games have been trash tonight, the last one really broke me and had me walk away for the evening.
We had a tassadar in the 4man, on braxis, that spent all his mana on hitting minions, until genji was diving, somehow he always had a psi-storm ready for that “please play defensively” he says, gee, would be nice to do that except they have all the poke in the world and 2 divers against a squishy qm comp. would also be nice if you weren’t a freakin mile away and completely oblivious to the fights we could be winning if you hadn’t shadow walked your chicken butt outa there.
Braxis is a map where you have to fight. Sure, be selective, wait until even talent tiers, let them start a boss, stuff like that. cool, thats good strategy, but at some point, you will NEED to fight. AND FOR THE SAKE OF ALL THE GOOD THAT IS LEFT IN THIS GAME, DO SOMETHING WHEN YOU DO GET AN ADVANTAGE! Take THEIR camps, get gates and towers down, maybe a boss… please, please, please do anything BUT walk all the way back to our base where a lane is pushed and start clearing (no cata’s on core, no reason to go back)… Killing the core wins games, not protecting forts and keeps.
I’ll be honest, it wasn’t all his fault. I made some terrible plays, had an incredible 9 deaths (I haven’t died that much in YEARS), our tracer beat me with 10 deaths, and our KTZ had 7 and an abysmal 15k hero damage at the end of a lvl20 match (tracer 33k, tass 23k, me 43k for context). Just this guy, being so passive when we needed to be aggressive, like he wanted to lose slowly to protect his stats instead of take the chance and try to win? i just dont know.
What i do know is that i dont have the mental fortitude to put up with it, at least not tonight…