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kek! Stop teasing me with this, I so want the Batman BW skin. We also need a Brightwing Deathwing skin too!

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Stupid Evil Fruitfly

suddenly I feel a bit better, at least my dream skin has a higher chance then a Copyrighted material skin.

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I thought we had such skins for her:

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Oops, I meant a Brightwing skin for Mr. Deathwing! My bad, I’m a little tired for some reason. :tired_face:


I’ve a specific feeling, he don’t want to look like her :thinking:


Finally a little success after a long week of mostly losses.


So I did a thing
Our team first Picks Nova and Medivh .
as we facepalm me and my duo partner are thinking how to make this work as enemy start showing shenadagins like Rexxar and Diablo on Cursed Hollow
at one point or another probably light tilt but we just Decide (Fit it) and do things fun,
Honestly not expeting to win but still fighting like hell
then we win and I got an MVP with 3 votes despite being “not a tank” (we had Imperius for that)


Did not know Genji had blood stacks to use :smiley:

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if only he could use them :pensive:

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Did I share this here? duno


That’s the kind of Li-Ming that elicits fear in my heart when they are the enemy. Nice moves Sami!


and this my fellow players of HotS is the reason why you always pick Calamity on Level 7


that escalated quickly :joy:

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That our Key Leaders (plus Ana, Nova, & Kerrigan) portraits is waiting to me even with patch notes.

To the KT who b-stepped after killing our Ming (although it was her fault for teleporting a little too aggressively before level 7), all you accomplished was to activate my full try-hard mode. I made sure that speed boost negated your Flamestrikes and hopes of Living Bomb spreads, and almost every single one of your Pyros was met by my Sound Barrier.

The one Pyro when my shield was on CD? Well, 20 armor on Wall Riding from my level 13 talent says, “Hi!”

You may have b-stepped on our Ming, but I /danced on the smoking ruins of your core.


How savage.


Bloodlust! I wasn’t aware of this side of you Hoku. :grinning:

I thought of you yesterday Hoku, I played several games with Artanis, just in QM, all my games are just QM lately, a total reverse of years past where it was ranked.

I saw your post in the Fun Moments video where Artanis did a god swap on the Alex. I was against an Alex and usually I’m not good at the whole god swap thing. I did find though that an Alex who places her abundance poorly makes for such easy swap opportunities. Alex would place that circle and I’d swap out a low health hero and my hungry Genji would go to town. A very fun game indeed.

The other fun game was a Tyrande game, which was a mirror match for me! The pressure was on, but that team was so great, everyone communicated up front we would let Zagara push though the first objective while we only poked at the objective.

One thing I love about QM is you can use builds and talents you rarely can in ranked games. I went full Owl build as it was Cursed Hollow and the enemy team was pretty squishy. My favorite part was when three of the enemy ganked Zagara and killed her, but were at terribly low health and clumped together. You see where this is going, I had been watching and my Sentinel killed all three! Pow,! Who says you can’t still Owl snipe?

Thanks for the people who gave me 7 votes on the end screen. It’s very rare for people to vote at all in QM, so it was appreciated.


It sounds like that was well-earned!

I hope so, at least I was putting everything into it. I made some great saves of my team. When playing a healer I often think I died, when in fact it was a teammate and it’s my blaming myself for letting them die!

I voted for our Zag player though, she was really slippery and put so much pressure on them.