Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

No more than you beat up my Jaina. I’m just going to say I was tired that day ( :stuck_out_tongue: ) and you kept swapping my Jaina into the Arctic.


I’m sure it beats trying to do a $2 expense and being told that it exceeds your budget.

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Thx you for joining us 3-10 feeder Valla You did great at wasting my time.

And now matchmaker puts Sonya, Gaz, Varian Medivh and BW up againts my team of Blaze, Hanzo Kerri, Lucio and Zera.

Was fun to get cc to death from all sides. And Varian ofc know he dont have to tank in this game so he just goes Smash build deleting everyone he hits.

Blizzard if you cant handle giving both team a bruiser then im out. Not gonna waste more time into this clown fiesta where bruiser dominated teams keep sweep the floor againts non-bruiser teams.

If next patch does not currect this issue then im affraid I will uninstall this game for good.

Sorry Blizz but if its so hard to give both teams a bruiser then I wont expect anything from this game anymore.

This is not the first time I see this crap and will certainly not be the last.

On the contrary to your experience I had two games today with obviously new player (Lv. 51), he played slower and he feeded, but when I figured it out, because I asked him why he picks a hero he don’t know, he just said “you said we needed a bruiser”. So maybe this game has still some new players and we shouldn’t be too harsh to them.


lost a game on qhira with a xul who didnt respond to anything in chat. zero reporting for pings. only farmed top lane.
suss robotic behavior

Just got out of an ARAM game where our horrific Brightwing decided to afk and demand we “lose quickly” not even 2 minutes into the damn game. Our Gazlowe got angry and then proceeded to just leave as a result. Why do people bother queuing up to play HOTS if they are just going to refuse to play or leave?

I genuinely don’t understand it but I really wish the system was a bit more harsh to people who afk because this is incredibly frustrating.


Phase, we’re closer to being in the same boat than you know, not appropriate for here though. :slight_smile:

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Hanzo= Trash character! A True D-Class. No damage, his moves are all tough to land and don’t do squat when they do, no mobility, any range he does have is negated by high-difficulty landing attacks and mediocre damage when they do, he has no no health, you literally spit on him and he DIES, and last but not least…

…HE CANNOT CARRY IN ANY CAPACITY! He can only do his own thing and, if his team-mates are’nt pulling their weight? It’s GG. Pure trash.

Now i await someone here posting a video from some Pro-tournament player that’s good with him. As if that disapproves everything I’ve just said (and said pro-tourney player is also likely playing with a GOOD team that don’t need to be carried either. Put that player with a randomly matched team and see how many wins he can rack up).

I had some very good SL matches (both wins and losses) in the past few days. Yesterday was horrible though, either stomps or be stomped. Until I looked back on the replays I couldn’t work out why this should be.

Naturally it isn’t quite so simple, but the good matches that felt competitive over the past few days everyone was no more than one rank apart at most, usually all the same rank. Yesterday there were many matches where someone in Plat had their Silver 5 friend grouped, most games had a 3 rank spread. I dislike this aspect of SL, I think it makes for more uneven matches.

lol! I missed that. Well it’s easier to be chatty on a forum where I’m a Brightwing Avatar. I’m not sure how long I’ll be on the forums as so many good people are leaving for Reddit or just quitting.


There is also a huge diffrents if you are on a forum where you can be annonym in both voice and face then being on a platform where both your face and voice is revealed


nerfed :slight_smile:


Voice chat doesn’t bother me, I’ve used it on occasions with randoms, but usually it’s not be useful. When I meet up with my IRL friend group who still play HOTS we chat over Discord for the laughs mostly, but I’m rambling.

What I do like about communication on the forums is people judge you simply by your words and how you express yourself and your arguments. For me this is mostly a comfortable place to communicate with some very knowledgeable and often kind people.

What I have found very encouraging is almost everyone from the forums I’ve met in game have been true to how they conduct themselves, there has only been a couple of rare exceptions.


Our Anub used Cocoon on one target. Our team were ready to pour all attacks on that.
3 2 1 BOOOM
Nope, the Cocoon duration extended when Anub walked back to it. That freaking lv20 upgrade.


Yes, because due to favoritism, you’ve never played with me :slight_smile:

lol the player probably forgot he had it.


How can someone forget what he pick of talents lol. Unless he picked it with closed eyes lol.


It happens a lot actually. Sometimes, I forget I took Gul Dan’s Lvl 20 teleport. Because I use it so rarely.

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Have I said already that I hate Deathwing Magewing players? Sure they have a lot of damage and zoning, but they don’t use their fat body to be a frontline, but just sits in the backline…

Against most comps. If DW steps forward he gets blown up. He’s a very easy target.


I don’t say he should suicide 1v5, but just do his bruiser thing and be frontline with the tank. He should use his fat body and absorb damage, otherwise he is playing a wrong role and should switch to ranged assassine.

But maybe that’s reason I will never play Q-build deathwing and only play destroyer form, because Q-build feels so wrong to me, especially when silver-gold players plays him like a ranged assassine. It’s a shame, when a perma unstoppable hero sits in the backline…

Problem with that is, he can’t be healed, so all damage is permanent, and then he has to back off leaving the tank alone in front. His healing on W got nerfed so going all destroyer is difficult.

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