Should QM be removed from the game?

Cough Yeah, okay. You can keep telling yourself that.

Diablo, Sonya, and more got reworks yet were in the meta. This just not correct. They got reworks due to lack of talent diversity. Also the reworks is to bring older heroes who get powercrept by newer heroes that basically replaced them

To say it was the sole reason for the pro scene is blatantly false.

The double support meta was dumb and it just wasn’t for the pro scene.

Raynor had more diversity albeit weaker talents pre-rework, now everything revolves around his AA, whereas last time he could go Penetrating Round Build, AA or Push build. I like the new Raynor because he can compete with the current heroes, but he is more boring to play now. Lunara’s rework put all her damage talents on one tier, Brightwing’s rework made him more like current supports, not to mention Tyrande’s rework which removed a lot of flexibility she had.

The double support meta was dumb, but that didn’t necessitate nerfing damage, waveclear, AND healing all together.

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I’m not gonna defend Blizzard balancing team. They make trash choices across all their games.


Love that idea. You can fuse two game modes into one and consolidate the player base at least that much. (And HL/TL should be fused into one, though I understand that’s already in the works, iirc.)

One of the ways in which this could be made to work is if the player that queued as any given hero has dibs on it i.e. without needing to lock it. Otherwise it could lead to a lot of trolling/grieving.

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I completely agree with you friend. You exacly know what’s good for the game.

Sarcasm aside you can’t reall say blizzard knew best either :man_shrugging:

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You who knows best ?

People who actually play MOBAs and spend time learning mechanics and what does and doesn’t work.

People who plays competitively or to bug test generally understand the game much more than developers.


QM certainly should not be removed. I used to play hero league extensively, I was even ranked respectably high, Diamond 2. I still go back from time to time but I have come to really dislike the rank scene. The player base is hostile and overly aggressive to the right and wrong way to play. Early on, even hero league was more flexible in what was a valid team composition. Thanks in part to reducing the versatility of heroes, now it is pretty much choose from a handful of Meta heroes or lose, either because of actual balance or the mindset of the players.

At this point, I just enjoy QM more. Sometimes you do end up with a composition that has a strong weakness to the other team but it’s actually pretty rare. What’s more, people go into the match knowing that they may need to play the game differently than what is normally intended. It’s not until you go into a game with an Abathur, Mukry and Lost Viking Team and actually manage to win that you know how fun (and silly) the game can be.


Some kind of evidence? :man_facepalming:
Have you ever searched QM on the forums or on google? It even looks like you have you read the comments under this post. Give it a try you will be surprised. See it is one of the main reasons killing the game? Or maybe you are just to ignorant to notice it. Or maybe you just do not care at all about the games future. Cannot believe you don`t know anything about the state of the game and has absolutely no understanding of how a moba game should work.

Fine, you prove to be ignorant and only care about playing the hero of the game you want. You think that will last when hots shuts down?

That is the problem. There to many only QM players. To much casual players means that the game isn`t going to last long. Want evidence again? Take a look at the mobile market. Oh by the way, even mobile games which are supposed to be casual have ranked play to. And even then the games casual mods are aimed to train the player for ranked. It works exactly like ranked. A huge difference with hots and every other games.

PS Make a new account and then try QM. You will know what it is like for the new players who are giving hots a try. I tried. I waited for 300 seconds, then I gave up and tried it again. 884 seconds and STILL NO MATCH. Get out of your delusional world and see the real state of hots.

PPS Gave up at 1133

Short answer: No

Long answer: Not really


I meant you. Hots needs more players like you.

Id wager more people play QM now than ranked, esp since HGC got canned.

In a moba game?:man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

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Sure, I’ve seen and read plenty of threads of people with complaints about QM. Some of them even with valid arguments or suggestions for improvement. Still haven’t seen any of them make a single reasonable argument for its removal though, nor have I seen them give any evidence that QM is actually hurting the game. Once again, play unranked if you hate QM that much. I do not consider it reasonable to call for QM’s removal when literally all you have to do is not play it.

Don’t confuse the mere existence of ‘hate/remove QM’ threads with actual evidence. There’s plenty of people on the planet, you can find threads or groups of supporters for almost any inane notion. A stupid idea having multiple stupid followers doesn’t make the idea any less stupid.

