Suggestion to make Abathur more interactive

Ah here you are.

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Ok let me make a few responses here. 1stly to Yusuke. If you made his ults even worth 1/4th an exp bar you’ve successfully killed the hero because they are guarenteed to die, also thats kinda unfair on clone considering it only lasts 20 seconds. The only way I could see this working even remotely would be if they dropped the CD timer on both ults, but then that potentially makes Monstro even more powerful.

Secondly to Hoku, i know the “pros” only use mines for vision and to slow rotation, but they can be used for laning and rather effectively might I add, just not while another person is in the same lane. I’m not saying its always viable, but its saved my bacon more than a few times. Especially when having to fend off camps.

Third to Frogsaron, Hat is not his only build, the other two are viable, the situations that are required for them to work however, don’t come as frequently as hat. This makes hat seem like the only build, but I assure you two things, Locust can be used effectively, just only against teams with little wave clear or teams that are losing a majority of team fights. Mine build can be used effectively for both its intended purpose and kills, but only on teams with either multiple squishies, or a team with no tank.

Yusuke about more interactive I think you should take a look at my most recent post for a rework idea. If you don’t want to check it out i’ll just give a summary.

Move aba’s lv 7 slow to lv 1, but decrease slow by 10% trade it for the dmg mines. Lv 16 Move Locust Brood to lv 1 in exchange for his trait upgrade, but change the locust brood from a tripple drop to a charged based system with a 10-15 second CD he can use with a 2 second CD in between uses.

Ideally what i’d like to see is aba get a health buff and movement speed increase, in exchange for a increased CD on Z, and a slight increase on the Hat CD.

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I would imagine “pros” would do both things.

In fact, even average players would do both things. It doesn’t take a bloody pro to place vision/rotation disrupting mines and soak lanes with mines when they’re not occupied here and there.

The fact that you consider it something only “Pros” would do indicates that you are truly clueless about Abathur and should not be taken seriously in regards to Abathur.

This is something a grandmaster player said, that mines should only be used for rotation. If you’ve got an issue with it, talk to fan he’s the one who said it. I only assumed they did it considering he’s in the top league. Regardless it doesn’t change how I play and I’m a good abathur regardless of what you say Nahra.

The fact that you believe he needs more HP and movespeed suggests that you aren’t using mines for vision and rotation enough. A good Abby gets the soak and is out of there before his HP matters because he knows they are coming. Sure, mines can clear waves, so can Garrosh’s Q.

That doesn’t mean that there aren’t better uses for those abilities 90% of the time.

First of all: Source?
Secondly: ever considered that he was just talking random for the lulz or just talking for the sake of talking?

Fan also said that “Lunara is fake damage”, does that mean that no one should ever take or play Lunara and that Lunara should be reworked because all her damage is fake under all circumstances?

The fact that it doesn’t change how you play is why you’re still stuck in silver.

To Hoku: The reason I want the health has nothing to do with being ganked or that kind of deal. I play aba very differently from everyone else, and even when I play very risky I seldom find myself getting killed. I’m not going to bother explaining myself because I highly doubt you’d even listen.

To Nahra: About the luna thing, I mean i don’t agree with everything fan has said, hence when i mention “pros” i said that i use mines differently. As far as lunara goes though I do think she needs changed. Her poison is fine, however there are a lot of healers that pretty much negate most of the dmg she does. Easily more than half her dmg comes from DOT which isn’t bad if she’s got someone to assist, but unless the other team just repeatedly lets you poke them she can’t really do all that much in comparison to one of the burst mages who just takes a chunk of your health immediately. Her gimmick is closer to scratch damage if you know what i’m talking about

Then what would you need HP for? I mean, if you are going out and slapping things, that is good, but having more HP to slap more things may cater to your playstyle, but it could easily create issues elsewhere, particularly at higher MMRs. It’s not that I am not listening, but that you are using only your own experience to evaluate the hero, and that is a problem. When considering balance issues, you can’t simply say, “This works for me,” or even, “This works at my rank,” you have to consider the game as a whole.

And from what I have read, neither you nor Yusuke do that very often. Most of the posts from both of you tend to have an extremely narrow focus.

This is taken out of context. It’s more like a hyperbole.
Both Fan and Jun are often using mines to clear waves and they grew up on this game together.


