Should QM be removed from the game?

OK, first of all, you should know that Blizzard is bad at balancing for Competitive Games, look at the games they made with competitive specifically in mind vs games they made for casuals. Their most balanced game with the most prominent esports scene is Starcraft, and that hasn’t been touched in over ten years. Starcraft 2 tells a different story, Hearthstone did better than Starcraft 2 and it wasn’t meant to be competitive.

Second, the games we have now with huge competitive scenes and pro play were never made FOR COMPETITIVE, Dota was a passion project, Rocket League was a casual game, Smash Bros was a casual game. And who watches these pro games? The casuals. If you’re only catering for the pro players, you lose the casuals and the game will lose it’s community.

Dota is a good case study, because it accommodates both casuals and pros. The reason why QM is so bad because the game isn’t tuned for diverse play. If you get a bad draft in Dota, you can just buy items to make up for your team’s shortcomings. These allows really good players to shine because it shows off their skills and knowledge of the game.

If you look at Heroes of the Storm last time, they had very diverse talents that allowed you to do this. But changes in the last 2 years forced supports to only support and tanks to only tank. This works for draft play because tanks are supposed to tank, but in QM where you have no control over your drafts, it ultimately fails.

If you want to kill the game, then by all means, continue in this trajectory, but we already know it’s possible to accommodate both sides, look at how well Dota is doing, they’re just choosing not to. It should be a simple step to add more diverse talents, heroes can have up to 5 so what’s the problem with adding more? Balancing is another story, but that’s what the PTR is for, amirite? They have nothing to lose now anyways.


Draft modes crash on Mac clients, it’s an open issue for almost a year now. QM is the only mode playable for mac gamers.

Try to keep up. I don’t advocating balancing around the top 5% of players.

Nor do I advocating around bad players either.

Also games don’t need to be made to be competitive. But they are still going to be competitive rather or not your intentions.

Smash has a HUGE competitive scene. It’s like the 3rd largest in the world.

Blind pick or not, it’ll still be the same old QM.

Then what are you suggesting? If you can’t balance around casuals, and you can’t balance around pros, and we can’t trust the devs as well, then what are you suggesting?

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Blizzard keeps changing it cus of our feedback. The problem is that you can’t please everyone. Another problem is that Blizzard still keeps changing it even though they know that they CAN’T PLEASE EVERYONE.

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See, you used the word “learn” several times in your post. There’s news - nobody wants to learn something, people just want to have fun. After all, it is a game. For learning, you go to school… :wink:

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You don’t need to be an elite or pro to be good at a game and honestly it’s pretty disgusting to always going around “Enter elite/pro insult here” - like no. Just because I’m good at the game doesn’t mean I’m a pro.

It means I’m good. I spend time practicing. I spend time reading guides and laughing at guides. (Cause some of them are so bad.) and I spend time learning the mechanics and balance of the game.

Me, Banana, Kitten, Aurum, and everyone else on my friend list - we are the ones it should be around. People who aren’t Gold but aren’t Grand Masters. We’re in the upper bracket of ranks - and spend time actually learning and getting better.

But everything is nerfed down to casuals. There’s no reason for me to continue get better and my interest will fade. As it already as and for a large part of the player base.

We understand the game enough to make rational and unbiased objective suggestions to push the game forward.

The game was never nerfed down for casuals, the game was changed to cater for the competitive scene. The support nerfs were for the pro scene, the reworks were to put heroes in the meta again. All the heroes that have been released after Hanzo were all top tier heroes before the nerfs, and those were for competitve players.

Other than that, I feel like you have another qualm with the game or developers but Quick Match ain’t the problem. It never was, it’s how the heroes are being balanced now and the design philosophy that are negatively affecting the match experience. The negativity of the players are just a symptom of this.

One good example of the flaws in design philosophy is, ask yourself this question, what defines a support hero? You know what defines a Main Tank, CC, Peel, and Sustain/Mitigation and a Bruiser is similar, except you take away one and add damage. Something to think about.

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Cough Yeah, okay. You can keep telling yourself that.

Diablo, Sonya, and more got reworks yet were in the meta. This just not correct. They got reworks due to lack of talent diversity. Also the reworks is to bring older heroes who get powercrept by newer heroes that basically replaced them

To say it was the sole reason for the pro scene is blatantly false.

The double support meta was dumb and it just wasn’t for the pro scene.

Raynor had more diversity albeit weaker talents pre-rework, now everything revolves around his AA, whereas last time he could go Penetrating Round Build, AA or Push build. I like the new Raynor because he can compete with the current heroes, but he is more boring to play now. Lunara’s rework put all her damage talents on one tier, Brightwing’s rework made him more like current supports, not to mention Tyrande’s rework which removed a lot of flexibility she had.

The double support meta was dumb, but that didn’t necessitate nerfing damage, waveclear, AND healing all together.

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I’m not gonna defend Blizzard balancing team. They make trash choices across all their games.


Love that idea. You can fuse two game modes into one and consolidate the player base at least that much. (And HL/TL should be fused into one, though I understand that’s already in the works, iirc.)

One of the ways in which this could be made to work is if the player that queued as any given hero has dibs on it i.e. without needing to lock it. Otherwise it could lead to a lot of trolling/grieving.

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I completely agree with you friend. You exacly know what’s good for the game.

Sarcasm aside you can’t reall say blizzard knew best either :man_shrugging:

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You who knows best ?

People who actually play MOBAs and spend time learning mechanics and what does and doesn’t work.

People who plays competitively or to bug test generally understand the game much more than developers.


QM certainly should not be removed. I used to play hero league extensively, I was even ranked respectably high, Diamond 2. I still go back from time to time but I have come to really dislike the rank scene. The player base is hostile and overly aggressive to the right and wrong way to play. Early on, even hero league was more flexible in what was a valid team composition. Thanks in part to reducing the versatility of heroes, now it is pretty much choose from a handful of Meta heroes or lose, either because of actual balance or the mindset of the players.

At this point, I just enjoy QM more. Sometimes you do end up with a composition that has a strong weakness to the other team but it’s actually pretty rare. What’s more, people go into the match knowing that they may need to play the game differently than what is normally intended. It’s not until you go into a game with an Abathur, Mukry and Lost Viking Team and actually manage to win that you know how fun (and silly) the game can be.


Some kind of evidence? :man_facepalming:
Have you ever searched QM on the forums or on google? It even looks like you have you read the comments under this post. Give it a try you will be surprised. See it is one of the main reasons killing the game? Or maybe you are just to ignorant to notice it. Or maybe you just do not care at all about the games future. Cannot believe you don`t know anything about the state of the game and has absolutely no understanding of how a moba game should work.

Fine, you prove to be ignorant and only care about playing the hero of the game you want. You think that will last when hots shuts down?

That is the problem. There to many only QM players. To much casual players means that the game isn`t going to last long. Want evidence again? Take a look at the mobile market. Oh by the way, even mobile games which are supposed to be casual have ranked play to. And even then the games casual mods are aimed to train the player for ranked. It works exactly like ranked. A huge difference with hots and every other games.

PS Make a new account and then try QM. You will know what it is like for the new players who are giving hots a try. I tried. I waited for 300 seconds, then I gave up and tried it again. 884 seconds and STILL NO MATCH. Get out of your delusional world and see the real state of hots.

PPS Gave up at 1133

Short answer: No

Long answer: Not really


I meant you. Hots needs more players like you.