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I said i would wait til wednesday, but i can’t. im done with this season. I’m stuck in 10min match’s for 15 to 18min becuase we cant hurt peoples feelings for being bad at the game. i can’t watch people not soak and not be punished for it.
I can’t watch the 1v5 stagger deaths after 16.
I can’t watch me ping a camp and no one go to it.
I can’t watch a 4man run to meet a zerg wave mid lane as the enemy takes boss. (wonder where they will go next?)
I can’t herd cats anymore, this season is scuffed. I’ll come back next season (hopefully its not 6 months away) where whatever has gotten changed to put me with these bizarrely bad teams gets fixed.

At least AI follow you when you ping them … @#$%


Sorry to hear that Pyobe. I too have had many seasons start off as rough as you described in your post. It can sometime really feel like your babysitting children or you’re playing with very uncooperative AI.

If you’re at Diamond and above just discount this. I’m in Plat so as there is no rank decay, often those people coming back at the beginning of a season haven’t played in a long time and are very rusty. In one of my SL games I had a Diamond player who hadn’t read the recent patch notes!

What I’m rambling about here is maybe take a break and let the season settle down a bit and give it another try. As you say, for all you know the season could get delayed yet again and it could be another six months. Even in ranks below Diamond there is a small amount of rank decay if you miss most of a season. Best of luck to you either way. :sunny:


You must not have been playing for very long. If you had? You’ve know most players are stupid and are going to follow their own, “Strategy” no matter what you say. Not only are most players stupid but, they have no strategy beyond diving in and slugging it out.

Want to win in this game? Accept and make peace with the above reality, and dedicate yourself to getting Good at Backing up whatever team of morons you get stuck with.

I’ve been kicking all kinds of arrsee lately and that is how i win matches: I stick like glue to whatever team of chumps the matching system put me with and, back them up to the best of my ability. I also mute all my team-mates. Since most players are stupid, attempting to communicate is a waste of time. it’s a much more chill experience when i don’t have to talk to trolls either. If you must communicate? Use pings.

Edit: I hate when i’m with a group of morons, and they decide to go after a boss at the worse time! But damnit, i’m gonna be right behind them to help kill the boss as fast as possible, and or, back them up when the enemy team inevitably jumps them during it. Nothing else i can do but, try to give these fools the best chance at making it.

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This is sad, but true. You have to be adaptable and that often means adapting to “stupid” or rather backing up the stupid plays your teams makes. It’s great when you get those games when people are all on the same page and play with some strategy and common sense. Many times though you have to stop chafing against stupid and join in.


Well, looks like I’m still cursed.



Believe me when i say, this season is a whole different brand of stupid. Im down for an unsafe boss call if we all go, or making space for that solo azmo building suicide run. As bad as those are at least they attempt to accomplish something.

Maybe i give it 2 weeks and try again instead. season starts are always a bit chaotic. i just got excited i had a week of pto scheduled and when the season start got pushed back it lined up perfectly.

What laundry soap do you use? i recently switched to tide and i’m seeing similar results :frowning:

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idk how this forum works but i’ll give it a swing.

Something about my queueing is really really cruel where it seems every 10 matches I have to play against a Tracer Aba combo, and they’re always sweaty tryhards. Aba Tracer is always extremely unfun to play against.
I literally never have aba tracer on my team and the few times i did neither knew what they were doing like with aba building mines or tracer stacking on people in melee range and dying.

Also i can’t state how many times late game my team will break off post lvl 15 and just be laning late game solo and get picked off… then we just snowball a loss. I’ll write in chat “we need to stick as 5, wait for everyone” my team proceeds to ignore it and play stupid like why they lost. they start throwing people under the bus like healers because their heals were not high or assassins because their damage isn’t high enough. these people literally braindead to play with and it’s suffering to endure a whole match of this.

lastly i played a match earlier today where i was anduin, we had a zeratul on my team. idk wtf the zeratul was doing but guy would not read or even respond to chat or pings. I would say “if we’re going to win these fights, we need pressure in the back on malfurion, he’s just free healing.” Our Zeratul proceeded to open on the enemy Blaze every fight and would just get deleted. The only logical conclusion i could come to is this person is a bot. if not then tf is wrong with that person, like are they illiterate? Oh yeah, final note we ended the match and i think i did like 19k damage and he did maybe like 400 more damage than me.

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Best thing about your picture enemys have 1st pick and what’s first banned on your side? Falstad, not Valla. :joy:

Oddly enough I still see Falstad players, who goes for W-build, but then fail horribly and do no dmg. Some guys don’t read patchnotes I guess…

They never do. But again why should they. Most peple dont even know basis in this game so why should they read patch notes.

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Honestly, Aba makes any hero oppressive. Aba Murky is even worse believe it or not. I remember pro games where they had to send three heroes to deal with him.

Yeah, a lot of people just automatically ban Falstad.

