Strongest hero lore-wised?

A sequel version of my other thread, Worst hero lore-wised?
From the current heroes in the game, which hero do you think is the strongest based on their lore? (And not based on their in-game versions. Cause it’s supposed to be balanced :joy:)
Personally I’d go with Malthael. He is literally called Aspect of Death so I believe he’s THAT strong.

Anyways. Which hero do you think is the most powerful according to their lore?


probably either medivh or one of the li ming


Ragnaros is up there, but it’s hard to know how he’d compare to Diablo’s cast. Or maybe it’s easy to know and I just don’t.


i mean… how do you measure the power level of the greater evils/lords of hell who get thrashed by a single Nephelim entering their domain?
That being said I like to think Diablo is about as strong as Deathwing or Rangaros so any of the Nephelim should be able to take them down as well.
Then yeah, Medivhs power is confusing, WC1 Medivh is without question super OP able to split continents and shatter wolrds and the like but… WC3 Medivh…? I think he loses a bunch of his power and can only act as an intermediary who can also turn to a bird…

so uh… I’m gonna pick the the one slimy fish boi ;D


Ha, yeah. That happened too ;D


The usual top contenders are Medivh, Kerrigan (we’re ignoring Xel’naga/Golden Girl/Super Saiyan/God Mode Kerri), Arthas, Malthael, and Diablo. I think Mephisto and Deathwing were added after the last time this topic came up, so it’d probably be fair to add them.


Kerrigan if she was xelnaga


Let’s all remember that the Kerrigan that appears in HotS is the kerrigan of Heart of the Swarm that’s basically a DBZ character in terms of power. I hate kerrigan because she’s basically unkillable and with the power of destroy worlds.


Thrall, because of the Metzen-induced plot armor.


Xel’Naga can be killed though. The Swarm did it. The Protoss, I assume, also hurt some of them during the Aeon of Strife. Heck, even technically Terrans helped Zerg and Protoss to kill Amon. But yeah, god Kerrigan, even Primal Kerrigan can rank up there somewhere.

I would also like to say that a huge part of Kerrigan’s power comes from the unwavering aid she has from her Swarm. Sure, she’s insanely powerful psionically, but her minions really make it difficult to focus her down.


Tyrael is Archangel of Justice now the Aspect of Wisdom, Dehaka is Primal Pack Zerg in Zerus, Abathur is an Evolution Master of the Zerg.


Cataclysm was 10 years ago, but he did survive an assassination attempt on draenor recently.

Don’t think his green jesus anymore


i have MANY points to cross so im sorry.

arthas is actually a lot more pathetic than u think. to give u an idea, ( i already said this but i’ll say it again )

a WoW dev said that arthas would lose to lei shen , a super-panda tyrant, in a 1v1.

the panda got 99.9% of his power from a depressed, weak, and tired titan keeper who controlled the storms. at the height of his power he was not even the strongest titan keeper, who are massive titan constructs imbued with a fraction of the titans.

Ragnaros took him the two strongest titan keepers to be pushed back after weeks of fighting. the only reason they won was because the titans made them really resistant to fire. the titan keeper, Odyn with the fire beard; is actually a scar from ragnaros.


this is something i DESPISE in lore matches: universes are NOT equal. diablo IS technically a descendant from the creator of the diablo universe, but that guy is PATHETIC! i mean he just made hell and heaven and the powers themselves are very toned down. YES, the nephalem can technically destroy sanctuary, but the place isn’t bigger than azeroth.

what i mean is that it makes no sense that a hulk-sized demon with fire and lightning is as strong as something like deathwing, just because he has a big title. let’s be real, there is NO way he can damage deathwing cause deathwing is flying! if we actually compare, the damage done by deathwing to azeroth is nearly the same as what a nephalem can do to sanctuary. they aren’t god-killers because the gods of diablo are pathetically weak. they ARE titled “gods” but PLEASE, that angel with a sword and jUsTiCe is NOT a god like c’thun or smthn.

