ve met so few people who have heard of it. There is some super stuff in the Blizzard Store. If I wasn’t being so careful with my expenses, I’d go on a spending spree there.

Maybe they should give out free HOTS masks for promotion? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Nah, there has been one person who went like “that’s from a video game company, right?” Haha.

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SL continues to be brutal this season for me as well, but fortunately the last match broke a nasty losing streak. They first picked Chromie on Braxxis, so naturally I went Anub. Their ETC would Q in while she Time Looped our Tass.

Cocoon the cow, E onto the Chromie and rip her face off. I was actually surprised we won, as we had a very oddball draft. They had picked Rexxar for the top lane (no surprise, he is busted), so our off laner picked …

… Qhira. I didn’t think that would work, but she did fairly well, although it helped we dominated the 4 man and could send our Jimmy up to flank and gank. I just need another 6 or so matches like that now. >.<


Hots is fun.

Wow, all of them low health right next to their gate. Not one of them thought of maybe healing at the hall of storms before defending.

Hoku is the nicest person on the forums but it seems you should not mess with Hoku in a game:


I gave a like to that comment simply because of the “Cocoon the cow”, but ripping off poor Chomie’s face is savage. :laughing:

Oh don’t be silly, everyone knows it’s faster just to be sent instantly back to spawn than press B. So much hard work.


Got back with a good friend and starting playing mor.

The Jumpylion-Xylord power duo is back.

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Maybe I am just a bad person, but the way Qhira’s chain sword falls limply to the ground when she tries to use E on my Anub’arak never fails to amuse me. It just looks so, um, can I say this here? Impotent.


I was having fun all last week as Samuro switching my mirror images and so leaving a spinning Qhira right where she could be collapsed in on by my team. It’s satisfying crushing Qhira for me because the hero’s character is so egotistical and overconfident.

*****Before Melke kills me, I know Qhira has more character traits than I listed, it’s just her hubris stands out. “Decent. Unsophisticated, but decent.” Gimme a break!

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The enemy Qhira in the match I just played also was so foolish as to take the spinny/stunny heroic into our Divine Storm Uther. :laughing:


I get home from the Chiropractor feeling very nice after a not so great day at work and boot up HOTS for some games

2 games playing as Orphea
Two games someone called GG
One game someone accused me of trolling for clearing a sentinel before going to objective (it was pushing I was trying to kill it faster)
2 wins after level 24
1 MVP (guess which one it was XD)

I’m a happy camper right now,
Also had an I told ya so moment during the draft, someone wanted me to first pick Qhira… and then we end up with BOTH brightwing and Arthas on the enemy team. Gosh that Artanis was useless that game let me tell ya.


I would like to thank the enemy who drafted Aba Tracer while I still hada pick
I’d like to thank my team who had already gone Mei and REhgar
I’d also like to thank my team for not tilting when I last picked a Li Li when we would in theory be missing traditional damage

You all just gave me a wicked fun game that I enjoyed, was a promo from gold 5 to 4,
Great way to start my birthday so thak you


Happy Birthday! Here’s to another successful trip around the sun.

(Even if you do insist on playing the stupid, evil furball.)


What can I say, evil fuzzballs and evil Protoss make good teams apparently, carrying our teams damage and all that

Thank you Hoku,

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I can never understand players like that. As you said Sentinel I’ll assume you’re talking about Hanamura? It doesn’t surprise me that merc gets so much value, some people just tunnel vision and just hyper focus on the pretty weak early objective.

I’m happy something went right, it seems you hardly go wrong with your best girl Qhira. Oh and a belated happy birthday!


Not exactly a GG as there werent any interesting happenings going on in AI matches but playing with my partner is GG enough and always so wholesome :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: matters not how uneventful the games are.

Anyway, had the opportunity to try Dva and Gazlowe out today. The one two heroes I’m least excited about. Don’t think is my style but she does accomplish a lot. I noticed I was pulling a ton of work and hurrying the match along nicely. Moreso with Gazlowe with his usual broken build. Just an unbelievably OP hero and now I finally understand the story completely when I’m in his shoes.

Edit: ah! I didn’t see what was above me! I know you probably don’t like the attention Melke but I can’t help it ok. Happy birthday!


It was Hanamura yes, and thing is good thing I wasn’t on qhira that time, I was actually on Orphea (Crushing Jaws Divine Storm combo is sexy as hell let me tell ya probably half the reason we won that game)
oh and Orphea can do more damage to PVE stuff then Qhira even if she’s not great at it.

I go wrong plenty Minky I just never tell you guys about the failures, a Hunter’s reputation is everything after all :wink:

I don’t think you can on these forums, I know other forums that use similar outline as these have that function but we don’t sadly

also not belated at all It’s still my birthday :slight_smile:


The forum have no options to send private messages so what you want to say to Melke you have to say to him on Battle net as a B-net friend.

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To the Li-Ming that b-stepped my Imperius clone. I saw how you stepped on all my mines and spinned around in fear when you were low on hp :heart_eyes: