Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

One short thing I was thinking about but didn’t write - you’re playing on US, we’re playing on EU.

Something I wanted to note casually yesterday… During my 6 Sylvanas games so far, I’ve seen

  • 2 healers (#1, #2)
  • 2 tanks (#3, #6)
  • at least one badly incorrect matchup (#6)

Why salt? Sylvanas has no sustain. Orphea gets more healers.

Out of 60 players, 4 queue as healer. I think that’s a clear message. In line with my SL experience, out of my last 21 matches, I was required to fill 19 times.

My bottom line, massive reworks are needed all across the board.

Ouch :frowning:
Wishing the best of luck! It’s possible. Kinda nice to start a new season low, you can climb and feel nice about it. Once the season ends, it will show your highest anyway.

Something mightn’t work in the way you play. Just like my AA doesn’t work, or what I’m implying behind all these thesises, too team dependent?

If you want, just add me and we can do something together.
Heck, I might have an opportunity to not fill at last.

I am not concerned about it actually, because the games in gold wasn’t much better than silver to me, it’s the same literally. People in gold aren’t better than silver players, at least in my experience. I played more often than not with my teammate, who is gold 1 and we play as duo, but it always makes me sad, when I am the lowest, but perform better than players, who are higher than me. :joy:

#JusticeForYusuke :star_struck:

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Yes, but if you could make it to Plat, that would be nice.
And last I checked you had heroes capable of that.

The only good thing about being way lower is being able to play with the food sometimes.
But then you also have these why, why, why moments.

Thank you, I need it!

I have this moments more than enough tbh. :joy: On a more fun note: I have good success with Fenix this season, a winrate around 70%, because this guy is good at everything, fighting, soaking, camps. :smiley:

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So SL, 3 wins under my belt. I get a draft where they don’t ban Falstad, and we have a first pick Murky and Nova after the enemy team of course takes Falstad.

I fill healer, though my heart tells me I shouldn’t for such a selfish team. Our other selections are Stitches for main tank (I had begged for a tank with stuns) and a Convection KT vs a dive comp!

What could go wrong here? The first tribute pops in enemy territory, Murky of course isn’t going (he shouldn’t’) and I suggest to the rest of the team we skip the tribute and help me get a camp so Murky can push the top lane. Apparently suggesting this means I was “reported” and the reason why I was REPORTED, AFK!

It couldn’t be the 3k XP Murky with 8 overall deaths in a 14 minute match? It can’t be the 7 death Nova or the zero Convection quest KT with 6 deaths? No, it’s the healer with 3 times more heals and damage than the enemy healer, yes it’s my fault and apparently I was reported for AFK! Nice team, it makes me remember why I stopped filling in draft and typing in chat.

Sorry, I know I’m not usually so negative, but that just hurt me! Filling heals as it was demanded by my team, trying to work with a poor draft… It’s gets me reported. People sometimes. :frowning:


Buzzword bingo.

At plat? :joy: See? there is no difference between plat and silver…

You mean 8 or 32?! Since Murky’s deaths are 1/4. If it’s the last one I am shocked, because a good Murky rarely dies… even I die rarely, but I wouldn’t say I am good.

I never have denied it! I remember my Silver days and I swear, at least in drafting it was more sensible.

32, and this is the Murky who said to the team to report me for AFK. Honestly I wrote this as I really felt hurt. I filled for a very selfish silly draft and then the person can’t even play Murky. He took one camp the entire game, just as an extra affront and I had more XP than him as Tyrande.

*Sorry, I’m outta likes for some reason!

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??? I feel offended now as I have a Murky on level 30+. Maybe he got ganked all the time by the chicken though.

Edit: Sadly I can’t find your match on HP to check the build of the Murky player…

This Murky was only level 17 and I have mine at level 67. Yes that doesn’t mean you have actually mastered the hero, but this person didn’t apply any lane pressure, took a single camp and died more than I’ve ever seen a Murky player doing for nothing gained. :frowning:

Oh don’t ever please, I was just venting my feels for this player. I only post on this account, not play on it, it’s my deceased partners account, he always told me not to post on the account I play on.

The Murky player’s build was: Fish Eye (on Cursed Hollow!), Tufferfish/Black Lagoon/Octograb/Egg Shell. Honestly from this build I feel safe to say he was simply trolling.


The good news, usually people say reported but don’t do it. Like the saying about barking dogs don’t bite. Usually. :wink:

Aww. That’s really creepy. You keeping him alive! Pick: Abathur Clone, a Lich, or a possessing Banshee are you? :slight_smile:
Also, the name… means some supersoft fabric, fits your supernice attitude.

