Setting Not Saving

Hi everyone,

After this new update, I am not able to save my Hotkeys and every time my graphics settings keep resetting. Windows Defender is completely off(ran a query long time ago). I have tried turning off read only for the documents folder with no luck.
I searched online and tried the solutions I saw.

Can anyone please help? I am not able to play the game.


Hey M0nst3rKill,

Have you tried running the Blizzard app as Admin? If so, let’s try creating a new Windows user account.

Thank you, that worked.

However, this is really irritating, I had to set up everything on the new profile. What is the root cause of this issue? I had this problem before and I reinstalled the game and it was fixed.

It’s hard to say honestly. If you go back to the old Windows user account and the settings still don’t save, then it’s likely there is something else causing a conflict or that user account may just be corrupted. But sometimes testing it on a new user account fixes the problem and it works normally on the old user account.

Good looking out Zenlaka! That you for fast response. Keep the community alive!

I know this is an old topic, but I had the same problem as well on Win10. I’ve managed to fix it, but there were several reasons why this was happening. For starters no configuration in settings was saved because hots could not read/write the Variables.txt in OneDrive. If you did not know most if not all documents for settings and configurations for games and applications are nowadays stored and synced in OneDrive if you have one. It’s great sync between machines and as a backup, but I think OneDrive is a bit prone for silent errors. I changed the OneDrive folder location manually when I bought a new SSD drive, but did not notice the problem but much later. I fixed my problem by unlinking and linking the OneDrive back again. I suspect the old OneDrive location was stored in registry or something like that. I have not noticed for the Windows updates to break this.