Tass Rework thoughts - From a Alpha Tass Main

I’ve Played Since Alpha, and the one hero I enjoyed playing the most, and have played the most is Tassadar.

Tassadar was a “support” before, but really what he was at his essence was a Play maker. His niche was a thing of beauty, his impact on a game would be so marginal until it wasn’t. The point of the game where the one or two clutch well timed plays is either going to win it or lose it for your team, this is where Tassadar has always exceled.

The perfectly placed forcewall, saving a retreat for your DPS, the perfectly timed shield on your healer as they dive in trying to blow her up. Hitting a KT or KTZ with nullify right before they drop their kits, rendering them useless. Baiting an enemy team into attacking you only to vanish and reappear safely. The list goes on and on, but the sentiment is the same. Tassadar made a few plays every game, but they were always game changers. Victory or Defeat level plays. That identity feels very much lost

instead of being able to make quick decisions that will change the course of a fight, I feel like just another damage dealer, trying to land my skill shots, trying to hit priority targets while evading the enemies damage. It seems they tried to keep this alive ever so slightly with forcewall becoming a basic, but at a 21 second cooldown, a smaller ranger, and honestly seems a little clunky, it fails to deliver on the older version.

It’s a sad day for Tass Mains, he was butchered after his “rework” three years ago, now he has been destroyed completely.

So long Tass, I wish you would of just given your life for Auir, you deserve better.


I honestly think that:

  1. it’s too soon to make judgement calls on the change being good or bad, the announced changes are roughly a day old… I’ll entertain skepticism, but we all need more experience (not to mention there are still tweaks that might occur before the actual patch update).


  1. Tassadar is being moved closer to what a templar from SC actually DOES. They always were more of a mage-type character that had more use with the psionic storm and I don’t recall they ever had anything to do with shields… Plus the whole archon thing.

One of the great strengths to this game is that, if you know the character or their class, you would have a very solid idea of what that character does if you came from that IP to HotS. This aids that transition for curious SC players.


It’s not about good or bad, he is totally different. They took a quarterback and made him into a linebacker. Totally different role and feel now.

Also I would have been OK with going the “starcraft model” route but honestly this game is very old now and Tassadar has been around since inception, it’s a bit late for that without destroying his player base. But if they must do that, they need to focus on the storm talents, it’s what the templar in SC are famous for. This new rework still doesn’t make that fantasy a reality.


yup, just look at his new Q. he’s just a generic assassin now. meh. Having wall at level 1 will be cool I guess, but I’ll miss being able to shield people too much


To be fair it was hard to fit in old Tassadar. He had a very niche team composition that wasn’t that strong. New Tassadar is pretty decent. I wish they had dropped the wall and added the new dimensional shift personally. He’s really easy to dive and force out of a fight.

I loved Tass as he was a swiss army knife in HOTS. I like those types of heroes that can do everything well but nothing great, it helps fill holes in a team.

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I agree with you guys. I agree.

The harsh reality and the big irony about this rework was the fact Tass was viable competitively, sure could use some tuning but he wasn’t as bad as people proclaim him in the meta.

The main issue was “what exactly you are suppose to be doing NOW in the current specification of that match” with him and is exactly what people failed causing this up cry for a rework.

Also not being healthy for his lore apparently.

And here we are. :man_shrugging:


Maybe for you. I, in the other hand, like his nee Q, it feels amazing an the reguard of a good Q is great.

Yes but the point of Templars are about them being play makers as well. Not in term of raw A move damage but coming from skills. That being said , i know they said they wanted to build tassadar again from the ground up but they missed many iconic abilities of high templars or archons.

  • psionic storm :ballot_box_with_check:
  • merging into archon.:ballot_box_with_check:
  • feedback. :x:
  • hallucination. :x:
  • maelstorm ( i know its a dark archon…) :x:
  • mind control ( still a dark archon ) :x:

I was actually interested in seeing them build him back anew from the ground up but feedback and hallucination are 2 important skills from templar .

This would had been great to be able to use them . it doesnt matter if he woudlnt had been as damage oriented as he currently is , its the fact that the playmaking elements seems gone and are replaced by the general feeling of “yay , im dealing damage !”


Yeah, Tass was my second most played hero, and while he may not have perfectly fit the fantasy of what people thought a high templar should play like, I didn’t care. He was super fun with a really unique kit that really symbolized what support heroes could be like.

The rework is well designed and thought out, but at the end of the day, it just feels like a mage with a slightly different twist. So while not horrible, I have to ask, did we really need another mage? After so many years into the game where you’ve essentially reshaped our expectations on Tassadar, what exactly are we gaining here except to alienate the people who already love Tassadar and his support play style?

Such a shame.


Assassin players will get another mage into their collection.

But in same time, I lost everything.


Agree with you 100% – He feels like a mage. Nothing wrong with his new kit and playstyle, but as a founder in the Nexus, and one of the most famous characters in the blizzard universe, he really deserves better.


Im going play the current tass a whole lot until the rework ! Then afterward… I dont know… We will have to see i guess

Granted it wasn’t Tassadar, but Karass in the WoL mission where you control Zeratul had an AoE shield restore.

Me too, I feel so defeated.


I like this post because it shows that the high templar elements are the same pre- and post-rework. So much for moving him closer to his role/kit in SC.

first the coronavirus…and now this