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Funny enough, I’ve been partnered up with a lot of 2/3/4 stacks and often times, they are either very good or absolutely TERRIBLE. It’s like MMR matching and MMR averaging are just so busted.

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Againts competent solo players 5 mans rarely stand a chance.
They only win if the solo que dont have a clue how to play or are filled with feeders and trolls.


Weee, I was having the stupidest match like ever.
Fortunately for my mood, we won. Got 400k xp.

Garden of Terror. Level 29 (and a half). 37 minutes. 64 takedowns vs 60. Our Valeera with 27 kills, their Nova with 26. Top deaths by (good) Kerrigan 18.
They teamwipe us, then they do something and end up assaulting our core 1 by 1, and our few respawned heroes take them out one by one. Depush, respawn, etc.
So we teamwipe them under their keeps, 1 down 2 up, and my team goes to separate 4 camps.

I’m crying of laughter :laughing:

And it was a match with Golds and Silvers :slight_smile:
I mean, everybody had good and bad moments, but this was movie material.

Next 2 matches were properly crap. So technically it’s 3 out of 3.
Whenever Falstad gets MVP, a cat should be sacrificed painfully.
At least the game had the audacity to ask how much fun I had, so I could respond appropriately.

Well, at least I can say that (my) Sylvanas is :poop: too!
(40% lifetime, 33% seasonal, 1854 rating - level 30, not a matter of practice)

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This is my experience too. Nothing in between, 2/3/4 stacks are either dreadful or very skilled. This happens in both QM and Ranked, I’ve just learned to accept it and never to use chat when matched with a 4 or 3 man.

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this is so wrong in so many ways


It’s okay Ironymus, Aphandra is just fighting with the true realization that we must all bow and obey our Kitten overlords! :heart_eyes_cat:


Have I told you, that I got adopted by the neighbours Cat?

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It is!
Just fix the hero yesterday

(I hate that word / spelling but had to include)

Reminds me of old Acapulco H.E.A.T. where Cat was a character. She would certainly have a proper Cat-fight with Whitemane for… domination.

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Love when matchmaker gives me Medivh players that ends with zero stacks and only shield himself and feeds big time.
Harb had to que up as Medivh just to win our 3 game together.




What does this game have against me?


You’re playing solo and you’re also supposed to feed nine deaths like that Orphea and the 7 of Greymane, slacker only one death! :innocent:

Ouch :frowning:
The results match my expectations based on the compositions.
Li-Ming had an easy time.
I guess Orphea (and possibly Graymane) went in tryhard / all-in mode.
Taunt Varian is a fantastic counter.
Brightwing can polymorph upon dive, too.

Apparently enemy was a rainbow 5 stack and Varian has 2831 rating which is about Plat. Your 4 stack was a bit of a rainbow, too, ETC as best and Anduin likely lagging behind (he struggled for sure).

I’m still surprised about your rank points. It’s as if you are in permanent leaver redemption. I’m getting 200.


As Orphea is F2P rotation this week, it did make me wonder if that person was playing a hero they haven’t much experience with. As for the points, I’m happy that Phase keep getting extra or losing less, he has had a super rough season.


Ouch. It’s like Minky said you face the nightmare playing in a duo it’s horrible as solo sometimes against a 5 stacked team:

But on the contrary your teammates should have been overall better players, because that’s what I experience when I see few stacks/solo vs 5 premates. That means your match was actually winnable, but your team probably failed to bad coordination and teamplay.

That’s what I am surprised too, because I never seen that before. Looks like phaseshifter were a great amount of time at platin, but during the season he dropped to fast so the system is confused about his ranking? But I thought there is no personal matchmaking?


If Phase is on the unfavored team to win that could account for the extra points. Especially in rainbow teams I have often got 60 extra points for a win, less points for the same reason.

I experience the same amount of matches more often than not, but I’ve never seen such drastical rank points destribution.

But I guess the solution might be easier than I think:

He was plat before this season and the matchmaking system saved him as plat, but now during the season he dropped to silver 1, but the system recognize him as plat, so he get that low amount of points until the season ends and he get his “new rank” confirmed.


It’s possible, but this season aside for a brief dip into Gold and another into Diamond, I’ve had 60+ or less points. This happened to me a few times recently when I was banning 3 times after a win streak. The reason was I was on the unfavored team to win.

I get that, but like Yusuke said, a (badly) unfavored matchup is adjusting me by like 20.
If you do the math, 50 points add up to a win every 4 matches, easier to numberify across 8, you score 3:5 but it’s offset with +400, so you can maintain your rank at 37.5% winrate.

I mean, we know little about matchmaking, people often theorycraft while others say “no proof, no existence”.

For example, I seem to get free rating on my mages in QM (on top of the positive winrate) but I lose extra for just playing other heroes, which actually suggest that there is hero-specific MMR in QM. And yes, I am playing with way inferior people (including myself) on these heroes. And yes, my Bronze 27 hero is level 30, it’s not the tri-phase thing.

Who knows what else is in place, maybe brought out by population issues.
There is a supposed curve that the median player is supposed to be of a specific rank, and each percentile similarly, and maybe something is odd with that.
Officially hidden rating, secondary rank, etc. does not exist. Officially.

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This is fair, and I agree except my personal experience where many matches this season I was awarded 40 - 60 extra points. This was usually after a win streak, and it was an unfavoured adjustment.

You’re correct though, I haven’t had the kind of adjustment Phase is having on a consistent basis. Ahh well, whatever reason, Phase deserves it for the 9 death Orphea!


If he deserves it, then I need justice! Because I always see the same matches as him, where my teammates usually end up feeding like 5 to 30. :frowning:

Last game I played now:

My enemys were 4 premates vs full solo, they were also ahead in ranks

enemys: 2x 5s, 2x s3, x1 s2
against us: 1x s4, 4x s5

s = silver

We got a small extra points adjustment around 16 points and I am asking myself how?

Sidenote: Yes, I dropped to S4 again, because I play mostly solo and it’s hard to carry my team for some reason, when they feed.

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