Thanks for a GG - Deposit your joy here!

Man, that was SO funny.

On Volskaya, the enemy team invaded our turret. I was soloing top, but my team fought for it. They fought for a LONG time. It ended with 3 kills for the enemy team and 2 for mine. Then the enemy kills the camp, and they leave the turret there!

My friend was like, “yoink!” I’ll take it. lol.

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Did I miss something or do you mean Volskaya Foundry?

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Oops, yeah, I meant Volskaya lol.

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This is cursed.

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Just happened in cursed hollows. We’re de-pushing our lanes. Minding our own business. Then we see the game announce that Morales just died. No one is anywhere near the enemy. On closer look, she got killed by nexus forces.

So we head to their boss. and find them with the boss at 5% hp, all of them low health, without a healer. Thank you, triple kill, take the boss, destroy their keep and take 40% of their core lol.


You know Hanamura has Turrets too right?

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Yeah but the description given of Top lane suggested a long distance, so Volskaya seemed more apt of an assumption

I just finished Playing Deus Ex Mankind Divided today,
I don’t know whether or not I’m just not at all able to spot cliche’s or the game was really good at throwing curveballs but let me tell you there was some awesome stuff in that storyline that I was genuinely not expecting, not sure how many spoilers I should give, all I can say is tha t I loved that end sequence, starting off all Hitman style gotta take down all these bad guy guards without party goers noticing then find out that stuff has hit the fan and I’m rushing on my last limb to stop the poison and the bombs,

And in spite of all the new an exciting augmentations to take down the final boss, I found that the Classics are always the best, Typhoon Spam never failed me in Human Revolution and it Didn’t fail me in Mankind Divided

Gosh I hope Square Enix gets back on track with the ending of this Trilogy.

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I have never leaved Heroes Forums but had in hiatus for last few days, as I hope that next patch update will be there in sometime, I could followed next forthcoming via that questions:

  • until next Balance Update patch hits take placed I would continued to play in Versus A.I. mode.
  • Loot Chests cannot opens until after buying Ana & Boost expired I would see Artanis to lesson.
  • As ever would hard to see any Winter skins I would need more these Winter skins in anything.
  • As Alarak cannot to play again until Kerrigan reached Level 5 even Stitches would also see it.
  • Heroes are to play had buy another heroes for example: buying Illidan to play Night elf heroes.

Finally had a chance to play some matches with AnaBanana. He was really suffering from the NA ping, though. The only one we lost was against a very coordinated Medivh team. I still stand by the claim that Medivh has to be the most infuriating hero in the game to go against.


against an excellent playing Medivh, for sure. I had the opportunity today to get stomped by a Medivh Team in QM. They weren’t a premade, but all played better than there player level would show.


Told you.

But people refuse to see the light.


What about Alarak mains. Just played vs one with 900 games as him who shut me down whole game as Butcher and had me on 80 meat whole game long. And i am fairly competent at getting full stacks with him.


Skilled Alarak players can be so frustrating to play agaisnt, agreed. The difference though with skilled Medivh’s is he is an annoying threat on his own and can save teammates from a mistake that normally would have got them killed.

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That game they also had Medivh on the team and he was good too. So enemy team had 2 good heroes that made my time as Butcher a nightmare. Always timed protect from Medivh. Always silenced by Alarak pinned down right after :smiley:

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Oh no! Well that sound like a super frustrating game to play as the Butcher. :frowning:

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Today in ARAM we learned that double Ana behind a Jaina is kind of busted. We had a Tyrael and a Rexxar to round out the team, but an almost permanently nano’d Jaina is terrifying. The enemy Garrosh threw her into his team just as I got off the nano, she RoF’d as she landed, and they all just vaporized.


I had a super QM game on Volskaya. Our team comp looked pretty bad on the surface compared to the enemy team. We had a Probius, Gazlowe, Nova, Murky and me on Tyrande.
The Enemy had Imperius, Medivh, Anduin, Zeratal and KTZ and were a 5 man.

I felt that we had a great comp to control the point completely if the enemy fought too hard for it and the Probius was skilled. My word was the Probius player skilled. The enemy got to around 70% charge on the first objective while we snapped up an exp lead. We then won the first objective and the enemy never was able to set foot on the point again due to the expert zoning of Probius and Gazlowe.

I just want to say it was a pleasure playing with that team, the Nova player had said we had a bad comp at the start, but said they were willing to work with it. They also didn’t take Triple Tap vs Medivh which restored my faith in QM Nova players.