Thanks for a GG - Deposit your joy here!

Even though I’m fed up with onelane brawls, Volskaya’s structure and belts make a fun ride.


I am starting to think my personal goal of breaking 700 stacks on Artanis may never come true. The times I have finally gotten a good map and comp for stacking, we either win too fast or they all start running away. Come back! I just want to hit you! Repeatedly! I will 1v4 you!

I had the perfect opportunity on Volskaya against a front line of Diablo and Stitches. We won in 14 minutes. :frowning:

I think I am now addicted to dings.

Recently, I found myself picking fewer quests. I take too high risks for the dings and depending on the character, I might finish them way too late, leaving me behind the power curve.
I like Kerrigan for this reason, all her good talents are non quests.

What I’m trying to say is: Give me Artanis with the new quest and I will probably feed like crazy for the stacks.

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I have a died a couple of times for a few extra stacks, but if I can stack early enough, he becomes a monster and is incredibly hard to kill late game, so the aggression pays off. And I still go with my old BoE and Hanamura builds on those maps, and will play much more conservatively in QMs without a healer.


OMG, we won a SL game yesterday with a feeder!

The entire team spent the whole game pinging him and telling him not to walk around buy himself as KT, or check a boss we knew the enemy was doing since 3 of us were dead.

It was really de-moralizing for the team. Every time we had a chance to gain the advantage, the KT would walk in front, or go solo, to try to get convection stacks (which of course he never completed) and die. Despite us winning two 5 v 4 fights the enemy team was going to get us.

We managed to wipe them when they didn’t seem sure if they wanted to push our core or not, took the boss, turned in, and won. With the KT at 10 or 11 deaths.

And of course he complained at the end of the game about someone not having enough damage, and the healer not having done enough healing.

I almost felt bad that we gave him a win. When I looked up his profile, he had a twelve game losing streak in SL. And there definitely isn’t a forced 50% when looking at his history. Which makes me wonder why he was matched with us.


I’ve been matched against many players like that. I’ve seen people with lifetime SL win rates in the 60% range and 40% range. If there is a forced fifty it’s not working for these folks.

Either he was very close to your rank, or more likely it used MMR averaging to form your team. If the other team was all randoms your team is “favored” so it can put a paperweight player on your team as long as the average MMR for both teams is “even”.

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The term “Favored” has a very different meaning in HotS lol. I was teamed up with my brother, but I don’t know if anyone else on our team was. The KT was definitely solo.

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I haven’t played any mode for a bit over a week, I wish I could add a GG as my first back, but our team couldn’t win with that 18 death Valla feeder. :frowning:

Thank you, you too! I didn’t want to reply in the other thread as someone would probably flag me for being off topic or something.


Im the king of off topics. Its the charm of the forums

Btw is my name so hard to spell. People call me Harbringer more then harbinger?


It’s not hard to spell and considering your Avatar Harbinger is not only a real English word (unlike Harbringer) but the meaning aligns perfectly with a Malthael avatar.

Harbinger: Something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone


Wow. Ok your feeder beats mine.

First time playing Medivh, kill enemy Abathur three times


OMG I played SL against a team that had both Samuro and Medhiv. My most hated heroes.

We completely destroyed them. I was ETC and my first kill was Medhiv when we were mid and he moved in to Stack, as soon as I saw his portal, I Q+E’d him away from it. And my last kill was Samuro next to his core, Powerslide to interrupt his BladeStorm as he was moving away from my team.

Made my day.

I was one kill and twelve assists out of 15 total kills (Game lasted 15 mins. winning the curse twice in a row and getting all the bosses is a ride to victory)


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Congratulations, though I feel sorry for the poor Abathur player. QM MM has now made Medivh and Abathur eternal mortal (virtual?) enemies. More often if I queue up in QM as Abby I’m matched vs a Medivh rather than the other two supports TLV or Zarya. I always seem to be matched vs a really skilled Medivh player so I have to be very careful about body soaking.

From the sounds of it the Abby you versed was a bit reckless with his positioning.

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Every time I read your name, I hear the voice of the Harbinger, the first of the reaper.
What an epic Game series!


Sovereign always left more of an impression on me, probably because of the voice acting but I’m bias like that.


Where did you think I got the name from ! Always nice to see it got reconised
My favorit game and it linked good to my real life job because im the one who tells others work is comming our way

But in game I really loved the mechanic of him taking over units and making them an elite enemy.


I actually keep calling you that in my head cause its so close to each other.

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The Collector-General was an annoying Enemy on Insanity Level. I think I destroyed more than one Mouse playing the game through on this mode…

Your name always reminds me of one of my favourite promotional material ever:

I love that short. Khadgar 4 HotS.

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