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Those skins are so gorgeous.


Aren’t they. They really have the perfect name “Show Stopper”, I know it’s to fit the period/concept of the costume, but they also describe the feeling you get looking at them.


Last Year I played 2,345 games since I first login in February this year may extended to 4,000+ games.

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I just woke up and am having my tea, but I am game to play today!

Edit: And I promise to only play good heroes, and practice my reactions.

Successful 1v3+ escapes are awesome. Gets the blood pumping.

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OrangeJuice I did the funny look

It’s not about a good game but still a thank you. I binge played 8 QM in a row and no Blackheart’s Bay, thank you Blizz! :sweat_smile:

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not sure if this is actually good, but playing with ~200 ping (not really relevant to the character) feel pretty good almost outhealing STUKOV in ARAM.

Or does Morales actually stack up a lot more healing than I thought?

(I went grenade talents, after picking it level 1… before realizing that it was a terrible choice to go for that with high ping lol)


I feel a bit rusty by not playing much, but I finally fixed my multiple micro lags. It could happen 4 times in a single game.
Enough with the wifi, I’m directly pugged in now. It feels so good.


played a few fun games as cho’gall. Not even voice chat, or even played much together. Just did 3 games only with party chat to communicate.

Well, I played as Cho, to be more specific.

Happy had someone to make me try… now i need to find someone to regularly play with me on NA. I tend to play:

  1. 9a-noon PST Tuesday to Saturday.
  2. 11pm-noon^ PST Sunday/Monday
    … what was the channel people join to play cho’gall again?

Is it just chogall?

^i don’t actually play all those hours, that is my availability, more accurately.


Sometimes you’ve just got to Yolo and sometimes it works

I just had the most blurry and epic final fight of a game ever
So it starts as a team fight 5v5, no idea what happened there but the enemy suffered 2 casualties and the survivors were low, Li Li Zeratul and Diablo

Our team only had 2 survivors, me on Qhira and Lucio, I was 50 ish and Lucio I think was full.
This was level 20 for both teams so Diablo had… disgusting amount of CC and self heal

to put it simply I nuked Li Li and tapped Dibbles with one Q just in time to stop the channel (she was htat low) and then me and Lucio proceed to spend 10 secondds desperately fighting for our lives,
I gotta say Full Q build consistently hitting 2 enemies who think they have a huge advantage is kidn of bonkers survability combined with YPMG and Lucio doing Lucio things

Ah it was fun my heart was pounding when we won in the end and ended the game,

I think I finally pulled myself out of that slump… either that or these enemies werne’t that good not sure which.


I said, one does not simply walk up and kill a Blaze.


you time those bunker ult so well.

Bunker is life, Bunker is love. I know Combustion is the popular pick at my rank, but I love how quickly and thoroughly Bunker counters so many different heroics and combos. Any time I don’t pick Bunker, I feel like I regret it.

I COULD regail you all with the story of this epic awesome piece of freaking amazingness game I just encountered
but instead I’m just going to let these screenshots taken EIGHT FREAKING MINUTES APART speak for me

Considering we had a Mei as our tank (winter) and they were being led by a Diablo (Terror incarnate)
I find this song very fitting for what happened


In a funny almost coincidence, I just played a match as Anub (you can pretty much assume that these days, if it is SL, I am playing Anub), against a Mei, with a random who last picked Qhira on Cursed Hollow. They went AA build into a Mei, BW, Tychus, Tassadar, and your favorite hero, Zeratul. For some bizarre reason, they picked the spinny heroic.

On Cursed Hollow.

With an Anub’arak.

Against a Brightwing.

We won anyway, and it will make you happy to learn the Zeratul died 8 times. Oh, you wanted to murder my back line? Not on my watch! Having a Tyrande who knew how to play her ensured that if he went in and got hit by my Q, there would be a follow up stun, and then nothing but pain for him.

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THe part of that that has me shaking my head is SOLELY the Brightwing
Never play Qhira into Brightwing

Mei is manageable she’s not worse then other tanks and she’s not Horrid against Zeratul, she kinda has this wierd interaction where neither really directly interact