Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Damn, did we shoo Minky away? :frowning:

Have you been in my games under a different name?

I’d like to unsubscribe. Just in case I clicked on something without noticing.

So, Rock, pepper, sissors :slight_smile:



I hate it SO much. Dammit, if I could remove a hero from the game,.

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The Zul Jin could have been on either team. He was on my team.

He was level 515 on him so I assumed he was good.


This is never gonna stop.


Can I ask why? I’ve been playing a lot of naz lately so I’m curious.

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Tbh. enemys have better cc chain and on top of that blind from Mei. I am not surprised that Zul’jin got destroyed. And you got Lili to cover their damage? No chance.

Your team lost in draft.

Most likely for the same reason I hate Nazeebo. Most Naz players in silver and gold tend to ignore their team and farm 24/7 for their stacks, but in the end they will still fail to complete their quest or they complete it, but when it’s way too late. It’s stereotype against Naz players. :joy:


Because Nazeebo players tunnel vision on their stacks, and will make totally illogical plays so that they can go kill minions. That’s on top of picking Nazeebo on a huge map that you can’t possibly double soak, so they do it for even longer.

We lost when the Lili said GG at lvl 6. Also, every single of those Zul Jin deaths were suicides. It had nothing to do with Mei. He didn’t get destroyed, he killed himself. No one dies 9 times in 14 mins because of a 1.5 sec blind.


I ask for Falstad ban, we’re 2nd pick, the guy bans nothing, then picks Nova.

And then our tank is.


I am DONE! This game hates me, so you win game.


what is it with people fighting like hell to get the protector on volskya then not wanting to get in it?

if its not worth getting in its not worth fighting over, i mean the time it takes to get a front wall early game or snipe some wells can, and often is, worth more than the protector but if thats how you want to play it then PLEASE SAY SO OR AT LEAST PING RETREAT.

4 games in a row now where friendly team wins the obj then only 1 gets in it…guess who that is… literally for the first 2 objectives. friendly team scatters like roaches when the lights come on after protector drops so the entirety of the enemy team gets a free clear while they all get to clean up 1 wave per lane…

Seriously, i’m willing to try and make outlandish plays, risky invades, suicide for forts/keeps and all i’m asking is that if your not gonna do whats normally expected then c o m m u n i c a t e it please…


Nazeebo is garbage but nova is worse. Butcher is pretty down there. Murky too

Protectors are useless until the last protector to win the game by itself in a two man

thats kinda my point, if we think its worthless, say so and lets go get value elsewhere. if as a team we want to fight over it, when we win use the dang thing. its not like you cant use it as extra health bars to run it down.

They are the same as Murky.
They never show up, so objective is always autoloss, but they don’t make up for it. By and large, Murky is a liability except in SL, situationally. Also, the team will tryhard the 4v5 anyway, or rather 2v5 as usually some people realize it’s a 2v5 autoloss, so Murky is a proxy feeder.

Nazeebo can 100% participate, it’s on the player.
Just go Murky into Illidan - Ming - Falstad - Valeera - Stitches.

Fnnny, my previous SL game was with a Murky. (We lost)

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He couldn’t blame the friends he was grouped with and keep them as friends, so you were probably just a convenient scapegoat for him. I’ve seen this kind of behaviour many times directed to me and others when matched with smaller groups.


Hi Aphandra, you didn’t scare me away, they just made me actually do real work at work for once and I had lots of personal commitments. I can’t remember when I last played a VS AI game. I know the VS AI mains are usually the most friendly of people because it’s almost impossible to lose, so as you say, it can be pretty relaxed.


While playing as Thrall, I had a teammate Fenix using his Planet Cracker on the same spot I cast Sundering just a split second ago.

Yes, it was QM, and without voice comm, we probably had a same thought about blasting a group of enemies, and that with occasional lags and pings, things like this do happen.

But am I salty about it? Yes.

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How do I apply for that job?

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Hi, I meant to reply sooner! It was a few years ago, I’m not sure why I don’t bump into you more. Maybe because you tend to group and contrary to what many say on the forums, it’s rare for solos to be matched agasint groups.

One time we met and I was against you as Jaina, you made my life miserable that game. The other time I was on Tyrande with a Diablo and we hurt your Artanis. So it’s even Stevens.

I did exaggerate a bit, trust me it sounds much better than it is.


Oh yeah, that combo is brutal on any melee hero. I can see why I had the stuffing beat out of me. But it sounds like we are ready for a grudge match!

My poor Hierarch was abused again tonight, but fortunately I made up for it with a really fun Tyrael game.