Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Tee hee, great minds and all that I guess. It’s a good thread, if only we could consolidate the Qhira complaint threads into just one.


Start new brawl, everyone picks a good pick…last guy picks butcher instead of a our only tank choice or second healer which were his other options. Goes 0-5 with the least damage in the game…of course we lose. The other team of course took the tank choice.

This is one of my biggest issues. When people don’t know how to soak. Lets just go all mid and get no xp. Soaking in the beginning is important. You force them to leave mid to deal with you and then you’ll get more xp and you wont be behind a talent tier before the first obj. I hate that with a passion. They go all in mid, die, and then ping because I’m soaking a lane. The first couple of mins should be slow. When everyone dies mid, you’re basically giving away a fort or an objective and some maps have more important first objectives that others. (Cursed Hallow and Garden of Terror require 3 objectives to actually do something so its not so bad)


The best part about it is when you go bot, you’re fighting 1on2 because you always force them to 1on2 you. Your team sits mid for 4 minutes while someone on the enemy team is soaking top. So, your team is sitting mid fighting a 4on2 and not even pushing. Meanwhile, you’re 2 levels down by first objective, have 2 lanes pushed in and mid is a 4on2 stalemate.

Also, I had to quit playing TLV because I got tired of getting teams that thought I was supposed to win top and bottom with 1 or 2 vikings in the lane. Then they tell you that you don’t know how to play TLV when you actually put all 3 vikings in 1 lane to win that lane in an actual 1on1 instead of 1 on 1/3. All while they 4 soak mid and don’t even kill a tower. News flash, if my 4 teammates aren’t good enough to force the enemy team to group up…I can’t soak.

In the same vein, I can’t play Abathur most of the time because you get a 2 lane map and your team expects you to beat a ranged hero in a lane that is out of range of any symbiote attacks and hides behind their minions so you can’t do anything. When if they would do the smart thing and split themselves 3/1…I can symbiote between the 2 lanes and actually help.


Its also about smart lane soaking. People soak lanes sometimes and push all the way to the enemy towers. That’s not soaking lanes, that’s pushing. Literally all you need to do is be close enough to the minions so that when they die you see the xp numbers. You don’t even need to attack them. If you can push and get out safely without getting ganked, do so. If not, then don’t go all the way to the enemy towers.

You can however clear up the minions if and then retreat and let the minions push. They won’t do much but its still map pressure and you’re soaking xp. You can even get someone to help you with a siege camp when they pop up and have that push. Its better map pressure than just minions.

Aye, and 2 other things that annoy me about lane soaking. People don’t utilize health globes at all…they even go out of their way to kill a globe minion even though they can’t get to the globe. They could just wait until it’s in range and then collect the globe from it and this prevents enemies from getting it. Also…i’ve never met anyone that seems to realize if you don’t completely clear a wave of minions you can get your minions to stack…there is no rule that says you HAVE to completely kill off a wave.


i just played a game with varian (tank), artanis and valeera as team mates and artanis choose the purifier beam instead of the blind and valeera always focused tracer with the cheap shot instead of the silence, he didnt even blind the butcher once. Playing vs tracer, raynor and the butcher.

This will be my last one because i’m just done with this game. Probably just play a few AI games every 3rd day or just a game once in awhile with friends. I’ve played 5 brawl games today and i’ve had 4 bots from the start…i’m not in leaver status. Just same sht different day. Literally the game starts and I always have a bot among the team.

I do. I don’t understand why you say this. I was the Alexstrasza player and it was exactly the problem. I was the only one staying in the Abundance zone. Some were even leaving at the last second. So much that i thought they were trolling me.

I bought. Sorry, english is not my first language.


We’re level 26. All enemy keeps down, two lanes pushed up to core, it’s at 30%, and we have won every team fight and objective, but it’s volskaya and we’ve wasted the robot every time. My team doesn’t want to win. They’d rather group to depush the one lane not at the enemies core and fight over an objective we don’t even use.