Are you blind or something? I assumed the first time was just a typo, but apparently not. Can’t you even spell my name properly?

You can use mines differently if you want. But our point is that you’re using them wrong and that’s why, at least partially, that you’re stuck in silver.

It’s your choice to play wrong out of some weird stubbornness.
it just becomes silly when you try to comment on Abathur with the argument “I’m an Aba main so what I say is relevant” when it’s very much not.

For your information, you kinda fell into my trap here. What Fan said about Lunara’s damage being “fake damage” is true, but only applies to certain situations.

If you take the talent… “Choking Pollen” I think it’s called, that makes her Q do more damage the more poison stacks she has on, hit Q and do 2 leaping Strikes on someone, that’s a decent chunk of burst damage.

I had a feeling this was the case. Hah.

Last reply i’m making to this thread today, gotta go work on my game. The thing about lunara she does have some burst dmg yes, but she has to do work to even get it. If she takes that perk at 7 she’s bad at laning, not to mention the basic attack perk is just better because its consistent. Whereas to maximize her lv 7 she is first required to hit them three times to prock it and then land it. Now its not incredibly difficult, but it does have a relatively small hit box. Compare that to Li ming who in 1 attack can do the same amount of dmg, or junkrat who can do it safely. Luna only has a slow to keep people back and has no escape options other than her ult if she even has it up. The only “safe” thing about luna is that she can check bushes freely

Works for me. I don’t want to waste time on your clueless nonsense any longer anyway.

Why would I have a big argument with such a poorly thought out suggestion?

Generally they’re just more valuable for cutting rotations, it’s not a matter of the difficulty of dropping them in lane, they’re just less valuable.
You will likely do it sometimes, but if you have to often you’re probably not in the best position.
He really shouldn’t be solo laning in my opinion, except when he’s getting free EXP during objective, and then you really have to ask yourself if nuking a minion wave is more valuable than protecting ally flanks or blocking off enemy retreat paths during the team fight. Sometimes the answer is yes, depends on the situation.

And yes I’d still body soak during objective. You could just jump between lanes with symbiote if you’re just going for soak, but I like to symbiote allies during the team fight.

Calling other suggestion poor, but having no arguments against it. I guess you’re just here to troll.

If only body soaking was the only way to get xp or him last hitting… I’d be much more open to him existing as a global hero when he doesn’t instantly soak two of three lanes if needed from afar

People do that? What the…

Yeah I mean that’s a given

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But wouldn’d he miss soak and opportunities to drop his mines when sitting in base?

Yes he does but sadly many Aba players like to play him ultra defensive and are affraid to commit on a lane by exposing himself.


Before the buffs to his shield/healing build and the XP changes, in my experience it was rare to come across a passive Abathur player. Again it’s only a feeling, but when they did that mini rework that buffed his carapace that’s when I noticed more Abby’s in general and far more passive players using him.

You can still find the really hard working Ab’s in QM, who lay mines for vision and to slow enemy rotations, will risk themselves to aggressively soak, solo camps, cap objective, etc… It’s just far more rare than it once was.


If anything were to make abathur the most passive i believe it to be the notion that most players are told that abathur only has one build. This is repeated endlessly by ignorant people who don’t actually play the character. This pushes players to believe if they don’t select hat perks they are essentially playing the character wrong. The issue with this train of thought is that if you do go in full hat build you cannot really afford to leave the safety of the walls because you typically don’t have enough mines to know if someones coming up to you, and without locust you cannot actually hold a lane back. So if you go in full hat you’re entirely reliant on your team to carry with you hatting them. This is actually my biggest complaint about aba, i understand he’s global and that’s pretty strong, but being virtually unable to do anything himself besides vision is very bad because it makes him the most reliant character. Kinda like Nova is reliant on people to lane. I would love for aba’s global range to be nerfed a bit in exchange for buffs to allow me to actually do some stuff on my own without fear every two seconds i’m going to be ganked or tracked down. Even sitting behind walls doesn’t always stop people from trying to kill, shout out to mephisto who can literally oneshot you if you aren’t in spawn, or diablo who can pop his ult the second you hat, or nova who can ult you and or kill you behind base. Until this gets addressed I don’t think he’s going to be balanced because his victory is almost entirely dependant on 1 of 2 things happening. A they leave you alone the entire game and you backdoor, B your team is competent under stress and doesn’t feed