But we ended up winning that game by luck. Our Xul kept trying to solo the enemy core. Because it was low at some point. (I constantly rotated to make sure Sonya destroyed the top lane) and the enemy kept killing him. But in the end, our core was low too, so the enemy rushed it, but they trickled in one at a time. So they died in the exact same way ,and we ended.


Cant wait for Blizzard to wake up and put bruisers up againts bruisers. Tireed of losing to 5 stack abusers who que up with Varian and then goes twinblade againts a team who has only a main tank and zero bruisers to back him up againts Varian.

My team Mura, BW,me, Sylvanas, Murky and Tychus
enemy 5 stack, Malganis, Varian Anduin, Junkrat and Greymane.

Lost every teamfight and Mura did not stand a chance since he has to pell for all those alone while Malganis gets a bruiser to help him.

This is not the first nor the last time im gonna say this. Blizzard if you cant manage to provide both teams a bruiser when enemy has then just remove bruisers from the game really and make them all tanks. I dont care.

Or remove Smash and Twin Blade completly and make him a full Taunt only. I dont really care anymore.
Not the first time I lose to a 5 stack abuser team with Varian on thier dumb team.

And ofc when we lose Anduin has the balls to taunt us with a lvl 100 taunt like he think he is this great he can win againts a buch of randoms with his loser premade of a team.

If this game was just 20% more balanced they would have lost hard I say.
They only won becasue they had heroes that gets very trong late game and we had nothin to fight back with.

Every teamfight was us spending tons of energy just to get one down just for Greymane and Varain to walk in and take us all down while we got low hp ofc.

Would have loved to see this game forced 5 stacks gaints other stacks way more often but that is a dream that will never happen.

Still healed more then Anduin and died less then him. Just proves my skill lvl is higher then him even in stressed situations and I dont need a premade to carry me to a win.

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I have very little salt I can be bothered adding to the mines anymore as I’ve pretty much seen it all. I needed to vent with this though. This happened two games in a row, with different players.

First same, GOT. Nova and Nazeebo enter the game and feed three deaths each say “gg” and then quit, leaving us with 2 AI. The other two players have also somehow manged to die 3 times, the game ends in just over 6 minutes.

The game directly after this, see almost above with the change that it was 5 minutes with a Syl and a Val with 4 deaths each, they both exit the game. Game over in 8 minutes. Why do people even bother to queue up? Can’t they just do this in VS AI instead? The few times I’ve played Co-op AI, the players there actually took it more seriously and I never recall anyone going AFK and rage quitting.

This is just really pitiful behaviour. One of the players grouped in those games was a level 20 account and a new player (not a smurf) and they said this had happens to them constantly and they decided to quit HOTS for good. I can’t blame them, no wonder HOTS finds it difficult to attract new players. :frowning:

I’m not so much bothered about facing 5 stacks. My worst experiences is being matched with 4 man or 3 man teams, they are usually the worst and often do epic feeding. I don’t know how they remain friends, but maybe they share the joys of trolling together and don’t want to win games.

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If you saw how people are in B5 where one of my friends play in then you would shake your head even more.

In his games there are people who play like bots aka sitting in one lane and afk auto attack minions and then die to towers or by some random enemy who came by and killed him with zero effort.

People even react very shocked when they see this like they have never seen this before.
I think there are just way too many trolls in this game now unless you are in a league where you are lucky to have none of those running rampart.

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Well this was just QM. Some didn’t have ranks, but I checked those games and it was Diamonds mixed all the way down to Bronze. If you guessed that the people who went AFK were the lowest ranks, you win a lolly pop. :slight_smile:

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Thx you random Zag that decied to join my qm game and waste 20 min of my time with your afk play.

Afk one lane whole game and only gets top fort down while we lose objects and end up trading your one fort for all forts and keeps cause you decided never helping us.

And because we are losing big time you ofc decides to troll and feed right after just to show us how useless you really are.

But again thx you for wasting 4 players time by doing nothing.

imo thrall or qhira are really good at shutting down Valla. Thrall is probably one of the most underrated heroes in this game, a lot of people sleep on him but he has good sustain, burst, and MS + root. Usually i get earthquake(also the 20 shield can come in pretty clutch) because it dissuades most teams from commiting but that’s just my two cents.

No thanks. Thrall isn’t anywhere near s tier so… stick to complaining against Valla. Get the nerf bat. Get the pitchforks

I had to add this here as it was so painful and very salty. I was in a QM game where my team fed the enemy Butcher 120 meat with only 2:20 on the clock. I’ve never seen that so fast. I think I shouldn’t have warned them to be careful not to feed The Butcher. The Rexxar player gave him Misha to eat 2 times and added Rexxar in as a bonus. No I didn’t die and feed him, but The Butcher can excel if your team is dumb. Sigh.


Help your local Butcher by donating freash food for him to live :joy: