Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Looks like ranking is totally irrelevant with that amount of trolls. i install the game and go straight platin. i dont know is this good?

I play RTS since early Dota 5.26 in WC3, also played HON and LOL. So i look back to about 20 years of semi- proffessional gaming to meet the next snowflake troll complaining about strong language in the salt mines? I am more than done with this community :smiley:

ps: maybe you are also done with this game but truth doesnt encourage you

I checked your Profile on this website you mentioned.
You totally proof my point of people with no clue accusing others of beeing the problem.
Gold 4 talking to Platin 2 about low ELO in a game i play to relax after work. (thats probably why you got silent after riding in here on your big horse)

ppps: limiting “new” users to 3 posts is utter bs and significant for the failure of Blizzard to create a healthy community

There is a nice little site called Heroes Profile, where you can upload your matches.
Go ahead, share some, show some. Your best, all, up to you.

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i am here for the salt not to entertain the silver and gold crowned inquisition

Ok. Guys I thought 50 was the max rank modifiyer you could get, I was wrong.


I’m not going to comment on what my team mates did. It would take a few paragraphs. We won the game solely off my last gust that made the entire enemy team sitting ducks. We lost every single fight before that.

Now what the hell does this game have against me? lol


If this game would have something against you, then you wouldn’t get that much points. It looks like you’re faced strong enemys, probably 5 premates and won an “unwinnable game” and the system expected you to lose.

What’s a win doing in the Salty Mines? :grinning:

I get it, I’ve had many game I’ve won that belong in the Salt Mines and best forgotten. Glad things are swinging your way though Phase, hopefully you end the season on a win streak.

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I’m getting that many points because the game keeps matching me into losing games lol. It’s a miracle that I won that one.

Because I hated every second of that game. And I wish I didn’t keep getting games like that.

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I wish I got free 250 points

Just got out of a pretty awful game. Our KTZ and Tracer were feeding for most of the game. As a result, we started losing the Macro as the enemy Nazeebo and Samuro took advantage of their feeding to push lanes. As a result, I was forced to clear lanes quickly as Azmodan both to get stacks and pick up the exp slack (which WAS working, I was able to get us to level 10 right when the enemy team hit level 10). Our KTZ and Tracer would complain about me, ETC and Li Ming not immediately showing up and feeding with them and blamed us for the game being so one sided. As the game continued, they continued to blow chunks, allowing the enemy team to FURTHER out-macro us, repeat ad nauseum.

It’s always astonishing how people do not see that their poor play puts the team behind, necessitating the team to need to clean up their mistakes via extra soaking, pushing out lanes, etc.


It’s not free by any means.

Apparently I’m on my next throw streak. A session with Tychus, 1:0 before.

All things considered, my Li-Ming is a better anti-tank. Same shreds and way more consistency and damage over time.

Last match I tried to do nothing, as playing mages mostly I’m trying to use my abilities. It kinda helped, but I was still too vulnerable by the end.

1:4 so far. Only one match against multiple frontline, the first, that was won. But it could be the “first in five years, here is a free win” match.
I mean, you can check my match history and console me “unwinnable comps”, but it doesn’t change the results. I got 9:3 with Ming against the same folks…

Sure, my AA results is 6:14 this season. Hence not saying ranged main, but mage main.
Also aware of 51.78% QM winrate.
I’m just sad that I can’t even enjoy AA.
Fortunately, I can play whatever I want in QM. So sadness aside, it all doesn’t matter. This experience is just free rank drop for wins later, and I know more about the hero when facing it.

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My team: ETC, Probius, Qhira, Whitemane, Falstad
Enemy team Garrosh, D,VA, BW, Naz, Ophera.

Matchmaking. Balanced game. Have fun losing and wasting 20 min of your time with this troll 4 man while having zero bruisers on your team.

Guess this is becomming the norm now in qm. One team gets a main tank and a bruiser while other team is left without one making teamfight 100% lost casue I dont have the extra body to tank for me making every engage i do a hard time cause of massive cc chains towards me.

And its not first time this happens in my games. The game before was again another solo tank vs tank/bruiser team but lucky we won.

But if this solo tank vs solo tank/bruiser games keeps going then im off from this game.
I dont have time for this. Hope this is just one of those 150 bugs this game has or im done with this game. If i que up as solo tank ETC then enemy team should not be allowed to have a damm bruiser if i dont have one too.

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Do you guys think it’s a good idea to have wave clear on Braxis?

I was first pick, our last pick was…Muradin. Our only wave clear was Tychus, but he absolutely wanted to fight, so the zerg wave completely wrecked our lane.


~7 losses over the past 20 hours. Every single loss I had teammates who either threw on purpose, weren’t interested in playing HOTS or were otherwise so atrocious that even QM seems like too intense of a mode for them to be playing in. I hate the weekend so much.


It’s silver-low gold, isn’t it? I wonder why Samuro didn’t took Whirlwind, because most Samuros on his elo aren’t good.

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You could argue that my Tychus is one of those. I have no idea why, but it’s just a mess.
Q is useful PvE only, W is useful PvE only, D is useless.
I’ve gradually reduced my confidence to actively avoiding PvP.
When possible, I can sort of contribute.
But PvP is a guaranteed net loss. So any setup where I am supposed to PvP, I fail.
I think he is just way too slow for what I want to do. Tickle master. And semi-melee.

And I’m actually serious about QM.
Quite likely I’m not unique with this. Can’t do much about it, try to move on.
It’s the opposite of smurfing and it totally happens.
MM can’t do anything about it. Especially not in SL. Where I’m alternating between my Platinum and Bronze self, not kidding.

Hero Matches since 2020-12-01 Winrate since 2020-12-01 Rating
Orphea 23 56.52 2,688
Li-Ming 30 66.67 2,602
Li Li 41 43.90 2,595
Tassadar 64 64.06 2,519
Kael’thas 18 61.11 2,516
Jaina 14 64.29 2,498
Malfurion 17 76.47 2,484
Ana 13 15.38 2,242
Valla 12 33.33 2,223
Nova 13 61.54 2,219
Nazeebo 43 60.47 2,209
Rehgar 14 71.43 2,155
Lúcio 12 33.33 1,881
Mei 14 35.71 1,881
Mal’Ganis 1 0.00 1,859
Varian 15 46.67 1,859
Qhira 14 35.71 1,857
Tychus 10 40.00 1,847

Ques up as Alarak and gets into a team with Alex that disconnects 24/7 and a 0-7 feeder Naz and 1-8 feeder Zuljin that stands in boss root and dies LOL.
I got better stuff to do then playing with these kind of players.

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Pay some respects for the boss!


Hey in my last loss. We were against an Azmodan, Stitches, Uther ,DeathWing and Zul Jin. 4 out of 5 enemies have huge hp pools, and they get armor.

What do you think he picked at lvl 4? “The bigger they are” or “In the Rhythm”?

Here’s what he picked.

Master Assassin (Level 4)

Passive: Increase Tychus’s Attack Speed by 10%.

Reward: After getting 15 Takedowns, Tychus’s Attack Speed is increased by an additional 15%.


Just wait until we get 15 kills and he completes his quest.

I don’t even wonder anymore.


Is that our Melke there? :slight_smile:

I moved on to Master Assassin myself, includes a 10% D buff as well. It also helps all damage, as opposed to hero bonus only.

I played D quest initially but I didn’t scale well. Won the first with it, lost next 5.
Finishing with 50 stacks and 1 death for every 10 extra, on top of baseline 3. :wink:

I agree that these opponents aren’t as scary for D quest. Normally I’m playing into 4 ranged, ideally including a Genji and Tracer, just to make Tychus completely suicidal and also useless. :smiley:

Might be the mindset.