Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

I feel sad reading this Aphandra. I understand completely and of course you should stop investing time in an elective activity that no longer brings you joy.

On a selfish note I’m going to really miss your presence on the forums. I will always see you as the friendly, funny and knowledgeable person with the Li Li avatar and lyrical username.

I wish you the best, the forums will be diminished by your absence… With everyone either leaving HOTS or leaving for Reddit, I’m probably close to calling it quits too.


I hope we see Aphandra back, but I think the Salt Mines is probably a fitting place for a goodbye post. :frowning:

Actually I am not sure, if that’s really the last words from Aphandra, his comment is filled with so much hatred that I interpret them as “tilting mode” and when people are in that rage, they don’t mean it literally what they are saying, at least that’s how I know from myself.

Funfact: Tilting mode feels like your inner Diablo. :joy:

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It’s sometimes hard to judge the emotional state of an individual in a forum post. I could read the frustration for sure, but I didn’t see any “hatred” in there. Either way, I hope everything works out okay for Aphandra, one of a group of people (including you) who make these forums a nice place to frequent.


You don’t see that climax? At least for me Aphandra is using rethorical methods to mark his anger.

Our Anub used Cocoon of enemy Mephisto. My team stayed still around the Cocoon. Enemy team stayed still 2 horses away from that. Right after Mephisto got out, enemy Anduin yoinked him away and retreated.

The moment when both teams stayed absolutely still was so awkward. That’s why I always told people to press on 5v4 instead of surrounding the Cocoon.


Just got out of a game where we lost because of our overconfident Orphea. For most of the game, she wasn’t doing very well (Feeding a lot, pretty meh micro play, not very good map awareness) but we carried her anyway (She was with 2 of her friends, the rest of us were randoms). At a pretty important junction during the game, we manage to kill 2/5 of the enemy team and are close to the Braxis boss. I ping boss, our Orphea types “NO” in chat. I start spamming ping and saying “boss” because this boss could literally win us the game. She says no and convinces her buddies to ignore it as well. Keep in mind, the enemy team’s dead members had about 30 seconds until respawn and we had a lot of burst damage, enough to get all the camps on the map within those 30 seconds (and thus, just doing boss was possible and safe). I tell them this may cost us the game if they wipe us.

Our orphea wipes during the next fight as the enemy team just ignores our camps, then her friends wipe. The enemy team captures obj, captures boss and wins the game. I get that some people aren’t used to other people making shotcalls but how does someone become so confident in making such bad calls?


Enemy Artanis was chasing our Kael. I, as BW, saved KT and granted him invisibility when his health was 1% left. Artanis’ skills were still on cooldown, KT should be able to escape, everything is perfect. Right?

KT: “Oh, why don’t I turn back and and use Q, what can go wrong with that?”
Artanis: scratch meow -> KT dead.


Enemy Garrosh thew our Chen. Chen tried to Q on Garrosh to jump back. I, as Alex in dragon form, pushed Garrosh away, thus Chen flied back to enemies. So, I’m sorry.

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That moment when you see enemy team has both Moralas and Alex in a party who just hugs eachother like glue to paper and heals everyone up like nothing happend.

Teams should not have the ability to que up with more then one healer in qm lol. I dont want to go back to 2x healer comps that were immortal whole game and gave enemy team zero chance to win.

Also all those bandwagon wannabie Vallas we got now lol.

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Too many Valla’s! I’m so sick of seeing them already, often they are on both teams in QM. They are at least less annoying than Falstad became.

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Less annoying? I feel completely opposite Valla’s power is by far greater than pre-patch chicken was. Every game she is topping damage around 100k+… Falstad could only dream of that.


I don’t really feel it was about raw numbers. Falstad was able to secure kills more easily with his broken W and chase a bit more safely than Valla and he has his E shield escape. Either way, I never thought I’d get annoyed seeing Valla, out of the 3 games I had, she was mirrored on both teams.

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I used to love playing this game, however, it’s just gotten worse and worse. The leadership seems like it’s spinning in circles with no direction. The abusive reporting system, weak forum moderation and generally poor choices all around has chased me from spending another second or cent on Blizzard games. I’m out.

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Yes, because that’s the way to go when you’re against Rexxar. DW is the one hero that Rexxar is bad against, because Misha can’t stun him, and Rex can’t slow him. On the flip Side, DW can heal on Misha forever, and his body is so large that he can always block regen globes.

It also helps being against BW and Anub, as he’s immune to everything that makes that team good. Including Horrify. During Defense, he can just move in. The blue team would win fights by CC lock on a single target. but Poly, mind control Etc. are useless on him. Their only burst was Sylvanas, but she never reached 13.



The player who was showing tank switched to Tychus last second, because the enemy picked Cho Gall.

And he picked “Master Assassin”…


And i bet he was a master feeder with him :smiley:

Oh, only 11 deaths…

I think I’m done with HOTS.

I realized yesterday that when my friends and I play HOTS, we just end up yelling at each other.

This wasn’t always the case. Far from it. We’d play a few rounds, win some, lose some, and it was what it was - nobody minded.

But apparently, the game is now so frustrating that we can’t play without having to vent at each other.


Hows does a Thrall and a Valla have less dmg then Stitches is beyong me. Harb even said a bronze player could do better then them.

Thrall never took camps and same for Sylvanas and Valla was just feeding.

The game before that one was not any better.

I had to main tank as Stitches againt a 2x bruiser team while our own team had bad wave clear. QM at its best. Stomp or get stomped it is all the time.

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