Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Actually it’s not and I guess I know why you have trouble to do it and I don’t want to force you. But have you tried to look for a therapiest for your problem? Social phobia isn’t funny, but it can be cured. :slight_smile:

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Oh of course, it’s worse as part of my educational background is in psychology. It’s not about a cure though, it’s really about management, most psychological disorders are.

You’re very kind Yusuke, but I feel I’ve ruined the Salt Mines with my blabber!


Well isn’t Salt Mines about solving your problems and start the next game again? :stuck_out_tongue: So in fact you didn’t ruined it, but the talk is about to encourage you to overcome your anxiety. :wink:


I don’t know. The points adjustment says it wasn’t. And my previous game was against the same players, which was also a loss. (They are either really good, or smurfs)

But the entire team kept telling the Orphea to stop walking into taunt range (sometimes in a 3 vs 1) but to no avail.

No, I wasn’t in Plat that long. Only reached up to 4. And I’ve never quit a game in my life.

Actually, if that was the case and the game considered me plat, I’d be losing more points, not less. But since rank and MMR are now the same, I don’t think that can happen. I could have had anyone on my team. I happened to have two suiciders so I lost. (But the GM was last pick and I did tell him it was a bad idea against a BW)

I failed to carry :frowning:


Maybe it doesn’t matter and the only thing that matters to get at plat when the season ends.

If that’s true then the system would consider you too weak and you don’t even belong to silver, but low silver or even bronze? Personally I’ve never seen such low rank points.

It also has to do with the MMR gap between your team and the enemy’s. And like I said, they were completely coordinated. They had just won their previous game, and probably the ones before as well.

When you put those players against two players who combine 16 deaths in 14 minutes…

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It’s always possible to just fool around in AI. (Or ARAM) Pure bonding, no stress involved.
I know someone else playing cross-region who most usually plays AI due to ping. No pressure that way. Too easy? Play with AI teammates.

I’ve build myself some formidable walls, but once the ice is melted…
Just have to do something with no stress attached. It builds the iceberg further.

She has a forum-only account. Which happens to have some history.
I understand that her main account is the in-game one.
Many folks over at WoW did that in order to avoid harassment.

Depends on the server / location, too.
I used to have relative fun, then it got worse. During my recent run I only managed to win with Rehgar. I may have played on East but now Central.

I mainly skip cross-region because you have to aim differently with the 200 (x2) ping, and it harms both ways. I even mess up spells sometimes locally, if I move the mouse too quickly, even instant cast goes elsewhere.

Yummy. I’m very basic at that, but it’s beautiful and convenient to play. Grown fond of it recently. Won’t be WoW 2 for me, not being involved enough for the “advanced” content. I haven’t even joined a party yet, at 88% world complete.


For some reason. I don’t seem to lag at all when I play on EU.

I am relieved I was playing him well, as that doesn’t always happen! :laughing:

I had a very sweaty match on him on Dragonshire last night against a team with a number of his counters, including a Varian who was smart enough to take Shattering Throw, and a dammed Brightwing who forced me to be a sheep far more often than I wished! We won, but I definitely didn’t cover myself with glory.

Out of curiosity, was I on your team, or against you?


Last game I played with players, who are clearly worse than the enemy:

11 minutes, 6 to 26. Do you know the feeling, phaseshifter? Funny thing is that Artanis player blamed me for “only 15k damage”, but ignoring the fact that I was trying to get the exp and defend while this guys were dying all the time. And of course he took “Protector of Aiur” on BoE… :crazy_face:

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Hm. There is an unlucky element of the “12 games per hero, quit after 2nd loss each day” strategy.
You win for a day, then you lose for a week. :smiley:

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I don’t recall being matched against you.

Must have been Harb and Sadius then I were againts. I had a game as BW very long time ago where they both were on same team and I won then they added me and invited me to a game with them. No idea if you were on the team that day since the game happend in 2019.

I’ll just leave it here without any further comments:
Epic rock scissor paper. Salt because lost and on a bad streak, I guess karma is striking back.

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Ugh. Grim Reaper were in your match as it seems. Zeratul vs 3 mages, looks like a fun match for him.

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Zeratul is a terrible problem usually, for some reason he’s often played by the weakest.
The problems are:

  • there are no healers anymore - 1 out of 3-4 games maybe, sometimes less
  • if you lose, or take a break after a win, I swear the MM makes you lose more - unfavored, then DC, then trolls
  • comp > skill - today, bronzies are beating diamonds
  • you have to feed and play dumb in order to win, not sure why

Hm. Apparently Archon has been buffed.

Guess im cursed on Stukov since everytime i play him i get trolls and feeders on my team and this time was no exception. Aba dies 3 times and play together with a Maiev that does nothing. Naz dont even take camps and our Diablo dont stand a chance againts a team with Uther, Stichtes, Rag, Junk and Fenix. Matchmaker in a nutshell

Gives one team all the cc while our team are fragile heroes and gets nothing. But ofc some people have to be lucky getting those free wins while doing nothing in this game.

Wait what? You’re team has actually more cc than your enemys:

Diablo has CC
Maiev has CC
Stukov has CC
Naz has walls and technically cc with his golem.
Aba, no cc

Uther has CC
Stiches has grab and gorge
Junk has CC
Fenix no cc
Rag no cc, except he takes smash

I would say your team isn’t bad for teamfights, but they are worse at makro (against Fenix and Rag). But I see your Maiev wasn’t good… but that’s a different story :stuck_out_tongue:

The only thing I don’t like about your team it’s the typical one team gets a bruiser and the other team don’t.


Just got out of a game with a super toxic Stukov. He and his two buddies were playing pretty badly all game but instead of simply realizing their faults and playing better, the Stukov went nuclear and started threatening to report me for… no reason?. I thought maybe I had body blocked him by accident or something but nope. I was leading siege damage, hero damage, had 0 deaths and was playing carefully so I could keep up as much damage as possible while building stacks as Azmodan and trying not to get steamrolled by the enemy team’s CC chains via Thrall and KTZ. His only evidence that I was reportable was because I was, in his words, being “passive”. Which leads me to believe he’s probably bronze and doesn’t know that heroes like Azmodan, who don’t really have escapes, aren’t really played like Tanks or whatever he envisions in his head.

Unbeknownst to him, he was so bad at his job that the enemy LiLi had more than DOUBLE his healing at all times which is what was allowing our team to constantly lose fights in the first place. He kept threatening to report me, ping spamming, etc. Ultimately, it was just an example of someone looking to blame a random for their horrific play. I can only hope he gets silenced/suspended because the chat logs were pretty damning that he was being toxic for no reason.


Sticthes hook into Uther chain stun on just one of our team members and we end up losing everyting. Thats how frustrating the game was. And yes Rag took Lava Wave just like every other lazy Rags does today so he dont have to clear the waves himself.

Lava Wave in my opinion should not yell exp in any kind lol. Nova’s bomb ult yells no exp to her so why should Lava Wave.

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