Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Our Butcher kept running into the enemy team and dying a lot. We asked him to stop doing that and just soak and get his stacks from minions. He replied “I cant do anything against their team…”

Why do people think they NEED to do something? All you have to do is to soak early game and do some camps, nothing more than that! You dont need to kill them all and get core at 2 min.


When your world stops at your eyelids

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These are the adrenaline junkies who really should just be playing the one lane brawls.

I played with a Kerrigan like that recently, she would leap on anything with a health bar, always engaged before me as Anub’arak. In my experience there seems to be little in between with melee assassin players, they are either devastating brilliant and controlled, or just leap at whatever moves and then die.


instead of salt mines can we get haunted mines back in rotation?


I lost a match after 10 winning streak games and honestly I’m very mad, so unfair to lose. :rage::rage::fire:


They should be playing Final fight or Castle crashers.

Error: Problem while trying to do same thing as last game.
Input: Death timers increase as game progresses.
Self Realization: Pending… …
Ego Mode Activated: “worth it, bro, chill, we got this”
Self Realization: Failed.


I dont play Butcher that much, but had a game were someone said 0 meat Butcher gg to me without knowing why i only had 0 meat stacks. I tried to get kills with ganks. But every time i charge in my team dont even follow up. They just leave me alone to die and complane about i got 0 stacks at lvl 10.

Ranged assassin onetricks

If you cant play tank or healer, play it untill you can.

We needed something to counter Garrosh, she picks lunara. We already had a guldan. They had a Lucio (double dmg over time vs healing over time :confused: )
Just because you can jump away from the Garrosh doesnt mean you are helpfull towards them tank

Another game Li ming and Hanzo were our dps choises, TANK!?!?
The tank is soaking because you dont rotate / waveclear and we are 3 levels behind. If you comment me on being a tank or healer. AT LEAST PLAY THE DAMN ROLE YOURSELF


Just had a Lunara that complained about whisp being bugged with a Nova on the opposing team; by the taunt rather high level with her.

=> Did not take the whisp level 1 talent that gives the reveal.

Stuff like that just leaves me speechless.


Did she at least had the reveal talent on 1? Tell me there is hope <3

Speed talent, which is a good talent but not very usefeull against stealthers :slight_smile:

I assume s/he got the impression the reveal was baseline, which i foind odd given the mentioned high level.

I have no clue how some people get high level. I’ve seen too many mistakes people in plat dont even make. Like 7 stacks on Arthas Eternal Hunger quest. In 17 min… Master player around 2k… Also the solo laner vs Yrell… A Melee…

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I have never been this angry over a video game so instead of deposit all my salt in the Bank of Forum Salt™ I decided to boot up Stardew Valley after like a year and now I’m finishing my fishy/cooking collection, gotta get those dem achievements yo.

Nothing better than dropping all your salt than playing a relaxing game, feelsgoodman.


Last game (unranked):

Ming went orb build against Tracer + Aba…

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I once out dmg a Qhira player which profile said he was master 300 and when i say out dmg i out dmg him with about 50k as Kerri. Sometimes i think alot of people with master rank are boosted.


Yeah its a shame. Too many boosted players.
50k more as kerri!? Im a decent kerri but my dmg is average.
And qhiras dmg is quite high. Really odd


I had a Li-Ming take full ORB build and Glass Cannon recently in SL vs a Genji, Greymane, Pyro KT, Uther and Johanna. She died heaps obviously and someone asked her why she went orb build “I’ve got top damage!” was the reply. It was just discouraging that this was from a Diamond 2 player.


Did she have double digit deaths? Same with li mings who pick disintegrate (a mistake in itself if not against anubarak) into genji and refuse to cancel it/aim it away from him when he deflects. :rage:


My partner had a game last night in ARAM where he played as Zuljin and backdoored the enemy keep which helped his team to win. The ARAM match right after that he gets paired with the enemy players he just fought against and the Morales refused to heal him all game because “trash and dirty Zuljin”. He was Rag the 2nd match so he jusg used meatball all game but good lord the pettiness from the enemies.