Teach me: Malthael

I just hit 10k and I want to buy him with my gold after trying him out, is there any Malthael mains out there willing to give me tips and suggestions?
Edit: I am LOVING Malthael right now, so fun for me!


Lern to kite
Know that your autos don’t hit hard, they just mark a lot
Know that you’re sustained, don’t dive burst
Know that you are dependent on your team
Lern how to solo lane well

And talent accordingly.


Learn that nobody can stop Death.


I can help you even with replays if you’re interested. My latest SL (3rd placement) was with him (a win, but worth mentioning that the enemy outdrafted themselves).

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Yeah any replays would be appreciated, I like to study gameplay and see what I can do to improve.

Step 1: Buy Xul instead. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Go on git! I don’t wanna hear it, Malthael is cooler anyways.


Unless you have 5/10 on Last Rights at level 20, always go for the Instant Respawn talent and play around that, it’s a 3 minute cooldown but if u can live that long u basically never have a death timer post 20.

Amazing hero got me to p3 ,
Great hero for solo lane, camps ,and take down some high hp heroes .
Go q bulid to better solo lane control , use ult (last rites) on high hp heroes like diablo to take them fast.
Dont try to engage first in tf u die fast if get focus very vulnerable to ganks always watch minimap .
Try to hit E on minions and heroes so u can heal more , or use E on minion and W to escape .
this is great guide on malthael check it out.


Don’t listen to him!!! :scream:
Malthael is better in most leagues.


probably tassadar better

You misspelled “edgier,” which is not the same thing.
But yeah, Malthael is definitely way cooler than Xul.

I don’t play him anymore, his rework ruined him for me, but here are the basics:

Don’t trade into people with your AAs. They deal pitiful damage, literally not even 75 DPS at level 1. Most Healers have comparable AA DPS. Instead, use your AAs to mark targets and then kite with Q.

Always make sure you’re fighting near clumps of enemies, especially minions. Your Q is only all that great for sustain against multiple targets or the very highest health units in the game.

Double-soaking and jungling is Malthael’s main role right now. While his AA’s single-target DPS is legitimately pitiful, the fact that they can often hit the entire minion wave or merc camp at once makes him great for PvE, and On a Pale Horse’s +20% mounted movement speed makes rotating extremely quick.

Always go Die Alone, Cold Hand, and Soul Collector. It’s literally the only build worth taking in 90% of situations. It provides the single-target damage Malthael now sorely lacks baseline.
Soul Siphon at level 13 is optional, as Inevitable End, a 20 second CD 2 second self-Cleanse at the same level, is absurdly good against CC heavy comps.
Only ever pick Touch of Death at level 7 if the enemy team has very telegraphed healing, such as if you think Rehgar is going to pick Ancestral Heal or Alex is building for Abundance.

Always pick Last Rites. Even if you can’t get its cooldown super low, the kill pressure it brings to the fight can force enemies to burn their own high CD abilities to block it, and its cooldown starts out fairly low as is, only 60 seconds.
Picking Tormented Souls is a waste of an ult choice and using it is a waste of mana. It only marginally improves upon anything you can already do and does nothing you can’t already do. In fact, it really just puts a giant target on your back, and if the enemy team has any reasonable burst it will likely get you killed. This is easily one of the biggest trap ults in the game.

At level 20, either upgrade Last Rites (do this if you’re between about 4 and 8 progress on it) or pick No One Can Stop Death. As long as you make sure you don’t die again within 3 minutes, this ability will effectively permanently remove, or at the very least significantly reduce, your respawn timer.
If for some god-forsaken reason you chose Tormented Souls for your ult, do not double down on that screw-up and pick Reaper of Souls.


after one try i can tell he the best against tanks, can very easily kill 4 merc camps and can very well pushing back thankfully the bonus mount speed talent, but i still have zero clue why he is a good opption in several oppurtinity, because i don’t know the half hero pool yet…
i hope this helped.
ps he dosen’t have combo, at least i don’t know any.

NGL after reading what you wrote i’m scared to buy Malthael now.

I can’t quite get a fix on whether Malthael is actually doing all that well long-term. For the past couple weeks, he’s been around a 53% winrate overall, but a little over a month ago he was sitting around 46% for about 3 weeks, and before that he was around 50% or so.

I have no idea why his winrate is fluctuating so much.

Xul, on the other hand, has been sitting pretty solid between 50-52% for months now.

*Note, I’m not saying Xul is better. I’m just observing the irregularities of Malthael’s winrates over the past few months.

What kind of playstyle do you tend to favor? What are the heroes you generally play?

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I main healer, (specifically Uther) I play nearly all of them except for Alex, Anduin, and Whitemane. I have been trying to branch off recently and find heroes I enjoy. I’m big on the PvE type of playstyle but I also enjoy tanking as well. For heroes I play Greymane, Tychus, Ragnaros, Fenix, Blaze, Gul’dan, and Varian. Healing I play Uther, Kharazim, Ana, and Morales. For tanks Stitches, Muradin, and Blaze as I previously said.


So it sounds like you’d probably be interested in Artanis, Leoric, and Dehaka. They have good sustain and are pretty beefy, and they also do well against minions and mercs. Artanis especially trades CC out for extra sustain and PvE, and he can be a real monster both in and out of teamfights.

You might find Malthael a little too squishy. He’s not that great at surviving anymore, ever since they nerfed his armor generation and removed armor stacking. He’s mostly used for tickle damage and kiting until Last Rites comes off cooldown.
Give him a try, to be sure. I don’t know your preferences well enough to make a solid judgement, and you may find you enjoy him despite my doubts.

Personally, I don’t enjoy him anymore because he traded a lot of his dueling and teamfight potential for PvE and a lower skill-floor and -ceiling. He lost a lot of his baseline single-target damage and general staying power with the rework.



Did his rework help him at all? Because from what i’m hearing it sounds like it made him worse and more streamlined to one build. Thank you for the pointers btw, I have played Artanis before because I got him for free from buying LotV and I enjoy him as well. I will definitely start playing him more, as for Dehaka I have never played him so I will try him out.

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