Abathur monster for objectives

why not allow this HEROIC ability to work for objectives?

the ones you need to stand on

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He’s already broken. He doesn’t need buffs even tho that is the weaker ult

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Because if you would allow this, then Monstrosity would be a heroic target and that could be a nerf. But tbh. I don’t know, if it is worth it for this change. It would at least make Aba a bit more interactive. He could use his monstrosity for objective, when he is hatting it, so he can’t hat anyone else, but he also gets a death count, when it dies. It could work.

Is it really a buff, if Monstrosity is a heroic target? I mean, if it dies, then Aba would probably gets a death count on his stats (like Misha) and enemys would like to kill his Monstrosity for easy exp. And they also could stack on it. :joy:

I like this idea and I make it a bit more visible:

  • Monstrosity can use objective, if Aba is hatting it
  • Monstrosity is heroic
  • Enemy ability like Azmodan’s globe works against it and he gets stacks by hitting it.
  • Abathur gets a death count and it grant half xp of an “normal enemy hero” (not Murky), when it dies

Another idea: What if the same counts also for Ultimate Evolution, at least this would make Aba more interactive.


Abathur is the cutest video game character I have ever seen


Imagine Monstrosity and Ultimate Evolution would drop meat for The Butcher, if killed before dissapeared.

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monster meat is yummy meat

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Hm I used to be a proponent (still am sort of) of making Monstro a real Heroic Target so that Spell Power buffs can be given to him (really any sort of buff to this ability would be nice). However, I just had a thought; if Monstro became a “real hero” how would the dev make it different than Ultimate Evolution? Both are basically “give body to Abathur in teamfights”

It’s not a player, it’s a unit.

this is a blessing and a curse. It gives Abathur both an idle threat he can throw in the lane, distracting 1 or more enemies, or he can throw IT at the enemy team to delay objective without sacrificing xp.

The worse part is being unable to cap mercenary camps, but you can burrow over if you just cleared it with monstro.

but yeah, Clone is just better 90% of the time, but I don’t think it’s cause Monstro is weak but because Clone mitigates Abathur’s biggest weakness, lack of a body in teamfights.

Being able to dive freely with clone without any punishment done to Aba has always been busted. Have fun trying to fight two of the same heroes at the same time where one of them can freely dive your team and force you to spend recourses to kill it.

Its a no brainer ult really. Just clone your stronget hero on your team and dive all you want until you get a kill on someone or your clone duration slips up.

Monster ult is annoying as hell now too after it got passive borrow now on a 30 sec cd. Your monster gets ganked. Just borrow away again and you succesfully wasted enemy teams time trying to kill it and you win time for your own team to gank a team that is already splitted in half casue you baited them.

Abas whole kit just resembles the cat vs the mouse tactic. Annoying as hell.

Being able to cap merc camps on monster ult was nerfed for a reason. Being able to cap a camp without having to risk his body. I’m happy they removed that part.


I vividly remember this as well. Monstro did cap things in the past but it was seen as unfair. It got removed. It’s for the better.

Risking a 40 stack Monstro is not the same as risking a hero to capture something. It’s not fair.

Monstro shouldn’t cap things any more than Nazeebo’s Gargantuan. They’re summons, even if you can give them commands.

But what if monstro would be heroic and if it gets killed Aba would get a death count, because it would work like D.Va’s mech?