Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Another game with Stitches as my tank. Another loss. Player had 45% WR on him.

I mean, the game still knows I’m supposed to lose those games, as I’m still losing less than 200 pts. But can I just stop getting these games?!! (Also had a KTZ who did not combo. And occasionally stopped moving)


My account is down to Silver. God.

You seem to be getting matched with the most eccentric players Phase. A KTZ who can’t combo and stops moving… I often wonder why players take a more difficult hero like KTZ when they can’t play him, it’s not like there is a shortage of Mage heroes in the roster that are far easier to get value from.

Didn’t you start this season in Plat? It’s been a hard season for me to retain my rank and I think I have done so by playing less. The extended season seems to be bringing out the worst kind of players.

*At least you’re rich! I don’t have anywhere near that pile of gold or shards.


That’s all because you have the wrong level.
Should be 1337, not 1557.
It’s an indication you are past your prime.

I have never lost so few points. The highest adjustment I recall is about 30.

(And now, go prepare your funny lines for the next time I show up here letting off steam.)

Maybe take a break off SL and look for other heroes?
I was so convinced I’m a healer main since forever, also that Malfurion is bad. And I can only play Li Li, but so well.
Season stats make me look like a fool for thinking all that.

Being so low should enable you to pull out something else. I could make Varian work in low silver. Maybe there is something you can kind of carry with.

Like seriously, just look up my seasonal stats for inspiration. Yes, it sounds like an egotrip, sure it probably is, but I was an unhappy pile of salt not long ago. And now I’m having fun with heroes I’ve been lifetime 40%. Bits of practice and brain reset.

Or just watch a fun movie.

Oh, and welcome to my territory. It can be surprisingly friendly. Except when not.


Yeah I was in plat at the start of the season. But I have had a LOT of losses in a row due to things like this. Honestly, it seemed like the KTZ pkayer just picked the character to try him out.

Also I seem to attract Stitches players. (Along with everything else)

But I have nothing to spend them on :frowning:

Get both bad team mates, and good opponents, and you can go as low as 113. It’s my record so far.

It doesn’t matter. If I’m assassin, my Tanks either don’t show up or chase kills as if they were assassins. If I’m tank, my assassins don’t attack the targets I CC, and suicide. If I’m healer, my team mates walk right back towards the enemy after I saved them, and if I’m bruiser, my team somehow loses a 4 vs2, while I’m 3 vs 1 in my lane.

I tried everything I can think of. I now believe in curses. I’m just cursed.


Getting matched with a feeder 4 man team with arabic names who just runs around teamfighting and dying whole game. None of them took camps both bot and our own hard camps.

ETC were so bad feeding half the time and was mosh pitting with no support. Imperius ignored lanes and were only bosting his own stats and ego same with Falstad.

And Butcher same stuff.
And fun fact I have played with them before so i knew they would do this again and surprice surprice they trolled to a lost game again.

And now i get matched with a D.Va that cant even out dmg me as KTZ how cute. And Maiev ofc leaves the game. Meanwhile enemy team ofc gets favored big time with Aba hatted Artanis/raynor and Rag while i get full mage team.

Extended que in a nutshell.

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Ok follow up to my last SL. The game STILL matched me to lose. But I carried it. I don’t remember ever seeing a 250 pts adjustment except after a player quit a game.


I secured 22 of my team’s 24 kills, and fed my Butcher so he’d be a threat. Keeping my Orphea alive was REALLY hard. She kept walking past me towards the enemy team.


Screw you matchmaker!
(Oh ,and according to the MVP screen, I didn’t do anything lol)


That silly MVP screen. The Lucio getting “avenged many deaths”, where he died six times for 3 direct kills, I supposed that’s many?

Recently I had a game where our healer had the most damage, kills, assists, heals zero deaths everything better than the enemy healer. Our healer was not on the MVP screen, but the enemy got “Clutch Healer” for 3 clutch heals. So really, three clutch heals works out to “many heals that saved a dying ally?”

I find it ridiculous that some people take anything about the MVP screen seriously.


I was never sure how the game calculated that one. Do assist count in those revenge kills? I assume so as 3 seems kind of low to be defined as 'many"

That’s what I said the day it was created :frowning:

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According to your stats numbers on the screen you’re performance doesn’t seems to special, except your assists and that’s how the mvp system works. And it’s hard to track skill, but you’re right it sucks and no one should take this mvp system serious, it’s just a little boost to your ego, nothing else.


