Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Don’t worry, I don’t even remember.
I was curious about the nature of the thread, that’s all.
But all good, keep your secrets :laughing:

It isn’t so much about keeping secrets, as the person involved has gone on a bit of a vendetta against me, as can be seen in the most recent thread they started. Discussing it further can only lead to more problems, as I do not know why the original thread was deleted, especially given that the call-out thread is still up.

I don’t really use flags on the forum very much, only when a specific serial troll makes their quarterly visit to deliberately cause trouble.


Oh. I see, my majestic Twisted Theory is gone. Damn, I spent quality time writing it!
Guess I’ll have to exercise my freedom of speech elsewhere.


I don’t see how you are being blamed, anyone who has spent a reasonable time on the forums knows how inconsistent the moderation is here. Stuff is flagged and removed that breaks no rules, things that break rules are never removed. It’s the strange way of the forums. I’ve seen things that didn’t get flagged suddenly removed, edited for bad language, yet other bad language is still in old posts. It is frankly silly for anyone to blame one person for admin stuff.


Eh, it is very common for people to blame others for things that happen. I suppose it is easier to point fingers than take responsibility for your own actions, or just accept the fact that life isn’t fair. Good things happen to bad people, and bad things happen to good people. All you can really do is appreciate the good things when you encounter them, and learn what you can from the bad things. I am already over it, and all it took was one good SL game on Artanis. :slight_smile:

Like I always say, when life gives you lemons…

… stick 'em in your bra. Can’t hurt. Might help.


Regardless of how sarcastic there’s a large grey area where it falls under click bait or misleading the public.

Obviously it had sarcastic intentions it still kinda doesn’t stop the rules. :man_shrugging:

The other thread is discussing disciplinary actions.

I don’t think I’m so salty about this, but bemused. I ventured into one SL game, it was a mix of one Diamond, Plats, Gold. I think this might be good as our Diamond takes a tank, then one of the Plats take Nazeebo on Hanurmura… shesh… we then get a Valla and Varian.

So really the most odd thing was our Mura used dwarf toss to jump over the enemy gates and towers 3 times. Sorry I can’t save that with Brightwing. Then we get a wipe, grab their sentinel do some pushing, call for retreat and the Nazeebo forgets where he is and tries to retreat into the enemy towers and well dies. :frowning:


Guess it was againts the forum rules to make such thread.

It was a joke thread and it wasn’t mine.
Anyhow, indeed, making fun about the current situation is forbidden.
I guess the 20th century is over. Was nice while it lasted!


Maybe not from the 30’s to the 50’s! I think I’d skip that time period if I could time travel through history. Almost anything can be forbidden on the forums, there seems to be little consistency with the moderation.

So some Salt. 10 death convection KT, don’t ping me as main tank because you take the most bizarre build (random talents) and end a 25 minute game with the lowest damage on the team and 2 points on your convection quest.


“BuT wE hAd No TaNk, WHo PrOtEcTeD mE!!11”


He kept dying to Zeratal alone on the other side of the map and would then just ping spam me or the healer. You would have thought after the 6th death to Zera he would have been more careful, but then this is the person who took Convection into Zeratal and Tracer.


No artanis was not the right pick and yes you did throw game by ignoring boss to go cap a merc at level 24

Last game was seriously infuriating and why i quit playing solo for a while

Mediocre valla
Xul whose map awareness was borderline feeding
Uther who went for tank build when we needed a healer to keep valla alive
Artanis who was just dim

My abathur was far from perfect but it was hard to pick a clone target. If i cloned valla (what we really needed) the fight would be over bc uther would let the team get bursted down. If i cloned uther wed survive but have no dmg. Xul and art are just meh clones.

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Thanks for putting Falstad in F2P rotation this week,as if I wasn’t already sick enough of him and his Griffin before now! :sob:


Don’t you love getting point and clicked on because falsdaddy is so thirsty?

In a nutshell:


Greed in a nutshell. Love the punishment!

He is getting boring to look at. But just let people abuse him as long it last. When he gets fixed and nerfed again all the Falstad abusers will quit playing him.

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And then they will look for another hero to abuse, it’s an endless circle. :crazy_face:

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Just got out of a game with a horrific, toxic Mephisto. he went Durance of Hate for his ult, missed EVERY SINGLE SHOT, fed for most of the game, threw when we were winning and then blamed me (who was carrying the entire game as Demonic Invasion Azmo) for the loss. Why are so many HOTS players this bad?


5 man or bust. That’s about it.