Thanks for a GG - Deposit your joy here!

Murky and probius on the same team?! Has to hurt, but gotta love the result. The scaling on probius is insane and I’m guessing murky helped out greatly in the team fights later on. Always so good to see unorthodox heroes perform better than expected, excluding the gazlowe anyway.

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Had some very fun QM matches this morning, got a chance to play with GrandArbiter from the old forums. They are still very active in HotS, they just don’t post any more. GA is a ranged assassin main, so I had the pleasure of escorting and protecting his Hanzo and KTZ. Or at least trying to, he plays a fairly aggressive KTZ, so I lost him a couple of times.

Blaze + KTZ is beyond awesome, although I am sure the enemy team wasn’t happy with it. At all.

OMG, the most suicidal player was not on my team this time.!!

Happens about once every 11 games, but I’ll take it.


The end is coming - Hoku has switched her avatar

:fearful: :fearful:
Run for the basement!


It’s is now one of the Healer heroes avatar that why? I sense that my account avatar will changes every balance updates patches. after Whitemane I possibly changes to D.Va or Yrel avatar can wait them.

I managed to get a pug to call me a God
even though this feat of power was in part due to being 2 levels up at the time I had a Thrall and an ETC converging on my Retreating Muradin and ended up killing both of em by the skin of my teeth
Who needs a tank when you have a battle tank I guess.

also was playing the game while listening to Diggy Diggy Hole which was mildly amusing

edit: Muradin got banned my very next game and I’m laughing about this, not sure but I think I left an impression

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Can’t run there if I already live there


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She finally realises artanis is not the way to go
Proud of her!


So the streak of playing against former HGC pros in NA SL continues. Today featured none other than Sake from Gen G!

He was in a 3 stack with another Korean ex pro smurfing. We played against them a second time and lost. I blame the Ming who went Orb/Glass Cannon…

… against Sake’s Greymane. >.<


Honestly, 80% of the time it’s fair to blame the Li-Ming who goes full Orb/Glass Cannon and usually Disintegrate into the devils bargain.

You can also usually count on that kind of Ming player to do it vs a team of heavy dive, where calamity and Wave of Force would be helpful for escape and a self peel. If they enemy has a KT with Pyro, it’s almost guaranteed the Ming will have taken Glass Cannon, especially if I’m supposed to heal or tank for them! :wink:

*Hoku, thank you for delaying the apocalypse by changing back to your Artanis Avatar, I feel safer now! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Heh. I had changed it to Lucio as sort of a private joke. In another thread Drothvader noted that I had a post count of 7777, and I wasn’t allowed to post again to keep that number. I was trying to think of an avatar that could reflect that count, and the best I could come up with was Lucio.

Woo! Jackpot.


Speaking of the devil. Your post count is closing in to the magical number soon :smiley:

Oh, kek, the devils numbers. :wink:


Time to change your portrait to Diablo!


Implying Brightwing isn’t a devil even Diablo fears.


When I hit 6666, it’s a deal!

Hoku would say your Avatar is far more evil than either Brightwing or Diablo and she’s furry! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Stupid, evil furball…


When she hits 6666 her avatar turn into a batman bw.