Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

When you get beat so badly the feeder on your team still has the nerve to say “GG”.


I generate a lot of salt when Hammer is on my screen for 1 ms second.

  1. Rehgar players who think they are tanks

  2. Khara players who think they are tanks

  3. Stitches players who think they can 1v5

  4. New season MMR which put bronze/silver into gold/platinum (many whom have less than 100 games played)


Ban KT
Me: Bans Diablo/Aba (skytemple)

Enemy team
Instalocks KT

He kept spreading bombs as a Sylvanas, we really feared our teammate sylv.
We lost. Sylv: “This is why you ban kt”


I am sick and tired of playing tank most of the time in SL. Where is the tank main and healer main? I am tired of the responsibility of setting up kill, body block, peeling and babysitting over-aggressive squish. Yet, somehow people call assassin “carry” when tanks and healers are the backbones in every comp.
Furthermore, somehow people think it is fine to have a soft front line when almost everyone in my rank knows how to bust down a tank.
On top of this, I had a teammate complain about having three tanks that include: Garrash, Leo and Thrall.

Shouldn’t people have better drafting skill in mid-plat?

I see more tank main and healer main in UR than SL

Edited for Language by the Moderation Team.


My most recent game on Tomb of the Spider Queen, lasted until lvl 25 for both teams. Really long game with ups and downs for both sides.
Our team stumbled at the end, and they got the game winning turn-in. I couldn’t even finish the final moments of the game because my wireless mouse battery died right at the end. I just AltF4’d the game, and I’m salty because I probably looked like a rage quitter.

But it’s better that they had an AI at the end, instead of a sack of potatoes that won’t move

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I am sorry but I don’t get this picture…:sweat_smile:

I won, but I also achieved a personal record in deaths.


I love ChoGall Auriel Cheese.


All of my Starcraft 2 salt here.
Because Heroes was supposed to be a fun mod in Starcraft 2, but now I pretty much only play Heroes because what idiot thought teleporting Battlecruisers was fun in any capacity?


6-7 games today, playing with another 3 friends and all of them we lost because in all of them we got a person who just stayed afk in lane doing nothing but dying over and over again.


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Please educate the playerbase

I don’t like making threads like these but the last game I just had is the pinnacle of embarassment of everything I have experienced to date and finally discovered how absolutely a torment that there’s no education of a simple tutorial in this game.

Artanis using laser twice on Murky, Mephisto going top, ETC using dash on murky and then gets him killed or something by towers.

Kaelthas OP because bomb spreading is easy in bronze hell.

I think I am gonna lose my mind.

BTW this was suppose to be a thread, but I decided to not to, I don’t have the will power to make one.


That was painful to watch, especially the Auriel facetanking and AA’ing 4 enemies botlane all game.


MFW I am listening to the Minecraft OST to stop being salty after that ahaha, its working to say the least.


Taking breaks helping you is CRAP. Taking breaks only makes you and your experience playing heroes worse.

Likewise watching replays helping you is total bull, you didn’t have the same information of the match then as you do now. As such, watching replays does not help in A n y t h i n g.

Damn the trolls that say that either of these two things help, they D o n ’ t .

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Taking breaks is scientifically proven to improve focus when doing that same task again.

It works, not for everyone though.


Whenever I take breaks I come to the game better and it really helps to calm things down.

Also, watching replays and looking for your mistakes is proven to be one of the most helpful things in any game. Even if you didn’t have some information when you played the game, you will have that in future situations. I watched lots of replays if my matches and it helped me improve a lot in the game.


I tried taking breaks…breaks of a few minutes, a few hours…a few days. All of them don’t do crap. I’ve taken to a method to try and enjoy the game, play until i win a game, then do something else. As i am now on game #9, needless to say…it’s not working.

While it might be proven that for some others watching replays help…i can’t think of a time where it has helped me sadly… :s

Probably the same guy that created psionic storm.

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