SL should have 5man prereq to queue - Change My Mind

The only thing I’ll add is this entire forum is contrarian/cynical on any new idea. Its like the old saying that if you put a bunch of crabs in a pot you dont need a lid… Because as soon as one of the tries to climb out, the others pull him back down. Well thats this forum. Parts of this game are at rock bottom but any new idea gets shouted down in favor of the status-quo.

The counter-arguments are always 1 of the following:

  1. Player population is too low.
  2. Your idea doesn’t solve 100% of the problem (the ol’ letting ‘perfect’ be the enemy of ‘good’).
  3. Blizz tried that already and everyone hated it.
  4. Problem can be solved by learning to play.

I used to take time to suggest improvements to the game but realized its just shouting in the wind. Here are some previous attempts (notice any familiar faces?) :slight_smile: