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Probius is actually very bursty and he could deals a lot of dmg, when you as Butcher would function as Initiator with Lamb, because the targets in your lamp couldn’t move out and that’s gives Probius a way to hit his combo Q-W.

Aside from damage your team also has more cc than the enemys and Zagara’s disengage tool with Maw.

Problem with those comps is the team with 2 bruisers can dominate much better then his.
They got tripple lockdown and Azmo that can delete most squicys past 300 stacks late game.

His team has to wait for the one kill on either Azmo or BW but that is hard enough Butchers team has litteraly has nothing to follow up with.

But yea I am not the first one to complain about this bruiser vs non bruiser teams since this has happen in my games much more lately. Bruisers gives enemy tank more bodies to soak dmg while dishing out tons of dmg themself giving the team with bruisers a higher advantage over the tank that has to babysit mages lol.


I agree with you that bruisers are the problem, but A) Butcher can still follow Johanna, who has CC with Blessed Shield and B) he also should initiate with Johanna using Lamb and give Probius a way to hit his combo. If enemy bruiser starts diving, they also have Zag’s Maw.

And Probius’ has also his heroics that can be used defensive or offensive to make it harder for the enemy. Hasher’s team has a lot of opportunities, but it might be harder, because Probius is hard to play and can easily be useless, when not played right. Same for Zag. The assassines from Hasher’s team aren’t easy ones. :stuck_out_tongue:


My winstreak brokes with a main Zul’jin player (Lv 35 with him), who last picked his hero, when we already got Hanzo and Ming on BoE. He ended with the lowest damage and 10 death, #feelsbadman.

Funny thing he complained about the healer (Uther) while myself (Leoric) and he were only frontline here. I didn’t picked a tank, because enemys had a very %-dmg affected team with Diablo, Artanis and Azmodan. And I know that Leo can be played as tank by good players and Uther also… so our comp wasn’t bad… but the Zul’jin just ruined it. Awful position, no damage, even the idea to pick Zul’jin with Uther… it was just bad.

Again you’re seeing it from a paper point of view.

I did pick lamb, Jo picked her ult that ricochet and probius picked the damage ult. Now, again… Even with more CC, CC means nothing if its not followed up by damage. And when 1 tank, 2 bruisers and an aoe healer can soak damage PLUS Sonya and stitches and self heal, you tell me how a probius can effectively dish out that much damage to kill one hero?

Butcher and Jo has barely any damage to be effective. Zag and azmo fighting top. Now even if azmo came to bot lane, he’s still a healthy hero of his HP pool. Even more terrifying as he can dish out some damage.

You seem that the two teams was a fair match up. It wasn’t at all. You know it.

You can have all the CC in the world but if there’s no damage, what’s the point? Also probius damage is unreliable. It’s scattered, it’s not stable, turrets will not target a specific hero therefore even more damage left out.

Bruisers are designed to be both somewhat tank and damage. Blizzard even said so themselves.

Furthermore you quoted me on probius not being bursty. Sure ok.

But you never replied to my… the bruisers they have, 2 lane map, their cc, their damage etc… You quoted a specific part of my post to fit your agenda.

games have been trash tonight, the last one really broke me and had me walk away for the evening.

We had a tassadar in the 4man, on braxis, that spent all his mana on hitting minions, until genji was diving, somehow he always had a psi-storm ready for that :crazy_face: “please play defensively” he says, gee, would be nice to do that except they have all the poke in the world and 2 divers against a squishy qm comp. would also be nice if you weren’t a freakin mile away and completely oblivious to the fights we could be winning if you hadn’t shadow walked your chicken butt outa there.

Braxis is a map where you have to fight. Sure, be selective, wait until even talent tiers, let them start a boss, stuff like that. cool, thats good strategy, but at some point, you will NEED to fight. AND FOR THE SAKE OF ALL THE GOOD THAT IS LEFT IN THIS GAME, DO SOMETHING WHEN YOU DO GET AN ADVANTAGE! Take THEIR camps, get gates and towers down, maybe a boss… please, please, please do anything BUT walk all the way back to our base where a lane is pushed and start clearing (no cata’s on core, no reason to go back)… Killing the core wins games, not protecting forts and keeps.

I’ll be honest, it wasn’t all his fault. I made some terrible plays, had an incredible 9 deaths (I haven’t died that much in YEARS), our tracer beat me with 10 deaths, and our KTZ had 7 and an abysmal 15k hero damage at the end of a lvl20 match (tracer 33k, tass 23k, me 43k for context). Just this guy, being so passive when we needed to be aggressive, like he wanted to lose slowly to protect his stats instead of take the chance and try to win? i just dont know.

What i do know is that i dont have the mental fortitude to put up with it, at least not tonight…

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If only more people (including me!) followed your example this thread wouldn’t be as long as War and Peace.


Seriously, Blizzard management and devs are completely useless when it comes to finding a solution with a player that leaves and gives us an AI.

Leavers and AI happens so damn often. This is the 4th/5th year that Blizzard stated in their patch notes where they are looking into a fix, loss forgiveness? Where’s that?