medivh. he is weird. nobody knows what he can do. he is, at LEAST, stronger than the entire shadow council combined since he made gul’dan , the one who was groveling his whole life and was treated like a slave and wanted revenge, bow down with his own council behind him to medivh not knowing sargeras was inside. KTZ was medivh’s fanboy and when he was a human, he wanted to go to his tower and see his knowledge. he was not actually weak in WC3, he just did not use his powers so that he guides the mortals to defeating the legion. ( he did actually drain the biggest junction of ley lines, magic veins in azeroth that allow mages to do their things and a single one containing enough power to free an old god from titanic prisons, on azeroth )

currently, medivh is in sort of limbo. he can materialize seemingly anywhere in the WoW multiverse and realities ( he appears in his main timeline form in a time corridor when thrall was traveling in time and can go to the most chaotic place in the multiverse: the twisting nether. ) he also has powers that only his staff, which is now with his apprentice, contains which is pretty crazy since the staff is the second strongest mage weapon ever.

he also has all the powers from his mother, who is basically an entire post on her own. she annoyed a cosmic titan, the tower she materialized out of thin air was the most magical place on azeroth, she resurrected medivh at her weakest forms even though mages cannot rez.

also many ppl don’t see that she defeated the avatar of sargeras. he WANTED her to win, but he could’ve killed her outright and there would be no more guardians anyways, so he didn’t actually back down. the artefacts with him were the eye of sargeras which could pretty easily destroy northrend as seen with illidan in wc3, when he was about to succeed with it, and the scepter of sargeras, a staff that was connected to the edges of the multiverse and weaved to make portals for titans, the strongest weapon players can EVER hope of holding. and he STILL lost! and she just threw them all in a sunken temple and placed her wards around, and the wards ALONE required legendary titan artefacts to just re-activate and no mage, not even azhara, could break in when they were active since no magic from azeroth can. and she, IS WEAKER THAN MEDIVH! so basically these are all just feats, not actual strength. so he is in a weird position since its so hard to know how powerful he is. he is also speculated to be a stronger warlock than gul’dan but it’s all speculation.

thrall is pathetic. at his prime he is weaker than jaina. she is pretty strong so ya.

i said it before and i say it now: this is HOTS, so i think characters should be ranked as they are seen in game. currently, this kerrigan is probably before heart of the swarm. also no prime evils or malthael’s empowered by prime evils.

for me, it is likely that its a rock-paper-scissor situation. malthael has crazy good soul attacks that can likely be faster than kerrigan’s mass destruction psionic power. but medivh ALREADY died and can likely just phase back to the normal world to kill malthael. however a nephalem who can kill death can maybe kill medivh forever? the nephalem are just about as strong as deathwing, and since deathwing can explode things with his crazy energy that is spewing out, he can maybe channel that to a nephalem that cannot attack him since he is far. but deathwing cannot beat kerrigan since her psionic power is triggered with a thought and can probably be faster than deathwing.

its all a full circle:
kerrigan> malthael> medivh> nephalem> deathwing> kerrigan!


Deathwing probably

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believe me, he is really mediocre compared to something like kerrigan whose psionic power can destroy a bit short of anything and everything. even ragnaros can “technically” win since ragnaros can damage DW, but DW cannot damage ragnaros because DW’s whole strength comes from fire. ( and the fact that he is freaking massive but it doesn’t matter when your guts get sucked out )

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Well, in Warcraft there’s Arthas, the Lich King, wielder of Frostmourn who holds Legions of souls and armies, followed by Deathwing and Alexstrasza. It’s not Medivh(he’s just a powerful mage) and it’s not Ragnaros(in the end he’s just a servant of Deathwing, who is guardian of the elemental planes). However if you look at the Shadowlands, there’s Sylvanas who destroyed the lame Lich King and his whole army cause she’s empowered by the Jailer so she doesn’t count, but there’s Jaina who spoiler we see slaughtering legion of hell armies in the middle of hell itself and saves us all Thrall Aduin and Bain, and later when we almost get killed by a big hell beast, she heroically shows up and freezes and slaughters the monster. Then there’s Jean Gre…Kerrigan she’s phoen…life incarnet a goddess basically. Then there’s Li-Ming who kills all the evils and Malthael with ease, and we know Wizard is the most powerful class, duh. So the answer is…

Mei, duh!


