Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

The playerbase is so low skilled, I see why no one picks healers.

If you pick a healer then nothing on the enemy team will die, just finished a 7 minute braxis where the score was 0-22, 4 dps and me healing as Ana.

GARBAGE low skilled players can’t possibly secure kills. It’s pathetic.

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I had a Yrel the other day who wasn’t a terrible player exactly, but after two times where this player necessarily dove into the other team and died I asked them to stop suiciding.

But this was the sort of player that you can’t say such things without making them throw a tantrum, so they basically stopped trying and sort of just afk soaked after that.

After games like that you need a cold shower.

It was a shame because I was playing Maiev that game and I had 29 w stacks by the time the game had ended with our inevitable defeat.


so now that MMR is tied exactly to rank can we say that 5 man teams are at a disadvantage still vs non-5mans? it use to be that they ‘might’ have been lower MMR before the MMR changes. now though… :thinking:

so this last game i just played it was a 5 man team (in ranked) vs a 2man party and the rest all solo. i mean this was seriously one of those ‘wtf’ moments because it was obvious the 5man was not disadvantaged here. they just rolled everyone all game.

I can never play Rehgar, Tyrande or Uther in games without a 5 player group… Random players 99% of the time just take all the damage they can. It looks like a contest or something, who takes more damage?

Those 3 healers bring much more in utility (waveclear, armor, CC and more) than healing, but because people take too much damage all the time, they just die because you can’t just keep healing them that much…

I’m actually sad about that because I love those healers so much :frowning:


Same here! Rehgar is probably my favorite healer and unless I play with friends I never take him, in UD, ranked or QM.

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This thread is not even that salty. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Game ended like that btw.


I’ve just made a game where a Garrosh player was throwing allied heroes on the other side of ennemy walls on purpose.

I died twice because of this guy as Kerrigan.

This is the kind of account i would instantly ban permanently if i was a Blizzard employee.

That was my first report since the release of the game. What a loser.


even AI beginner wouldn’t end like that… what the actual ------- I MAIN SYLVANAS AND THAT HURTS TO WATCH :rage::rage::rage::rage: SO MADDDDDD


I hate samuros and murkies who just rotate around the map all game capping all the camps turning all of them to their team color then getting free objectives because my team lacks wave clear, it’s a war of attrition eventually minions and catapaults will kill anyone trying to defend against them and a boss after 20 minutes with no keeps is game ending.

Stupid 6000hp murky with 65 hp/s Regen avoiding team fights, taking all the camps but can still 1v1 most of the roster late game.

Losing a game at the 28 minute mark that you knew was going to end in a loss at 4 minutes is so frustrating!


As I said in the original post, please stay civil and respect the rules. This is a place to deposit your salt but you’re not allowed to just break the rules.



Had 3 games in a raw with bots and a game were a Samuro, who lost top lane 1v1 to a murky. It’s dark times i say.

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Storm League, and someone is hovering Illidan. He is a level 100 Illidan, but a poorish win rate, so I am nervous. To make his life slightly easier, I draft Johanna so the enemy team can’t have her.

Sure enough, he spends the entire match taking pointless camps at bad times, so they are instantly cleared, or feeding. He completely ignores their Zagara who is overextended half the time. Even though we won by the skin of our teeth (Core race, we won with 7% on our core), I am still salty.



I’m so tired of people not knowing what to do on this game… Played like 7-8 matches tonight and in all of them people were clueless on what to do.


I’m tired of gamers playing Sylvanas like she’s still before the rework kinda reminds me why I hated any Sylvanas player picking Dreadful Wake, use it and then get ganged afterwards because she just used her escape LUL.

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Abathurs that sit in spawning pool the entire match, only happened twice, and I guess its good we’re getting new players BUT DAMN, GO PLAY VS AI or watch a youtube video or DING DING THE HERO SPOTLIGHT BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO PLAY ONE OF THE HIGHEST SKILLCAP HEROES IN TERMS OF MACRO IN THE GAME!@@!@!@!@!


yo, I’d be fine if the player got 12 stacks but none at all for the duration of the match.