I remember one game that I was playing where we had a boss pushing down a lane without a keep up and every member of the team alive. In my estimation we had about a 99% chance of winning at that point. Except my team pushes ahead of the boss and forces a teamfight, but engage really badly, including our Lunara who literally suicides (and I do mean literally, she ran ahead and died instantly, it would have been comedic if it wasn’t so painful) and we basically all die before the boss even arrives. Then because we are all dead the other team manages to kill the boss before the core dies and then take the next objective while we are all dead and it was GG.

I remember that game because it was the sort of thing where you are in such a strong position that you basically have to try if you want to lose from there, but my team sure managed it.


Okay, let’s get salty then. SL game, Cursed Hollow, our team had won every team fight and objective we contested, we got the curse. Our Arthas player calls for…enemy boss at the start of the curse.

Aside from being a bad call as the enemy team is near the boss, it’s just a bad call, cause you know curse! The rest of the team pushes all keeps but one, but the Arthas goes solo and suicides to boss.

The Arthas states as he is the tank he is in “command” and if one player does anything against his orders he will start to feed. Our Rehgar does what he should at this point and goes and grabs a siege camp. But this angers the Arthas because he wanted to take another boss (the enemy team was there in wait), so although the camp manages to push their final tower, the Arthas goes and dies to towers and then helps the enemy team grab our boss. The enemy team does a final push while Arthas dances in the hall of storms, they win.


I played countless games to get out of silver and every single game in the past 2 days the team has been awarded one person who doesnt know what the heck is going on. Will refuse to do objectives, gets killed my minions countless times to spite the team calling them out, sitting in the fountain, or diving in 1v4 when the team is not present and dying. Like why do people even play ranked if they dont know what the F is going on??? and further more how did blizzard match-make someone who is so idiotic ?? I mean so these solo people somehow get ranked way higher than they actually are and then bomb everyones hopes of winning a TEAM based game. This isnt DOTA or LOL where you can have one dude carry the team, this is a team game where everyone has to try not to ruin if for everyone else. All in all every team that i played against also had none of these stragglers either everyone knew what to do how to do it and won because of that. I dont get how this keeps happening. Bad luck ? I know i could do better myself im no pro but i know what needs to be done and give it my best shot. Its always stacked against me and the rest of the team which is just not right. Ive had to report 4 people in the last 2 days that dont give a F on the outcome of a team ranked game that act like children, well i guess since blizzard is geared towards getting children i suppose i answered my own question…


You have to get together and form a team of five, or take a hero that is a good generalist and can double soak, do camps and decent damage.

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Just had a match where our Muradin kept jumping in all the time into the enemy team against a GARROSH and he kept dying over and over again. In the end he started being toxic and flaming everyone because “we didn’t know how to play”.


So lame. Just had a game in Hanumura. First 15 seconds, I hovered Alarak, someone over Syl and another Tychus. Let me emphasize the word “hover”. The guy/troll started freaking and raging at the draft and locked in TLV before we did or said anything. Here’s the sad thing. Tychus was going to change to be healer, which he did, while the other guy changed to be Muradin. Ofc you can guess, it ruined my game and mood this afternoon. I’ll play tonight when the salty kids go to bed and won’t ruin my game. I know if I play now, I’d be tilted towers and don’t want to lose this outlook I got going on.

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Tuned into TrikSlyr stream today (was on it yesterday as stu :D) to see him landing Buried Alive like 7 times while Diablo waits until it expires to press Apoc, every single time. Also flipping people out of entombs. And of course they lose lmao. Like the height of facepalm that game


I can’t run Heroes of the Storm on this laptop, so mad.

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I like to received a whisper from a teammate after we lose a game in SL.

The conversation are always productive and I learn a lot about myself.

I just learned that I was brain damage. What a surprise to learn that doctors are also playing Hots!


I am REALLY tired of my teammates starting fights when one of us just respawned and is on his way to us. Even if you tell them to wait and why.