Suggestion to make Abathur more interactive

Hello everyone,

what if Abathur’s Monstrosity and Ultimate Evolution would be threated as a full/half hero and if one of those get killed Abathur would get a death count and granting experience? So it would be kinda like D.Va’s mech and Aba would feel less uninteractive.

Would it be op or up? What do you think? Imagine The Butcher gets meat from clones or monstrosity. FRESH MEAT!

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Why would you nerf Abathur so much for no reason?


I don’t like the suggestion in the OP but abathur is uninteractive and needs nerfs. Making monstrosity a heroic target isn’t much of a downside

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I also thought about that this morning but then I figured out it would kill the hero completly if Aba dies eveytime he use clone.

What is needed to make him a less base dweller force out body soaking again and make his trait less crap then it is now. Right now he only have one build and that is hat build. Everything els is just plain bad or a meme.

Reward him for risking his body in a lane and not for afk in base like most do and still wins casue his team carried him. Reward him for pulling out his own weight in the heat of battle and punish base dweller Abas for not doing his job.

Tired of watching base dweller Abas getting cheap wins by hiding in base all game doing nothing but sit on one player whole game.

One game update made him from high risk high reward to become low risk high reward. This need to end now.


How? Currently his Ultimate Evolution is fail-proof. He can just trade his ‘new body’ without losing much, but with my idea he would have to take care about what he is doing. I don’t see how my idea would kill the hero.

But his heroic would be the risk and reward and it doesn’t even need to give full xp, but it could give half like the mech or even 1/4 like Murky.

How is getting free stacks or meat against an ignored monstrosity “isn’t much of a downside”? I would say it’s a big change and would demand Abathur to pay more attention to his heroics and made him harder to play, because the current versions are ‘no brainer’.

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His winrate is low enough and like 2 forum qm mains take issue with him. Just leave him alone. Game is and has always been balanced around ranked


In other words you would say that he is balanced or undertuned?

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Stacks don’t mean much and butcher sucks anyway

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Tooton in a nutshell. That’s why I can’t take you serious. Your comments feels always like you’re bronze.

On the one hand you say my change would kill the hero, but on the other hand you say this? I don’t know what to say, Frog.

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I’ve lost with 400-600 stacks zuljin. Stacks don’t mean much when teammates literally suck eggplant :eggplant:

Luckily in the highest I’ve ever gotten I think 865 or 856 stacks I won that game pretty handily and did massive amounts of damage

It still goes to show even with an insane amount of stacks it’s still a realistic amount of stacks. Unless you’re going a hypothetical amount to the point you one shot everyone that’s just a hypothetical and not a realistic game you’d ever see

True teamplay matters, but I wouldn’t say stack doesn’t mean much.

But it’s not only stacks, but you would also get more exp from killing clone/monstrosity, which is a big deal. That’s why I can’t follow you, when you say things like “isn’t much of a downside”.

We all know how troublesome games can be, when we have a D.Va, who always lose her mech. Losing monstrosity or clone would be more comparable, because the exp gain makes the difference.

And my idea doesn’t change Aba, but makes him more interactive and makes his heroics to be no no-brainer anymore. And bad Aba’s either don’t use their heroics or would feed a lot.

Abathur is the cutest video game character I have ever seen


Oh, I thought that killing an ultimate evolution did grant you partial xp. I swear i see xp fly up on my screen. I’ll have to doubly pay more attention next time i kill one.

Just go into try mode and clone AI hero and go die to whatever hero you are fighting againts and check exp bar if it have moved.

Edit: I just did it myself and no exp is given to the enemy AI when clone dies. Only real heroes count towards exp.

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How about a great big no.

If they were to do anything (and at this point I highly doubt they would) they should make it more rewarding to be out on the field in a dangerous position.
And I’m not talking the quick teleport in, take a massive locust dump with locust build, and hearth back immediately. I mean actual gameplay.


I miss good ol’ bodysoaking.


Bodysoaking is definitely still a thing with the good Abathurs. Bad Abbys clump all their mines in lane and hope to kill minions that way. Good Abbys use mines so they always know where every single enemy hero is, all the time, and soak where it is safe. When it looks like a spot is about to become unsafe, they dig somewhere safe again.

They also know how to hat dance for maximum soak.

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How about great big arguements or just your personal bias? Would my change make Aba too hard for you?

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Spelling Police

More interactive “Tickle Me Abathur” coming soon!