Surrender button for when matched with AFK/Trolls

I believe another option would be for an automatic game end when one or more players leave/ go afk. No penalties/ no prizes… and the player that’s the cause of the game ending is automatically given leaver status and can’t play in public games until they complete their 5 games.

It’s really kind of discouraging how many individual threads we have about surrender requests. So much virtual ink spilled over a subject where all the Dev teams have consistently said “there will never be a surrender option added to Hots.”

I don’t want a surrender option and I don’t think it would be healthy or needed in Hots, but I guess if you keep asking loudly enough you might get a surrender feature in 2026.

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You can already see the side effects of having a surrender mode in all the other games. People gonna spam it everytime they see a unfair match that could have been won if they just gave it a chance.

Insteed of adding a I quit butten afk players should be punished faster and harder.


ad nauseam

How about we give players the option to surrender, but it will lock your account for a week before you can play again? They get their surrender button and I don’t have to play with quitters.


I knew I’ve read the subject before.
That’s his main account, no wonders.


Lol, so he’s a smurf too now.

What a loser.

Also this isn’t the first time I called him out about spelling my name wrong. There is something seriously wrong with him.

No wonder he has an inflated and delusional ego.

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HOTS is a better game than most MOBAs for exactly this reason. You’re pretty much forced to try to win the game, and it turns out that a lot of the time, you can.

Sure, you can try to throw the game, but that tends to be really obvious to the point that it’s in the other team’s interest to report you, lest they end up on your team. And I would suspect that enemy team reports carry a higher weight.

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Look you immediately are assuming a lot of things. First let me just address the mine thing. I never said its their primary use. Their primary use has always been vision. To say that’s their only use is simply incorrect. Its like saying Imperius’s Angiris ult is only to be used for a team set up. While it would be wasted as an additional dash to get away, it can be used as such. Secondly GilfSlayer is not my alt account, however on my main I do play aba a lot more then I do on this one. I’m not a one trick. I’ve used all his builds before, but once again its pointless arguing with you because you clearly don’t look at other people’s points of view. Instead of asking questions to come to your conclusion on skill level its an immediate assumption on your part. You’re basically impossible to talk to on any matter that you don’t already agree with.

You from what i’ve gathered probably just watch pro videos on what “the pros do” and anything that doesn’t fit in that category is discarded as useless. Low level tricks like the mine bush strat, may not work very well in higher rank, but they are not useless, rather easily countered. Just like using dragon claw with genji becomes more difficult in higher ranks because people don’t attack deflecting genji’s. Does it mean that its a bad strategy? No, but it does fall off. Simply based on your comment about mines not being used for wave clear I can tell you are a pretentious *** and i’m not going to talk with you any longer.

That’s how everyone views you.

I’ve never watched a pro video before or a tournament video or anything, aside from short clips or small parts relating to discussion here on this forum.

I was thinking the same thing about you. You don’t answer even simple questions like how the hell you keep misspelling my name EXACTLY how Gilf did and where you got that 42% winrate on aba statistic from.

You are just a clueless aba who thinks you have a clue because you’re amazingly delusional. i doubt anyone listens to a single word of the nonsense you speak so you just waste your own time.

this. in theory is a good idea to have a surrender option but we all know how this is going to go. QM comes and enemy team has 2 tanks/stuns and your team has tyrael with no stuns.

1 person will just quit, and the rest will prob hang around the base until the enemy team destroys the core.


I dont think ban is working properly. Played a game with duo trying to lose with troll pick/afk, second game still matching with them!!! WTF
I believed rest team literally reported them afk/troll


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In reality, there is no telling how big this surrender button audience is, since technically anyone satisfied is silent, whereas the unsatisfied, no matter how few, make dozens if not hundreds of posts claiming everyone is foaming at the mouth for a surrender button. The illusion of the many. Really the only people capable of actually determining what’s going on are the devs in the backend. So following this thread of logic, if there has been no changes for the last 5 years regarding a surrender button, it probably means the majority are satisfied.


Ye I know people just want to have fun and fair games but qm does not provide any of that unless you play with friends. There are just too many dumb people in this game that solo que is mostly a hell hole. The game has not been good enough to teach players how this game should be played. All I see is 4 people running around midlane the first 5 min and leave the other lanes empty. And then they are dumb enough to fight 8-10 in lvls.

And then those kind of people will ask for surrender when its themself that have put themself into that situation from the start. Too many people think they can just 5 man brawl themself to victory in qm but they will end up disappointed.

The game just need to teach people how to play this game better and punish trolls and afk players harder. But I get why some people want it. Some games in qm are just 100% lost on loading screen casue of how team comp is compared to yours.

LIke full team full of cc and you are left out with a fragile team with no pve/pvp power and a base sleeping Aba that picks monster ult insteed of clone. I admit that game I would have asked for a surrender if I could but I dont cause I dont quit games no matter how unfair they seem to be.

I have had games that looked unfair on paper but I ended up winning them cause everyone gave thier best. Something that is very rare in this game.


The people who want to have fun and fair games don’t play QM. QM is for people who want quick games.

Why not both?

I play QM for fun and find that most of my games are on some level fair. It doesn’t feel that different from when I was playing SL, aside from wasting more time and more toxicity in SL.

I do look at it differently than most people as I don’t sweat the small stuff and that unlike most people, I can also see the terribads on the enemy team, not just the ones on my team. Most people only see the ones on their own team and therefore arrive at the conclusion that the universe or the matchmaker or whatever is against them.

Most of my QM matches is played solo queue.

And I enjoy it.

Are you telling me you are enjoying one sided stomp games in QM when you lose?

Impossible to believe.

a surrender option brings a whole lot of other problems with it. I’d say if there ever is a surrender option it should only be available when two or more people have gone afk.

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I didn’t say you can’t have fun and fair games in QM. But you sign up for QM if Quick is your priority.

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That is kind of what you said in your previous comment, or at least you infer that people who play QM just want quick games and not “fun and fair games” as you put.

It is not ONLY the Quick part that is the priority, although it is part of it.

People just have different ideas of what is fun.

I genuinely enjoy the chaotic environment of QM. You might get a good team or you might get a totally weird team that makes no sense. Who cares? Just play to win! It’s fun to try and overcome weird challenges.

I also prefer to be able to choose whatever I want to play and actually play it. Currently playing a lot of Nova for instance. Played like 15 matches in a row with her in QM — if I tried that in SL, I’d not only be a huge selfish jerkwad, I’d also piss a lot of people off and most likely get reported a bunch.

Meanwhile there’s people that find fun in the draft phase – outwitting your opponent’s draft while making the ideal draft for your team based on logic and strategy and what not and then winning some rank points.