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idk what most nova players are on, I usually top XP contribution when I play Nova, but that’s because I play irresponsibly and use Heroic on the waves.

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That makes two of us! The thing is, I only use PS on waves when it’s 100% needed and preferably when I know I it’s not needed for an imminent team fight. If you take the level 20 upgrade, it’s quite fun to pressure forts or even the enemy cores with that global wave wiper with reduced CD and 2 charges, yes please.

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she was doing the pew pew q build… or was it w whichever is hungering arrow.
I specifically said I wasn’t complaining yet they took it to heart.
I was merely saying when I went to mosh pit we lacked aoe damage to take advantage

it didn’t help that we had a twin blade, but we managed to get them to the cusp of a core vs core showdown.
we just lack, as I said calmly, we need just that little bit more Aoe damage.

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Meh, 0:3 on Sylvanas.
Trying to think why that might be (my consistent 20-40% winrates with AA heroes, plus of course the weaker ones with absolute 0%), either I’m lacking 300+ APM or I don’t know.

If anybody fancy watching 10-20 of my last matches with Sylvanas, Valla, Tychus, Raynor, be my guest, but really, my PvP damage is consistently awkward and the only thing I could do is feed harder. I could use a casual 50% damage buff.

At that point it might be too late. It’s not like Valla or Varian can press their area damage harder. It could also mean that outside Mosh (which is a brutal long cooldown) they have no pressure. That’s my #1 problem with pretty much the entire AA roster. Untalented Jaina currently enduring a stroke is more threatening.

I kinda wish I could reset some of my heroes to level 1, so as to move them away from “top heroes” view. Obviously, sorting by winrate would be boss, but. It goes many ways but heroes past the first 20-30 may get lost despite very nice results, simply because they’re level 5, whereas crap heroes like Johanna, Sylvanas or Valla are shown as my mains despite being a reliable loss factor.

201 matches and I’m crap. It almost hurts.

Well, after a break I tried a few more and the evening Sylvanas session turned into an epic trolling losing fiesta.

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Main thing with AA heroes is positioning.

You want to be as close to as being in danger as you can without actually being in danger, and this will change constantly during a fight.

This is so you can keep pumping out damage and be close enough to take advantage of opportunities that come up, e.g. a priority target being cc’d over overstepping into danger.

You want to attack the highest priority target that is safe to attack and be ready to change target at a moments notice…

For example, if the only target is a tank with a lot of hp and if you tried to attack someone further away you would be in range of most other enemy teams abilities… just attack the tank and try to get them low enough to have to back off.

If a ranged dps or healer step into range switch to them, unless the tanks nearly dead and it’s likely you could get a kill. If anyone is low hp or a target is being focused switch to them.

One thing I try to do is start off attacking the tank if they are holding the front and stutterstep while attacking them and slowly move to the flanks so I can get closer to reach backline or healer.

Always keep an eye on where enemies could approach from though, if you don’t have vision on everyone you dont want to stand where they could rotate from.

Basically you want to always be attacking something and stutterstepping to reposition.


I can’t remember the exact enemy team composition as it was one of the first games of the night and I played for a few hours.

I remember they had a Garrosh and 3 ranged dps as they had Hanzo top on braxis. I’m fairly certain they had a sylv too.

We jad me playing Mal’Ganis, Valla, Tassadar, Ana and Rag.

This game deserves special mention because the Valla was making bare faced lies to try and appear better than they were and make their agument seem more legitimate.

For reference at the moment i’m in mid to high gold, My Mal’Ganis has a 64% ish winrate, 8-9 kda over 20 games ish. So a small sample size but i’m not new to Mal’Ganis either, so i’m more than capable of playing a decent Mal’Ganis at the rank, while also not infallible.

Anyway so in the early stages of the game I held the front around mid of the lane, I wasn’t fussed about being thrown into the enemy team, most garroshes woildnt because throwing a malg into your team is usually not a good idea. However not so far forward that i’d get thrown into towers or over gate etc but enough to give my team room to move behind me.

To my suprise initially the Garrosh didn’t hesitate in throwing me in, their team focused me and I made it out most of the time, stunning and sleeping a couple of them on the way out (usually garrosh and a dps or healer) they spread out quite well though so no 3 to 4 man sleeps.

I died a couple of times in the game to this but for the most part I escaped with barely any hp and had to back.