I dont know if youre joking or not but it triggers me anyways ( also ps: ragnaros just joined the old gods in general cause he loves destruction and they will help him. he was not his servant cuz the other 2 elemental lords were with us so if he were a servant then all 4 would be servants) ( also ps: i just said a wow dev said that arthas is weaker than lei shen who isnt CRAZY strong ) ( also ps: the lich king sylvanas killed was like ten times weaker than the original. the original would win ) ( ALSO ps: how dare you talk about inferior jaina and say medivh is just a powerful mage -_- )

I know you’re likely joking but im playing it safe just in case you are not joking xD.

devil’s advocate, boii.

As much as I want to say Sylvanas, I’m going to say Malthael. But Kerrigan, Medivh, Deathwing, and the Nephalem are all really powerful.

The ability to phase out of existence on demand is a power none of the others have, meanwhile Malthael can harvest their souls…

He probably can’t kill any of them easily but they won’t be able to kill him either. (Nephalem don’t count because they basically used his own power to kill him).


Plot Twist: Prime Evil Mei has been behind all the bad things in the Nexus all along.


This ain’t quite correct.

Anu was basically God, except unlike the Judeo-Chrisitan God is often portrayed, Anu was not “perfect.” He was nearly omniscient and omnipotent, but in his quest to become “perfect,” he purged himself of Evil, leaving only Good. However, this Evil had to go somewhere, and it formed into Tathamet, the monstrous antithesis to the now entirely Good Anu.

These two equal and nearly omnipotent beings battled for eons, until they eventually felled each other.
Tathamet’s humongous body become the Burning Hells, the 3 greatest of his 7 heads became the Greater Prime Evils and the 4 smaller and weaker heads became the Lesser Prime Evils.
Anu’s equally massive body decayed away, leaving only his spine, which formed into the Golden Arch around and from which the High Heavens formed and the Angels spawned.

Tathamet, the being whose corpse Diablo and all demonkind spawned from, was not the creator of the universe, but he was immensely more powerful than anything in WoW or SC2. Likewise with Anu, who was literally just the equal and opposite version of Tathamet.

Again, we’re talking “God” level abilities, with a capital G.

Prime Evil Diablo obviously isn’t at that level, but he is almost certainly the single most powerful non-awakened-Nephalem being in the entire Diablo universe, barring the now dead Tathamet and Anu. Even then, Nephalem can be killed, but Diablo cannot.

It’s not like anything Deathwing could do would hurt Diablo. He’s literally from the Burning Hells, a realm entirely comprised of lava, fire, brimstone, and suffering. The Cataclysm would just be Tuesday for Diablo.

Whether Diablo could do anything to Deathwing is also goes in Diablo’s favor. Prime Evil Diablo single-handedly tore his way through the High Heavens and dozens, if not hundreds, of Angels. I’m fairly certain a couple dozen Angels could absolutely maul Deathwing.

  1. She’s clearly aware of her history up through Heart of the Swarm.
  2. Her design matches the appearance of Primal Kerrigan.
  3. Her SC2-model-Ultralisk can become a Torrasque.
  4. Ravage was basically copy-pasted directly from Heart of the Swarm.
  5. Maelstrom has a heavier focus on her Psionic abilities, which were showcased in Heart of the Swarm.

This is definitely Primal Kerrigan, her most powerful form short of her “basically a lower-case-‘g’ god” Xel’naga form.

That’s the only reason he’s usually brought up. He just does whatever the story needs him to do, which means he is what I would call a Plot Hammer. Plot Hammers can basically do anything the author needs them to, and they are often used crudely and inelegantly.

I would definitely agree that Medivh is probably the most Gary Stu Blizzard character out there. He was weak until he needed to be OP, then he was weak when they needed to make room for actual conflict, then back to OP, then back to weak, then they just removed him entirely or something. I’m not too up to date on WC1-3 lore, so I can’t say much else about him.

I was just mentioning that those are usually the characters people agree are the strongest when these kinds of threads pop up.

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