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Thanks for Anduin that used Lightbomb on my Mosh Pit!


I decided to continue on my quest for 700 stacks this morning, and the first map was TotSQ with a Murky (kill stacks) and a Rexxar (bear stacks). I didn’t stack quite as high as my personal best (“only” 557), because the Murky was really good, and the match was actually really tough, so I couldn’t indulge in shenanigans for stacks.

They had our core open and at their mercy, and we were fighting from behind (18 and half to their 20). Somehow, I caught their Stukov while channeling his Puddle of Woe (who even does that in godswap range?), and we managed to stagger their deaths enough to get the pressure off our core and race to the boss. They were respawning just as we were finishing, but we had a really good random Medivh (we were a 4 stack), and we held them off to cap, and start down their top lane. This was clearly our best chance to clutch out a win.

We get on their core, they had an Exterminator Raynor, so the boss had less than a quarter of its HP. We fling ourselves at their base, hoping we live long enough to see victory. With 550 stacks, I was their primary target, so I used everything in my kit to stay alive and on target. Sadly, they proved too strong, and I inevitably fell before them.

As they turned mercilessly on the rest of my team, our Auriel managed to get a clutch rez on me with her dying breath. They then pursued the remaining members of my team, seeing their chance at victory.

But wait, in their thirst for blood, they didn’t notice that I was back up and swinging, tearing chunks out of their core with every slash. 30%, 20%, and still they kept chasing.

As their core shattered before me, our Orphea cheered in chat, our Medivh gg’d (I voted for him, he really was good), and I thanked the team for never giving up.

Damn, I love this game…


I would love to see the replay of this match

Deckard is very good, as Tassadar, with friends.
Getting higher.

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Most of the replay is standard QM nonsense, so this screen capture pretty much sums up the ending as well as anything.

We were down to 78% on our core and only one keep left, they had killed most of us (Auriel died right after rezzing me), and they inexplicably left me alone to beat on their core. Someone on the enemy team was madly pinging me, indicating that someone was aware I could win the game!


I had a match lately where we all died in a late teamfight and we still won because our enemy ignored our minions and three catapults attacking his core, winning for us the match :hugs:



That is all I have to add
IThat is why I love my Rag so much, the enemy can win early to the point winions are a regular occurance but just by being alive and ulting I stop that non sense, they can’t win without wiping us when I’m on rag and it enables some crazy comebacks


So I told the first part of this story but I had to tell the rest of it it just had me giggling

So as I said earlier I had a game where I accidetnally drafted Ana for the first time and ended up winning

Well that game went so well my response was “let’s do that again!” And I was in a 4-stack so my group were fine with it (though Nano boost on our god tier Chromie Silver, certainly made this an easy pill to swallow for the team.)

So next game there is this person called Karen (Not the real battle tag or anything.) who insta locked a Lunara and started demanding a Li Li ban
Now thing is how the rest of the team was drafting a li li pick would be a 1 to 1 counter while Li Li’s actual output healing wise against non AA attackers is limitted to the point it’s not a huge concern, so I go “nah we can work around it if they pick it.”

This same Karen also was saying “Ana bad in this rank don’t pick” and basically said they weren’t going to fight when I picked her

Well 1 of 2 things happened, either A the enemy were constantly sending someone to go deal with the split pushing Lunara during team fights (Volskaya industries by the way) or my 4 stack were just so good we were consistently winning 4v5s

Put simply we turned this persons salt into a weapon and it was glorious, we won with flying colours


about 4 games later we see this same person on the enemy team, and guess what gets banned? My Ana
Hmmm apparently she’s actually okay at “this rank” hehe
Anyway I was kind of an A-hole in the draft because they drafted a Varian, now knowing how their frontline was I was 100% confident we were going to see a colossus or a twin blades because they already had two tankier characters and he was being drafted as the DPS,
As a result a li li pick would counter 2 not just 1.

So yeah guess who picked up the evil fuzzball after monthes of not playing her, and proceeded to crush the salty teammate again with the help of my amazing group of friends.

It was a fun night, not all wins that night for sure but well, when you’ve got a group who don’t yell at each other and have your back against the pugs without being A-holes to the pugs. It’s just a load of fun.


I’m a bit confused, you use her Avatar without changing it for months, but didn’t played her at all?
P.s. I’m out of likes for a while so you have to wait a bit to get one from me.


2 things on that note
The reason I use the Li Li avatar is because it was actually a Li Li one trick that got me to try HOTS again after I quit Overwatch, kind of in his honour if you will

The other thing, is by the logic you’re using I should use the avatar of my most played, and given who’s the highest level right now that’s impossible for me, since the avatars haven’t been updated with Qhira.


I think your Qhira scares me Melke, good Qhira’s are rare, but like good Kerrigan or Maiev players can wreak havoc! Just remember to keep telling Hoku how much Li Li is a sweet furball that should be adored and welcomed. :smile:


Getting kiiled by BW Q is the most salty way of dieing.


Brightwing did a good thing! Luv it! :laughing:


Don’teven get me started on Brightwing

I finally figured out she’s like half the reason my winrate on Dragonshire is 25%, every time I have someone dead to rightts she’s there

I’m still learning even after level 50, I can pull off a great deal of crazy under the right circumstancesbut I still gotta learn more final strike and actually you know… hitting that ultimate XD thank you though

She’s such a cute fuzzball I agree hehe

I feel good.

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Here is your Picture, DrLogan:

This is neat! Is this your highest MMR?


Kinda. I don’t remember previous highest master. It was 3k too.

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That was brutal. Had 75%+ dmg to enemy core.
Next game I got same team and they banned TLV and Tassadar.
They outmacro-ed us and my dmg dealers sucked so we lost.
But I still got more happiness from first game.

Here are Logans pictures:

Did they really ban the vikings after the first match?
They must have been terrified :rofl:


Checked enemy captain’s profile and he was 7k master. His team played well on Sky temple.
Banning TLV, they showed me their respect to me. And I was honored.