I was aware that my dps were not getring anything done, Garrosh throwing me into enemy team with them focusing me you would have thought Valla + Tass would have gotten something done. Garrosh had just used his most dangerous ability, they could wall garrosh from his team and force him out at low hp or kill him as well. Or do something with my sleeps on the way out but nothing was getting done.

My thoughts on it were it happens sometimes. Other team seems better my team mates probably arnt as good. I nad no intention of flaming anyone or giving a lecture. Just co tinued to try and play my best and how we could make something happen and turn it around.

The Rag complained about 3 times early on saying they cudnt do anything to hanzo.

I said “That’s the prob with picking Rag on this map, he doesn’t win many duels.” I’m sure some people will disagree but ofc Rag is good for depushing a zerg rush but he struggles to win the toplane by himself and you need a dps to rotate smartly to help him or a bw to tp up or something.

The team we had wasn’t going to rotate smartly to help him it seemed althougb we were struggling to gain the upper hand bot.

I went up at one point when we actually managed to get a kill l, didn’t manage to gank the Hanzo and quickly returned bot as it was collapsing like a house of cards without the tank there.

At one point mod game Tass went up because Sylv had gone up to help Hanzo. When Tass went up Sylv came back down bot. Tass stayed up top. One of them managed to die to Hanzo and Tass said I think i’m gonna have to stay top becuase sylv keeps coming up.

I said “Sylv came back down when you went up. Someone can swap with Rag if they want.” No one swapped woth Rag.

Then Mid to late game Valla pinged top hellbat camp on our side (we were right side) and started doing camp. I Went to help and provide vision because I thought there was a good chance she’d get invaded. Sure enough Garrosh was lurking on the path from boss.

Enemy team capped bot obj, and Rag hadn’t gotten top obj. Ovj was at about 60-70 percent for enemy so I went top to help cap the point to stop enemy getting OBJ and probably winning at that point.

I think I forgot to ping retreat from that camp or to ping to go top point. However sure enough Valla got invaded and killed, invaders came to help top point and we lost obj.

Valla started complaining saying “I don’t know what that rotatiom was all about. Eveything was fine untip that rotation.”

And I said camp was a bad call they werw looking to invade, I went top to stop enemy getting obj.

Valla started spouting crap trying to blame me and I remember them saying “I’m 75 percent winrate.” I hadn’t flexed or tried to turn it into a winrate epeen battle. Imo they wernt playing well enough for a decent smurf and I said oh yeah over how many games? They stopped responding till the end of the game where we lpst. The Tass started chipping in trying to blame the tank and the Valla spouted some nonsense.

I check the Vallas winrate after the game out of curiosity and they had a 52 percent winrate on valla with about a 3 kda. Account stats were similar over about 2000 games.

I could kind of understand if someone started saying oh yeah im diamond smurf so I think I know more than than you or something along those lines. No one did but hey felt the need to tell an oitright lie to try and appear superior in a fairly minor disagreement, which I found outright weird.

Another instance towards the end of the gaming session, not really salt mines because it was funny but kinda same time because we lost…

A hogger ragequit on our team on around the 3 minute mark because enemy malth invaded them doing our top bruiser camp solo and killed them.

Literally said “I don’t care to continue, bye” and player had left the game lol.

Team found it hilarious, someone also pointed out the Hoggers name was german for the operation that Hitler called the operation against the Jews.

Seems like a nice person.

Easy afk and inappropriate name rep.

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Go to play a game. Game ends, get immediately logged out. Then log back in, rejoin party, game crashes immediately. Restart b-net problem resolved for one match. Voice getting set to 0 constantly. Doesn’t matter which pc or which iteration of windows I play on. Doesn’t matter if I’m playing from home, my office in SF, or my office in NYC or the beachhouse in FL. Fix this FFS.

I’ve come to the rather concerning conclusion that if someone says they “main” a character they’re not especially good with said character
the dva, imperius, the blaze, heck even the bloody Jaina
now it could be because of match ups, because when they be like “Im failing because of [insert reason]” it sound pretty solid, yes you are failing because of said reason.
HOWEVER shifting the blame to someone else on your team because it just so happens that they could counter the problem but 9/10 times the problem occurs late game and it would therfore be impossible to magically adapt when you’ve full speced in a different way to counter another problem.