Not commenting on it being feminine, this is not my first name over the years and this was invented for a blood elf paladin, but turns out …

Imagine that, you are at work, and suddenly at 3pm you turn grumpy, bark at everyone, and when somebody asks, what’s wrong, you say: Sorry, I’m out of nice points today! :smiley:


Installed again… 5 games… nope, uninstalled…

After about 1.5 - 2 months of taking a break. Thought I play a few casual games in QM…

5 games LOST due to not our teams fault
1 - AI start of the game
2 - AI start of the game, player came back around lvl 16… too late, we were level 13 and too far behind…
3 - Whitemane trolling after she had a cry about not laning before level 3, then she had a sook about never healing us, we obviously lost
4 - A jaina trolling at the start, went to the other teams towers and dying on purpose. ALL GAME. SHE NEVER USED AN ABILITY. To compare, I had 80k damage as guldan, she had 3k damage
5 - Vs a 5 stack that had a team that synergised well vs our random team.

Ok…,… see you in 2 months again… forgot how much I effing raged at this game…

In fact the account from your partner is the last connection from you, understandable. But I wonder why do you play on his account and not your own? Fear to get the banhammer?

It’s possible that the Murky pick was a troll pick, because he picked Murky it alltogether with Nova. His build is just bad.

Exactly that’s how I do it, because I want to scare my teammates doing bs and ruin the fun for everyone else. I report only, if someone really deserves it and has no will to reflect his actions.

No, no. I’ve always been upfront about this from when the old forums moved over to here. I post on this account only, to forums because I’ve had bad experiences of being harassed in the past on my main account. I’m a pretty shy person and I like just to interact here and not in person, though I’ve played with an against many forum members, almost all have been as they present here, which is lovely.

No, it’s not about about that. I have had one forum silence, but never an in game silence. My Husband was a programmer himself and didn’t trust the discorce forums and said I should post on a separate account. He didn’t like HOTS, really only played Nazeebo and Raynor and didn’t play at all after I took over this account years ago. Well that’s too much over sharing.

It’s nice of you to say this is a link to him, but I found out after he had 4 Diablo 3 accounts! He just loved that game, but he really hated HOTS. :slight_smile:


Sorry to say that, but it doesn’t make sense to me, because you can be harassed on the account you are playing as well and it’s more common to get harassed ingame than on the forum, where people do you know can assists you. Even though I don’t understand your reasoning, I surely accept that you don’t like playing on your own account.

For a shy person you’re really talkative on this forum. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well everyone has his own taste though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Varian is called SmartFungus.
So when did a fungus become smart :thinking:

You don’t understand, yes people can (and do!) harass me on the forums, but they don’t know my main account. If any trolling got too bad here, I’d just abandon this account, I never play it and I don’t have a smurf.

On my main account I have my IRL friends and that’s all. I would like to play a game with you Yusuke or Froggy, or Aphandra, Dr. Logan, (too many to name), but I’m afraid to.

Honestly, I kept telling him, you will find the game boring if you mostly play Raynor!


Afraid about that one of us will be the black sheep and harass you? I mean the internet is surely full of weirdos like the IRL, but you don’t have to keep them in your FL. Are you scared that people could find out your adress from your main account and stalking you? Is that it?

Well… I would say he just don’t like the whole genre?

Its ok Minky. You have your reasons. Also I dont think I would last 10 sec with the ping i would get on US server. But on the other hand I see forum users gets matched into my games. First Harb, Sami and Dr.Logan got matched into my games from the beginning then WereElf yesterdsay.

Now I fear i might get mached againts Melke or anyone els on US if i go play there :smiley:


Oh no, never. I just have social anxiety with extends to online. Often I get party invite requests from people wanting me to join their party after a game, but I just can’t accept. It’s difficult to explain.

I don’t know, he was better than I was at the game without trying and I think he could have easily made master. He had cancer so I don’t think he wanted a strategy based game, he preferred fantasy at that time of his life. He was a huge Guild Wars 2 player, whatever was tops skill in that game, I found out he was.

I love Melke and his devotion to Qhira, I’ve not met him in a game, I have met Hoku’s Artanis which was quite awesome.

Thanks Frogsaron. I know I’ve overshared on these forums which all started with me being a bit too oversensitive when people on the forums and in game kept saying this is the “C” ancer word. I remember I told someone off here, oh well.