The fact that people are suggesting a surrender button, automatic match forfeit etc… are all ideas because Blizzard can’t come up with one…

Also the game is in maintinance mode, this game is just digging itself a damn hole…

Additionally, Devs should look at this thread and pick pain points of the game… its not just players having a cry but it hints useful ideas to them FOR FREE, you know… its the devs or blizzards job to actually think of and implement for better player experience

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Well there was the Blizzard Grinch with me wishing people a merry christmas and being jolly, for once not being toxic and as soon as the game ends it read you have been banned for 4 weeks XD.

There is also the fact that you can not select “Not Role Leader” like in WoW. I hate banning, got no clue about it, but over 50% of the games it gave me lead. My lead should have been at max 20%. So yeah, that is truly bad for everyone. The game apparently disagreed and thought that was a good idea.

Or the flex role people, that insta-pick and first lock an assassin every game. Cause that is the one role no one wants to pick XD

This does not excuse the 10 death but I’d advise staying away from uther and leo frontline now. Uther isn’t as good of a tank since nerf and triple back line usually requires something more grounded for frontline (more reliable CC). It can work at higher elo but if you’re below masters I’d advise sticking to simpler, more straight up comps. Just my opinion though

For me it still works and this forntline wasn’t a problem at all, but the Zul’jin just had no idea how to positon himself. I still like to tank with Uther, when we have Aba in team.

Maybe, but on the contrary feeders makes it harder to carry with tanks, while heroes like Leoric can also cover other weaknesses in lower elo (soaking, camps).

Another game that leads me tilting, but this time it makes me feel bad from the draft:

Even though we dominated kill-wise, but after the our domination we couldn’t end it, because we slowly lost our lead, because our makro was so bad. And that’s what I expected in the beginning and that’s felt so tilted… maybe even ruined my own performance.

Thanks to Nova and Qhira. Why would someone, if he wants to win pick those heroes, when they see Valla first pick? The only answer to me that makes sense: they want to troll.

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Yeah that makes sense ! But yeah absolutely nothing you could do with a feeder like that. Honestly, I don’t care what anybody says, if you died 10 times, unless it’s an extremely long game, you’ve cost your team the game.


Hey thats mean :stuck_out_tongue: :kiss:

Naz player that has no clue how to take camps or farm his stacks. Had only 75 trait stacks at max lvl lol.
Lunara with only about 5k more dmg then me as Dehaka. How is that even possible when I was on soak duty half the game cause Naz again ignores everything.

Bronze 3 Alarak that spam pings me whole game. LIke hello maybe look at this bunch of camps that are invading our keeps instead of stats paddle.

You have no exuse for not having at least close to max on your trait on Sky Temple Naz but you somehow managed to do it.

But again it was 30 sec extended que so I knew it would be a clown fiesta.
And second game I quickly dodged. I dont have time to lose with Probius players that has no clue how to play him and then on top of it I get half mage team.

Games with Probius on the team is 95% a lost game after my experience.

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I’m sick and bloody tired of people completely new at the game queuing for elite AI matches, making it a slugfest that I can only hardcarry 9/10 times. A sentient human with basic game sense should never conceivably lose any AI match and me not having a 100% winrate because of allies like this infuriates me.

That felt good to release.

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Embarrassing plays by my team, all game actually. Cassia and Art would just start fights for no reason. They are going to win by minions so I had to go back and deal with a few lanes.

We could have won if everyone else AIMED THE CORE… AIM THE DAMN CORE

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If you’re losing to ai then my condolences

You’re simply the highest MMR on your team, you probably wouldn’t ban as often as you are if the player population was more healthy and SL didn’t allow for people to group 3 ranks apart.


Honestly I don’t see a problem with this, because I only see small differences between most leagues and it gets confirmed by players on the forum that only master or high dia makes the difference, but even there are players talks about “small differences”.

And since the population isn’t as high as we want it’s a good reason to have it.

I disagree, I often see a large difference in skill between a Plat 1 and a Sliver 5. I came off one such game today, there was a Plat 1 with his Silver 5 friend grouped. The Silver 5 player locked Valla and was unable to stutter step and died 7 times, despite me constantly peeling for him as Johanna.

As bad as Platinum is, most of us do know how to at least stutter step.


Of course you will see a bigger difference, if you compare the worst silver rank with the best plat rank… I wouldn’t look at this extreme examples, but the average. And on average there are indeed more often “small differences”. I can’t count how many games I have played, where I see high gold or low plat, who were performing way way worse than me as someone who hangs out between high silver - mid gold. One of my friends, whos highest rank was diamond 1, who always outperform our team can’t even carry our teammates and I am not the low performer there, even though I am the “lowest rank”.

Sure you could say I do many things wrong and that’s why I stuck in this rank, but it still feels weird, when I have to teach/navigate higher ranked players and usually have better performance overall. Ironically I carry my team, when they just play the map and know how to play their roles. I don’t want to say I am better than my rank, even though it feels like and I feel depressed when I see higher ranked players, who performs badly and ask myself: “How did he got there? Is he trolling?”

As a high-silver player I know how to stutter step too… and since I abused W build Valla I don’t know how people fail with her, she is so damn easy to play. I have currently a 65% winrate with her, but well she is overtuned…