I’m not above them I’m still making rather silly mistakes now and then, and I pride myself to be a good whitemane. the difference between you and me is that if I think someone’s is to blame, I’m not gonna say unless they start pointing fingers at me.
your a qhira I’m a kelthas
we are the last two surviving
against a stitches a healer and another low hp enemy
then ask “ware dmg kelthas?!!1?!1”
sorry mate I value my life too much it’s hard enough getting this quest done against three divers and no reliable tank to help me escape if they get a bit zealous. I’m not about to run head long into a 3v2.
your fault for dying, shut up take the blame


Certain characters seem to attract poor players, Quira unfortunately seems like one of them!

There are the odd good Quira player out there but for the most part you can expect Quira players to be feeding machines and not do much other than take bad team fights.

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Most fun is watching them miss both E and D in a rapid session.


Only when said Qhira is on the enemy team! It seems when I get a Qhira on my team and I’m healing, the embrace the “all in” meme and feed hard and run from heals like it’s DOT or something. When the enemy has a Qhira, they are suddently god tier!

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I hate trolls with a passion. A player on our team wanted a Sonya ban so they could play Murky. We banned better ones (IMO) like Johanna, Stukov, and Garrosh. After the third ban they said they were going to troll and then proceeded to run into towers, leave us 4v5 half the time, but didn’t leave the game. What kind of people enjoy that? Its so sad that people just throw tantrums when they don’t get what they want when they’re way passed 4 years old.


Typical lowlife who has no respect for others people time.

I feel people like this thrive on attentiom though and people on the same team get understandably tilted but keep giving the troll attention.

Surely it would limit the trolls enjoyment if everyone just repped them and then just ignored their exsistence or laugh about it instead of giving the troll the satisfaction of tilting people.

Not saying you did this by the way but it’s one of the things I notice in this situation and wished people didnt feed the trolls lol.


Sometimes I ponder the psychology of some players I see in Hots. I’m not talking about someone who on occasion hurls mild abuse like “you stink”, or occasionally goes AFK.

What I do find hard to understand is those players (like one I encountered recently) who set up multiple accounts just to troll on. I played with someone in ARAM recently with a ID like “IWILLint” and so they did. They would spawn, die to towers repeat. This account had been played for over 12 hours that day (3 wins only) and was currently then 10 days old. It seems they have never received a suspension for this.

That’s beside the point, I just don’t know what people get out of doing this, it’s an odd kind of revenge and maybe you’re correct when you say it’s done for attention seeking.


Some strange people about.

If you think about it though what would they get it of it if they received no attention? Would be like doing it vs ai if no one responded.

A lot of times i’ll say just report them and ignore them but players still have a breakdown pinging them and it’s not going to change their behaviour and is probably making them doing it more.


I would say players like that have traits that align with a personality disorder, specifically cluster B personality disorders. They are aggressive, impulsive, have no remorse for their actions, have trouble controlling their anger and in some cases sadistic. That might be why some probably int or feed. They act on impulse and don’t care about the repercussions. Access to multiple accounts act as a safety net for this and so they don’t have to take responsibility.

People with narcissistic personality disorder can be somewhat sadistic, even if its only to a small degree. People who are sadistic actually do get a rush of dopamine when they engage in behaviors that can inflict suffering or humiliation to others. Usually these are in reference to sexual things but watching people get angry at them in chat can be somewhat pleasuring for them and that reinforces this behavior. This is why ignoring them is a good thing. You’re starving them from that rush of dopamine, however, you can also make them angry because of it. Remember that people with cluster B personality disorders are impulsive as well so that’s another issue. Its kind of a lose lose situation for normal players. If you try to tell them off, you’ll just feed them dopamine, but if you don’t, you’ll likely anger them and they’ll try harder to get you to react. Real psychopathic behavior.

There isn’t really a solution to this except for completely preventing them from playing the game, which isn’t really possible. The other solution would be for them to seek help, but good luck trying to convince someone with narcissistic personality disorder that they need help.

Keep in mind, I am not a licensed psychologist (yet) and this is just in theory, based on what I’ve learned about behavior thus far.

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Man, all my SL games end the same way. Top XP, least deaths, team mates suiciding.



this communtiy sometimes sickens me beyond redemption
today is one of those times

I swear I’d rather have no tank then Stitches on my team,

I disagree. It all depends on the comp and blah, blah, but it really depends on the skill of the Stitches player. Outside of the need to consistently land useful hooks, Stitches has some useful slows, debuffs and of course the ability to body block.

If you’re speaking about those Stitches players who only hang in the back-line waiting for Hooks they often miss, then yes, he’s bad, but that’s user error.