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If a DW can’t calculate, when he can go in or retreat, then he’s bad, period. Your reasoning is just an excuse for playing passive. I play DW in destroyer form and it is totally possible play him as frontliner, he isn’t just Rambo anymore, who can in solo and fight 1v5.

DW is not your usual meat shield. His sustainability was nerft so hard, he can’t stay for long in the frontline.
The best way to play him is Q-Build, staying in world breaker form in your back line, zoning the enemy with lava burst and earth shatter and burn everyone down that gets trapped in CC

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I don’t said that he should be a sandbag, but it’s totally possible play him as a frontliner and absorb damage as other frontliner.

It was nerfed that’s for sure, but it doesn’t mean he can’t be a frontline anymore, it’s just harder than before, but doable.

Her is very vulnerable to burst damage, doesn’t have an escape tool and his dragon flight can get interrupted.

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When I play DW I try to play both stance and then try and pick my fights on my own terms since I know yolo with DW does not work anymore after dragon soul healing has been nerfed.

And healing from Lava Pools does tickle healing. You barely noties the healing from Lava Pool.

Then you are force to pick either the passive healing while having all plates on or 0.75sec burst protection that gives you healing from auto attacks but even that is pathetic bad.
So DW is left with no choice but to stay in backline in World Breaker form and just hope you get a good Q out like I did in my last game. Got a 4x kill with only Q cause people were dumb enough to stack up.

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How can you interrupt a completely unstoppable hero, except bursting down? If DW let’s himself get killed while he’s flying, he were too long infight.


That’s all what it needs to stop him

??? - You can’t silenced unstoppable targets.

Okay, I misunderstood you. You were talking about his Z. I thought you meant R. Well you are usually use your Z, when enemys can’t interrupt you… Still my point holds that DW can hold himself as a frontline. Maybe my enemys were bad (silver-gold), but I can do it, when my team is with me, ofc.

Edit: I never talked about yolo, but be a frontline in a 5v5 teamfight, where you also have your teammates.

Ye his Z will keep on going on a 4 sec cd what ever he cast a spell or get dmg. But if he is lucky to find a safe spot and press Z then all dmg after that dont stop him from flying away and heal.


The most common play for DW right now is World breaker. Whenever there’s a DW in my games, no matter on which side, he dies a lot.


Deathwing’s various advantages make him awesome in the solo lane and 1v1 duels. However in a full on fight, trying to act like a tank and thrusting yourself frontline to “soak damage” is a great way to die constantly and make your team hate you. His inability to get healed by teammates means that he is going to get absolutely bullied in most extended fights and positioning frontline makes him get bullied faster.

It’s actually more advantageous to have him backline in big fights so he can use his CC or quickly Dive in, setup his Molten Flame in preparation for CC your team is going to throw out (like Mosh, Gravity Surge, etc), etc.


Then the devs destroyed this Hero, because it feels Not intentional to be a bruiser with big health and unstoppable being a Backliner.

That means he need a rework or major buffs.

Third game, 2headsquad had Deathwing and he went for destroyer build and he did fine.

They would probably have to change his identity with a major rework as you say. Making a hero permanently unstoppable, unable to receive any benefit/buffs from allies, an armor mechanic and a global is always going to be quite difficult to balance. I don’t envy their task at all.


Bruisers are generally team dependent, I guess?
Yusuke plays draft and he is happy with them.
All the while I play a lot of QM and struggle with them. Sustain heroes (Sonya, Twin Blades) often aren’t tanky enough, especially as usually you have to deal with 3-4 assassins.

I consider the main ability of Deathwing right now to be zoning. I remember a few months ago I was extra annoyed by Mei-Deathwing-Deckard-like compositions.

I have 63% winrate alongside and 59% winrate against him. (Similar with Mei, btw, 70-45.) I usually play sustain mage (including Q Ming). Sure, he makes me run around a lot, but I should do that anyway. Maybe due to his abilities he is not dangerous to backline heroes, while enabling them.

… In contrast to Artanis, I have 59% alongside and 42% against.

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QM is a different story. In QM I only hate, when enemys get a tank+bruiser+assa combo vs tank+assas.

I think there is some confusion here. How Deathwing performs depends on how you’re using him in various situations:

Typically reworks are for heroes who have been powercrept or who have been nerfed/altered so much that they basically need to be scrapped. It doesn’t seem like Deathwing is either of those things, at least not yet.

I know this part isn’t entirely aimed at me but I feel like this is a good video to point out what I was talking about: The Deathwing player here is often solo laning and when he joins fights, he either swoops down at full HP right on top of a low HP enemy (making the fight very quick) or he joins from the backline until he has an opportunity to dive in and mess people up.


I’m waving goodbye. I’m not having fun for a few weeks now, and there are other things to do.

Obviously, it is triggered by my 13:4 Rehgar failing to have any actual impact in QM, my last win was on Monday. And then I got a potential pity win - against an absolute cancer comp, but my team was still miles better. And I was so disgusted that I have thrown it all away intentionally.

Heroes is a disgusting game. A very shiny, sweet, but ultimately utterly disgusting game. Horrible game balance, horrible matchmaking, horrible league system which is worse than a job. Five heroes I can like out of so many. Bad, bad, bad.

So yeah. Goodbye. I will miss a lot of you, but this is the point where I have to go and do something that’s fun for me.


That’s how I felt, but not so much about the game itself, more about the people on this forum and the general community as well.

Hopefully you find something you enjoy doing. :slightly_smiling_face:


Why do you bother about winning in QM anyway? I wouldn’t even mind having a loss-streak about 10+, because this mode is unbalanced by design.

Ehhh… from a tilting comment to good bye? That’s escalated quickly. Good boy, see you in the next days/weeks. Looks like you have burned out and now you would need a break.

I don’t post in this thread a lot but…

I can’t [redacted] believe how [redacted] people can be in Hots. Even playing with the master TLV, like me, in one of the best maps for TLV, Dragon Shire, my team managed to lose.

They managed to lose 4v4 and fed a [redacted] Butcher. He got his meat from my team to finish a quest, not from me!

Enemies were running around the map to kill me sometimes, Qhira was tryharding vs me as I did vs her (she is good TLV counter).

Reghar was feeding like an [redacted]
Varian was doing bad timed Taunts (when Ming was on CD)
Sylvanas went W build and had 60+ stacks at 20+ lvl!
