Should QM be removed from the game?

I’ve seen a lot of comments about QM. Looks like QM is not getting a lot of support from players. I really want to know how you think of QM. Should it be removed or not?

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No, QM should stay.


Did you even try to make something better, than this?
Congrats. Your first post failed.

P. S. #saltcomment


Just wanted to know what other people think about QM. I think it is a very important matter if QM should be maintained or not. Because it does not look like Hots has enough players for it to function properly at the moment.

QM mains are probably somewhere around 30% of the games population and some might some day migrate to ranked, lets not drive them away or force them into ranked where they wont get to pick what they want like in QM and just tilt and throw mmmkay?

Freedom of choice is a good thing mmkay?


It functions properly for me for a long time now.

Tbh it functioned always at least okayish, unless you are on the low mmr where everybody plays like monkies or you expect too much from the gamemode of “let me play anybody”.


QM is fun if you want to play your desired hero and don’t want to be called out for playing it before the game even starts.


Idk I’d say that are about 45% - 50% if the games population.


PVP population its about 50%, if not more.

AI crowd is a sleeping giant, i think part of the recent event was a try to get the AI crowd into QM and such by making it easier to complete some of the quests there.


absolutely not.

when i start a new hero, first i go into try mode and play around a bit. Then, as a courtesy to all you fine people, i play one match (often not even to the end) against AI.

After that it’s all quick match until i get the hero down.

If there wasn’t a quick match, i’d be subjecting people in unranked to me “learning” and that’s just not how it should be.

QM has a very important role in this game.


Yeah, even hovering Nova or some other heroes is a sin in the draft modes.

Everyone doesnt know what Nova, Valeera and Samuro are capable of these days, in low ranks you even have ppl saying Zeratul is trash…

Experience from my climb atleast, in Diamond ppl see that when i hover Valeera it isnt trolling and that it actually fits/works well vs the enemy team.


Hahahah. When I was getting genji to lv100 on both accounts I was reported several times simply for playing a hero people didn’t like in QM.

No joke some people openly would say “reported gg hf” at the start of a match.

On top of that people will cry no matter what in QM. If you pick a talent they didn’t like you better get ready to be reported by the QM try hard team.


Does League of legends or Dota2 have a system which is simiular to QM?

Yea it’s called blind draft. It’s draft with no bans

You also can’t see the enemy teams draft.
And you can mirror match as well.


Thanks for answering my question.:grinning:

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Any time. I also made an important edit to that. I kinda forgot some important parts haha.

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Maybe Hots should have a blind draft rather than a QM?


How would that be better?


In minor region, especially Singapore region, QM is the most popular mode in the game.

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Oh buddy how much time do you have today?

To be completely honest blind draft has a single flaw and that is the fact you can’t pre select your role before que like you can in other game modes. Sooooo you know same BS as every draft mode in hots.

But having a draft mode as your base casual game mode means, right off the bat, the community.

A) learns the importance of drafting a proper comp.

B) learns how to draft in general

C) is still allowed the freedom of choice to a degree

D) Promotes ranked play. Because you learn real quick how important bans are and what a QOL thing they can be in a MOBA.

E) promotes a more competitive atmosphere.