Actually, I personally don’t even play QM anymore. However, I don’t need to play QM to see its merits. And even I didn’t see them, I would still disagree with removing it. I think it’s incredibly arrogant, selfish and wrong to remove game modes that other people enjoy just because you don’t like it personally. Again, if you don’t like it don’t play it. Leave QM to the people who like it. I see no reason to harm the game by displeasing the majority of its player base through removing their favourite and irreplacable mode.

Really. The game is dying because it has too many players. Sounds legit.

You’re confusing ‘too many casual players’ with ‘not enough competitive players’.

It is indeed better for a game to also have a big competitive scene next to the casual scene. However, that does not make casual players a bad thing. Competitive scenes need a large (casual) player base to draw players from, as well as to draw interest to the game in the first place. A competitive scene without casual players is even less viable than a casual scene without competitive players.

You seem to be under the delusion that removing QM would make all QM players suddenly play unranked or make all casual players suddenly interested in competitive. It doesn’t work like that. Some of them would switch over, sure, but plenty of others would just quit because their game just got removed. You’d only be hurting the viability of HotS as a game by doing this.

If you want the game to be healthy, your goal should be to attract more players. Or attract more players to competitive play. Not to drive away half the playerbase through eliminating the most popular game mode. That doesn’t gain you more competitive players, it just loses you a lot of players.

You mean the ever-growing market that every company is desperate to get a piece of because it’s so huge? Sounds like there’s plenty of interest in casual gaming.

Honestly, QM is decent preparation for draft. QM teaches you the Heroes and Maps, knowledge you need before there’s any point in drafting. After that you go to Unranked, which is basically ‘casual with draft’ and direct training for ranked.

Just. Don’t. Play. QM. If. You. Don’t. Like. It. Seriously.


Suggestions for improvements? We waited 3 years for improvments and it is getting nowhwere. You really think it’ll improve after a lot of players left hots? Casual players don’t ruin the game but they don’t play that game for long. Yup, everybody is trying to get a piece from the mobile market. Too bad they don’t put a lot of efforts in those games because it’s aimed for casual users. Many of those games only care about sucking as much money as they can from those users for a short time. And when the game no longer makes profits after a short time they just move on to the next one. You want something like that happening to hots? QM teaches people how to draft? You honestly don’t know anything about videogames right? It teaches half of it. But for a game which has a large variety of heroes who all has their own talents? Choosing a hero and banning one is a very crucial thing in those kinds of games. Why would all other moba games have draft? Why would it be so important to change heroes for the right occasions in overwatch? Even hots decides a players skill by draft not by a system like QM. And do even properly read other people’s comments when you answer? I specifically wrote that I made a new account to test how QM is like for newbies who are trying out the game. NOT TO ENJOY QM. It’s going to take a long time for newbies to play draft beacause it has a 16 heroes limit. But it’s so hard for them to find a good game in QM so they’ll have to stick with ai. And many don’t like sticking in ai for long. They want to compete with other people, yet QM is making it harder for them. Plus QM makes the whole player base selfish. Not many people picks healers or tanks because they stick to dps. That is why QM doesn’t work well. Imagine playing a team game where many of the population only plays what they want. It will ruin the game and that is what’s happening to hots. Seriously you don’t have any understandings of how a videogame works. If they can’t remove QM they should double gold and xp accumulation for draft to lure people in those games and stop wasting time and money trying to make QM better like you said. I said I was asking your opinions on QMs removal in the first place. I clearly said opinions because I wanted have a discussion with fellow hots user not someone who comes barging in and shouting about it with no clear reason. And besides even if the devs decides to lure people out of QM, it’s going to be the same as removing it anyway. I wanted QM to be removed but I never said nothing about how to do it.

I sometimes forget how bad it gets in QM and que there and get tilted by it really hard.

Now you have, not saying its a good argument but it is an argument.

This is how most complaints are born anyway.



There is…

Search this part about QM!
" This guy is thiking very well almost everything!
Look so he is so smart!

Brutalnot, why are you still talking about yourself in third person on an alt acc and trying to make yourself look good?

There is no forum on HotS i would not see these btw, there is no hiding from me :eye:

Oh yeah and Karabars, please do check it out im getting tired of trying to argue points while getting called a stupid donkey and no counterarguments.

I’m glad that thread is locked. Maybe this should be as well. Ignore the insults and the “conversation” as well if there are no counter arguments just constant “no, you wrong, you no brain”.

Insults incoming in 3 secs when he replies to me here just wait.

Edit: unless he backs out again when confronted.