Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

That’s funny. I was in my own game playing Stitches and I managed to top damage by double than the nearest player. Sad thing was the second highest damage on our team was from the really good TLV players. The Guldan, Valla and Nazeebo would just run in and let the enemy Artanis swap them. Even when I did helping hook they would run back into the enemy and die. :woman_facepalming:


In a team fight, my team used all heroics, no one died, still 5v5, thus we decided to retreat.

When we passed by a bruiser camp, 4 of us stopped, I pinged retreat. Spammed all pings, waited for the cooldown, spammed all pings again.

Enemies appeared, they decided to engage, thus I, as the sole healer, had to stay with them. And, in the middle of the fight, our Greymane started to attack the camp. No, not misclick, but fully commited to the camp.

2 of us got lower than 10% health. I pinged retreat again. No one retreated, freaking Greymane was still attacking the camp.

Of course, all of us, including me, died. The camp was easily stolen.

Please, any sane human in this world, any wise man, explain what the hell those freaking idiots were thinking? Should I just abandon them instead of dying together?


I’ll paraphrase - “Hurdur right - click go brrr”

No, because then your alive and cant do anything and pose 0 threat on defense. Basically it wont matter in terms of how the game plays out, but you will get reported for afk/nonparticipation for not going along with the stupid :frowning:

I honestly have no idea what it is about this patch that has made so many people lose the squishy bits between the ears, but this weekend has been the worst, LITERALLY the worst experience i’ve ever had in HotS. I might just sit this season out if it doesn’t get better by Wednesday.


Your teammates were afflicted with merc camp obsession. It’s a disease spreading through the Nexus.

The most common symptoms are losing your core, giving up on destroying an enemy structure, and death. (Either you, or your teammates, or both)

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Apparently it affects characters of all roles, even healers decide to go solo capture camps. A fascinating illness

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Here, you can see an afflicted Morales walking in to challenge an enemy merc camp by herself. (Yes, she engaged them, despite retreat pings)


I hope the vaccine comes soon.

Merc camp more inportant then team kills.

Merc camp more important than winning the game.

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Wait, you mean I am not supposed to engage in a 1v4 over a camp when 2 of my team are dead?


I mean, technically it was a 2v4, as Ana could shoot me over the wall.

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You kept your E off cool down. So you had a way out. And you didn’t insist on trying to cap the camp.

You failed the test.

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But I didn’t fail the invade!


You’re supposed to stay on the point no matter what!



A lot of lower-skill HOTS players work on a flowchart: if thing X happens, do action X. If thing Y happens, do action Y. In this case, if you and the rest of your team are near a camp, do action X (take camp). People working with this flowchart mentality often ignore anyone trying to disrupt the flowchart at best and, at worst, will actively be HOSTILE towards them.

I had a game a few weeks back on Braxis. We had just wiped out 2 people on the enemy team. Given the overall circumstances, I made a shotcall to take boss as it would allow us to MASSIVELY comeback and the two biggest problem heroes on the enemy team were dead. Our Orphea kept typing “NO” in chat and DEMANDING we do camps instead, merely because the flowchart she created in her mind told her to. Ultimately we lost the match as she got caught out, the enemy team ignored our mercs in lane, wiped us, got boss and ended the game.


I wish I could say I’ve never seen what you’ve described, but I’ve seen it more often than I care to. It’s a really odd thing, some players will hard commit to getting a simple camp, often more so than committing to capturing a boss, even if it could result in losing the entire game for said camp. Sometimes I put this down to a territorial/ownership mindset. “This is mine and I’ll die for it, rather than let you have it!”

HOTS and games like it could be an interesting area for academic psychological studies.


Ye cant have enemy take your camps :smiley: Its like they think they are thier property and its only him who are allowed to cap those merc camps.

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Dear Discourse, please make it a feature that when I block someone spamming the forum, it automatically sets all of the threads they create to “Muted” status, so I don’t have to scroll through nonsense, or manually mute all of the spam. kthxbai.


You blocked me again! :cry: :crying_cat_face: :sob:


Did anyone hear something just now?


lol! I can’t even give you a like for that, as unusually for me I made a few threads so they go fast! :sob:


Must have been the Emerald Wind that just passed by.