Surrender button for when matched with AFK/Trolls

The notions of both “fair” and “fun” are relative. This is probably why so many people have differing and often conflicting ideas of exactly what would make QM fun and/or fair.

I say conflicting as I’ve seen many people request all sorts of things that should be added to QM to make it fair and fun, but it wouldn’t even be QM as we know it now. Many have asked for QM to be outright removed, yet they still want a mode that somehow will guarantee they get to play the hero of their choice.

The previous Devs said it was impossible to satisfy the playerbase, I don’t think that was a terribly unfair assessment.


This is probably the case. I don’t want a surrender button, but I’ve never made a thread asking for the Devs never to add one. It might be a case of the silent majority. I have noticed that in these threads, the majority of people who weigh in, don’t want a surrender feature. :woman_shrugging:

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LOL Reddit got people making threads about how they hate people spamming surrender just becasue they are at a disadvantage.

So this comment I found on LOL Reddit and a user said this

totally hate this kind of player
its like they just want to pray for win instead of working hard for their win
oh we got an early advantage? good imma take this free win
oh we got an early disadvantage? i want out immediately and go next game and pray for early advantage

So LOL players acknowledge the problem too not just us and we dont even have it in our game. If two people start flaming each other the 3 player will ask for surrender casue now the game is over and cant be won when you got two people battleing each other insteed of focusing on the game. So ye there you have it guys and girls.

Even LOL players hate it and they had it for many years. But our devs made a big brain move and never added it. Same goes for All Chat. Even LOL devs had to close that thing down casue of toxic players.


You know, lately i do refuse to play solo. I only play solo after extended breaks, but after even duoing with a buddy, i dont think I can solo queue again. It really is a slot machine lol

I see this very often, especially the CC vs no CC teams 2 front line vs 1 front line with no cc. Or your team is 4 mages and they got nova/zeratul/aba combo going on and just getting absolutely face smashed.

If ranked had a shorter queue time i would never QM again.

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But is that the point?

If the situation is exactly the same in Hots, will the players be to lame for this? I mean, it will only show how many liveries are actually in the matches, everyone will see their real number. But will the players be to blame for this?

You say that a lot of matches will be missed, but have you asked the players what they will choose? Play with an AFC player, waste his time, without much hope of winning, or quickly throw off this match and start an honest next one?

Exactly the same ‘ton’ of people leaved hots because of the lack of this button, and also because of the afc, smurfs, technical problems at the start, and so on. And now what? Are the players still to blame for this?

Why, yes. Players are to blame for leaving, afking, griefing, and trolling.

I’ve played both LOL and Unite regularly and from memory I’ve only once seen it abused with someone afk cause they didn’t vote it up.

TBH most of the time it gets voted down and I’m actually surprised when people vote it up.
I’ve honestly seen more toxicity with the current system… maybe it’s the fact a vote is definitive “the tribe has spoken”… puts out the game torch

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That is also what my impression of the LOL player base is. They hate it too cause someone will allways find an exuse to use it when the game was winable but ofc he chickens out just becasue the game is suddenly waste of time.

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They should at least have a surrender option for QM games. QM is such a mess.

How can you have a bad taste when you win despite having afkers, quitters, and/or throwers? That’s a pretty darned exhilarating feeling.

I don’t think I’ve heard any LOL players say they hate it. Also Don’t get me wrong there are plenty of games surrendered as well but they are normally quickly voted on. My point I’m trying to make is that people think it is a bad thing but most of the time it has more positives then negatives IMO.

It shows the people that initiate that the others don’t want to give up in a less toxic way than when someone just says gg and it turns into an argument.
Games that a definitely lost are over quicker (let’s be honest unite/LOL modes don’t have as many lobe sided match up our QM does). Yes LOL has longer match but unite has shorter and both them have it.

Lately for me the Win have been good and mostly felt hard earned yet the loses feel horrible 1 loss can almost cancel out the 5 wins. For me I would only trial this in QM despite those games being in SL.

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Then why do you play it?

I don’t know about unranked, but ranked matches have maybe a 2-minute queue and a 3-minute draft. Is 5 minutes that painful?

Okay, a surrender button is probably a bad idea…

I’m not trying to quit a game, but there’s gotta be a way to make the blow nicer to MMR/Ranked points. If there are a lot of reports in a game, chances are it was a toxic game anyway, so the point value should be minimized anyway.
I’d say the vast majority of games I play are pretty good, and winning with a bot is pretty awesome. I’ve won games with bots, but I can’t remember many games I’ve won with feeders.

Wish this would come to pass but it will not. This game only has afks and trolls left. No one good is left in this game. The good players have either became the problems or have quit and moved on.