Only great players play Stukov though.

Stukov, you can die 10 times, get lowest heal, but you will most likely get the “Silencer” award. Congratulations, you pressed E a few times and hit some heroes.

On a more savory note, Imperius player. Maybe you were having a bad game, but you died 14 times mostly because you kept unsuccessfully attempting to Q the enemy Illidan. You are level 100 something with Imp, but a tip, perhaps target the clumped up Jaina, Sonya, Artanis or Andiun next time.


Storm League is a damn job.
I’m at 11 fills in a row.
Pay me. 10€ per match is a fair price.
There is no communication around it. Asking to play mage and then lose would be such a karma move.

Fortunately about today, despite my really foul unhappy mood after a stupid first match, my team managed 4v6 a few matches in a row. Kudos to the Raynor that may have realized my cyclical passiveness and started pinging instructions.

(Why did I play league? Quests to play universe heroes. Now, back to the real deal, Quick Match.)

The game really needs a) tanks and healers being fun or b) tanks and healers not being necessary.


Aren’t you in silver as well? Tbh. in silver healers aren’t mandatory, they are luxury, because most of the time they are just healbots and tanks are sandbags… I play like I have none of them and do my part for the win, soaking, participating for obj, camps and no feed. If it isn’t possible… I shouldn’t win.

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Well, thanks the match #3, I’m up to Gold 5 again. :wink:
Oh, and we had a funny match. Hogger & Uther were cooperative, the rest of us, Jaina, KTZ and my Tassadar weren’t. I was the first one to show, I just didn’t lock. I’m not sure how much of a risk it was, but it was 20:4, just minor structural losses. Pre-match chat was funny, but execution was non-toxic at all.

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Just got out a game where several teammates just blew chunks and fed all game. The enemy team also out-macro’d us very hard by securing kills and then pushing. After game ends, our Tassadar (who played bad enough that he didn’t even have HALF the damage of me (azmodan) or our chromie starts commenting about how we only lost because of team comp. I call BS on it and say we lost because we played bad (because we did overall). She starts ranting about how the enemy team comp was too good and used NOVA as evidence of it.

The more people I encounter like this, the more I realize why so many matches are awful. People don’t even realize they are playing bad and will blame literally everything else.

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So i found this Thread beeing Chat Banned the first time - now i got unmuted and will leave all my salt here and leave.

Disclaimer: I dont play ranked because the level of Trollgames is only a bit better than in QM.

I uninstalled this game a year ago after ~950 Lvls. I want to like this game because i enjoy the uncomplicated talent system and the shared xp. So i reinstalled some weeks ago because some friends also wanted to play together.

But, it became even worse. There is no game that gives me so much anger about other people. I has to be the deminishing player base.
I would say 2 or maybe 3 games out of 10 are close ones.

And then i got muted because i offended a perma-right-click-go-die-panda with like 20-30 deaths. Do you expect me to report those people in aram and qm? Does this bring any improvement to future games?
This has become a facebook game with braindead people only beeing able to attack the nearest and biggest model they face.
I wonder how people with hundreds of levels have so less clue of and easy game like this.

And then realized the last good product Blizzard made was S2 2010 and stopped complaining about a f2p game i put hundreds of hours in.

It’s a myth. you don’t get silenced, when you get reported once by someone. You need multiple reports from different players.

Based on your vocabulary in this comment it looks like you pretty much deserve your silence. Learn your lesson and move on or quit. Sounds hard? Truth doesn’t want to encourage anyone.


Learn a lesson? I already did. Mods dont watch replays and this game is starving for any players it can get. So they believe mass noob premades who report people carrying them.

How effective is the Reporting System. What do you think - LMAO

But i get it, if you just want to play a braindead game, where your performance has no impact and winning is totally random - go ahead.

Well if you feel like to protect people who are destroying the game from an high point of morale, then you could at least 1 arguement instead of canceling my post because i use a words thats offendig you - that would be great.

“Truth doesn’t want to encourage anyone.” I am native German speaker so i am not sure if i get this phrase right. The truth encouraged me to quit beeing a Blizzard fanboy.

The reporting system is not good, but it’s working, because it get you silenced an obvious toxic player. :smiley:

Looks like you’re a low elo player, because a lot of successful players tells you the opposite.

Who are you? Have we ever played together? I dont care about your posts count. I stay polite and try to lead a game. What are you even doing in this thread?