Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Me neither, but welcome in low SL. :joy:

Bleh, this match is just pure salt material.
Felt good, had stats, but no impact. Massive loss.

I’m calling it, the MM is rigged.
Not against me… but for an agenda.

Did you get back to Gold in the meanwhile? :slight_smile:

Bleh, next match starts with a DC. I don’t get these kind of “you must fail” agenda matches. I start feeding, we catch up. I stop, we fall behind. Am I secretly in the red team or what? :smiley:

Good, last one was a loss, too, rounding it out to 3:9.
We had silvers and bronzes, enemies had a mix including a D1 and some P.
Agendas, agendas.
Good, because no one will ask me to play a 30% winrate hero, right? Wrong. But it’s their mistake! Ha-haa!

Back to stomping.


Hope so :smiley:

After they nerfed that talent there is never a good time to pick it. Not against vikings, not against murky, or dva, or rexxar, literally never.

When someone says dead talent this is the one that always comes to mind. The pick rate on hero’s profile hurts my soul…


In Volskaya, where Tychus can Shred the objective because it’s a pilot, and basically make the enemy get no value even if they win it. Taking Master assassin makes no sense.

Even outside of that it’s not a great talent.

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Volskaya Foundry has the weakest objective of all maps at the moment (change my mind). Pro Level player rather ignore the objective on both sides than fight for it. Even when the protector is successfully conquered, it happens quite often that the opponent team just ignores it and pushes another lane with the 5v3 advantage

I thought hanamura objective was weaker but volskaya comes pretty close since it takes away two people. It’s only good for the game ending protector that the protector can kill the core by themselves as a duo


The Hanamura objective is downright pointless and takes forever to finish.

The Volskaya is still a requirement but it is so fundamentally weak you would instead push front gates first, at least with that there’s some value happening.


So yes, hanamura objective is weaker

I find the weakest objectives are

1, 1st dragon knight taken as quickly as possible.
2. 1st Punisher.

I’ve rarely seen the Protector ignored past the first one. And even the first still has to be defended. A lot of first objectives are weak. On Volskaya, because the map is small, if you’re behind on xp, you can go push a lane while the enemy is on the beacon, then go back and defend.

But I think overall the weakest obj. is Punisher #1.

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I might be captain obvious here, but the main thing about the Protector is that it’s a hero, and just one big body instead of three.

With some teams I find it a lot easier to defend against it, even into the late game. Similar to how Gul’dan laughs about losing Braxis. If anything, the likes of Valla and Tychus can get juicy stacks from it. I’ve been in matches where a fantastic push with a Dragon Knight was a single tower. At worst, reaching the fort (not keep) walls with 40% health, and then running away without hitting it, trying not to feed. Gotta love Zul’jin.

Besides the objective being useful or not so much, another factor is whether our team loves forced teamfight or not. Whether the push helps our team or not.

Like yesterday when I was struggling with Tychus, I was a sitting duck when our team won Alterac objective. I would be rotated, so I shouldn’t push with it. But minions are figthing it and XP is being lost. Same with Garden of Terror or Cursed Hollow.

Dragonknight? It is one of the stronger ones for me, because he can kick enemys and early it’s already enough to destroy walls and towers. But yeah the 1st punisher from shrines feels indeed to be the weakest, except it’s the frozen punisher and he manages to freeze the towers.

The strongest is obviously cursed hollow, because the Sylvannas effect on steriods and 1 hp minions gives you such a massive exp lead.

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In this case you should just be pushing with some member of your team. Typically, teams will 4/1 the first Cavalry and not always cover all three lanes. The enemy can get a bit more xp, but you get the gate and a fort (Sometimes two) so afterwards you get the xp lead back. You’re also more likely to have a window to take the boss since they have catapults to deal with and you don’t.

It’s funny how the best punisher went from Arane to Frozen, who used to be the worse lol. (Mortar doesn’t really have anything going for it)

I don’t know if it’s the fact that it’s stronger, or that it gives you the same value no matter when you take it. It doesn’t scale for obvious reasons.

Ironically though, late game, if your enemy has no keeps left, it doesn’t do much. Sometimes it does nothing at all.

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Yeah he is just the weakest one, but I still remember how he killed me from 100 - 0, when I was Falstad and he just jumped on me and chained his stuff onto me. :crazy_face:

Sure the value might be lower, if all keeps are down, but it is still giving you value, because the cursed wave is no match for your wave or team. It’s still decent push value.

Yeah, but the thing is, since the lanes are usually already pushed. It either just speeds it up a tiny bit, or the lanes are already at the core while the enemy were fighting you for it, and you barely see a difference. It’s kind of a life insurance. But with all 3 keeps gone, you could push any lane and are likely to win since the enemy can’t be everywhere.

It might looks tiny, but it’s a huge advantage that enemy waves are at 1 hp. Not many players, especially in silver clears the waves, when they can to push the core on other map and they don’t need it on this map, because enemy waves is easily gone and it’s free xp you get without any effort and your waves comes near the enemy core and helps you to push.

You should know how massive waves can be, when you see 2-3 catapults attacking the core. :stuck_out_tongue:

Funfact: you could also say Sylvannas trait becomes almost useless, when there is nothing to push anymore, except core. :stuck_out_tongue:


Several times I won a game attacking a core, because the enemy attacked me instead of my catapults :slight_smile: (Even when my hero has pitiful siege)

You can. Once you’ve destroyed everything, your trait is forsaken.

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Having an entire thread deleted when I was in the middle of a conversation is irritating.

Edit: Lovely, and now I am being blamed for the deletion, when I am not the type of person who flags silliness. Blah.


Just out of curiosity, which thread?

It is gone and done, so completely irrelevant. I just wanted to vent a bit as I dislike being blamed for things I had nothing to do with, and I was already irritated by the fact that someone had the thread deleted while the conversation was ongoing.